What went wrong?

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Poo poo pee pee

>hurr durr let's declare war on russia and the usa before we've beaten england! what could go wrong?

US got into the war pushed in on the west, Soviet Union pushed in on the east. Italy was useless the entire war as usual,

Hitler could've made the UK his bitch, he was just too nice and wanted the UK to fight with him, but never accounted for how zogged they and we were

Actually thinking you can declare war on a nation that rules the seas, a nation that can replace anything it loses by its mighty industrial might, and a dictatorship that will send its serfs to die so you use up your ammunition on them, all at the same time with such backwards unindustrialized allies.

German subhumans.

Nothing did. This is a simulation.

they invaded russia and let the japs attack the USA

Attacked Poland instead of France then England. Got what deserved.

do you know why they invaded Poland?
Jesus christ go read a book

Ironically, Hitler was too nice. Had he raped the UK into submission early on, he would have been better off against the commie hordes. It would have helped also if they had put more effort into heavy strat bombing too.


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Bad try, mutt.

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Socialism is socialism even if it's pro-white.

Mutts are beyond salvation.

Apologize for handing the world to the kikes right now Ivan

The Nips decided that instead of opening a 2nd front against the Ruskies, they wanted to drag the USA into the war.

Nothing went wrong, it went according to plan. When you die, you will awake. If you praised the fuhrer even after the allied propaganda you will be saved by the rightous man himself. Only if you were able to ignore the lies of the Jew could you truly love in the perfect society. He will reach his hand out into your simulation pod and pull you out himself.

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I'm still convinced Pearl Harbor was a false flag to get our war hungry asses into the war
There was literally zero reason for Japan to not go fuck up Russia
Shit most of our fleet wasnt even stationed at Pearl Harbor when the attack happened

Too many fronts to defend. Spread too thin.

The nips kicked their football into the yard where the planethood bully lived and got fucking nuked twice for being little faggots about it.

Be wary when allying with the bug people. Drones do not fear death, which leads to errors in judgement.

Adolf was an idiot and decided to fight on 2 and a half fronts. Instead of just dropping England in a blitz, then taking the oil fields in the Caucasus and cutting into Russia in the spring.


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do same pic for monkeys and africans

Nazis made pact with fucking commies of all nations and attacked peaceful neighbour, karma is real.

>Nazis made pact with fucking commies

So did the allies.

Fucking ironic, isn't it.

>>hurr durr let's declare war on russia and the usa before we've beaten england! what could go wrong?
This. He basically got Frau Germania spit-roasted so hard that the cock heads of the Western Allies and the Soviet armies met in her middle.

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Russian winter.

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>There was literally zero reason for Japan to not go fuck up Russia

Japs got beaten in border skirmishes already, and considering that after initial victories the Japs got locked in stalemates both in China and South Asia their land forces could not have done shit in Siberia, it would have been logistic hell before the battles.

Britain was fucking bankrupted from borrowing so much from the US. Wouldn’t have lasted much longer. Churchill was a fag and was close to just siding with Hitler.

The US should've ended them sooner instead of holding out with their America first agenda and got attacked.

Best case of bit off more then they could chew. The major reason for Germanys initial success was due to them figuring out first that WW2 would be a mobile war and adopting strategies that suited it along with ensuring each campaign would be short. However as time went on they became to optimistic along with the fact the allies started adapting to these strategies along with modifying it which inevitably turned it into a war of attrition which the Axis powers would never be able to win. Had Hitler waited several years after occupying Czechoslovakia he might have had a better chance though he needed that war soon due to the way the German economy was structured.

Not just any winter, if I remember 1941/42 was the coldest winter in Russia for about 100 years.

Hitler was a retard

They lost and now we have to live in this hellscape known as purgatory

operation pull out game fuckin weak is why

They did the same mistake with Trump. They declare war on everyone.

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A few things.
>holding camps for kikes instead of straight deportation
>not filming everything
>not using chemical weapons because Adolf felt they were too inhumane
>Japan aggroing America

Fun fact Moshe, Finns used to do that to fuck with Russian soldiers. Now into the oven you go kike

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Couldn't take Moscow before winter and couldn't take the caucasus the following summer. The Japs and Wops were no help either.

Not nearly having enough resources mainly.

Pissing off the whole world without making any useful allies.

Nothing, I only wish Hitler had more time to kill more young, brave and bright german men by sending them into a meat grinder of a war. Oh well.

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>"Grrrrr, yuro. Gib me dat fuggen Danzig and rest of east europe you ficken slavshit anglos! Nobody would miss you lmao"
>"Ayo wtf please don't rape mein little fraulines and bomb cities!!!!"
Molotov-Ribbentrop pact was the point of no return for krauts. Every rysski untermenchen and american negro ape cock they got in 1945 was rightly deserved for shit like Lebensraum.

Shouldn't have broken the Munich agreement that Chamberlain negotiated by taking all of Czechoslovakia and then trying to take Poland, despite promising you'll no longer seek more territory. Once Hitler did that the allies no longer trusted him, and they replaced Chamberlain with Churchill mid war. We went from "Peace for our time" to "No More Munichs." The allies were done with appeasement, and that likely carried over into our resulting foreign policy after the war.

>let's declare war on russia
It wouldn't make a difference, Russia also wanted to attack

They never teach you what the allies let happen to german women in american history class. My condolences germany

Do American schools really never teach what germans did in eastern europe besides "muh holocuast"?
Compare it with what happened to german girls, allies and including red hordes were fucking mercifull.
Oh yeah i forgot, they teach you how Nazis were huwite supremacists and fought for europeans, that's why average burgermunchers are fucking dumb.

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Fools, hindsight is 20/20.

So you're fighting Britain in the air and at sea, but you do NOT have enough oil to sustain your motorized forces. Romanian oil-imports, synthetic oil-production, it's not enough, even if all civilians stopped driving cars, the logistics would defeat the German war-effort.

90% of the worldwide oil was owned by the US and Venezuela. They might trade oil, but that's impossible due to the British blockade.

The Royal Navy rules the Mediterranean Sea, it's not possible for the Kriegsmarine to reinforce the Regia Marina, which means that it's logistically impossible to sustain an even larger Italo-German desert force, which in turn means that conquering Egypt, reaching Iraq and Iran, to get to the Middle-Eastern oil, was impossible.
Especially when you look at the ability for transport to Europe from the Gulf and the capacity to refine oil into petroleum, it was impossible.

So the only geostrategic option on Planet Earth (assuming you can't just send a million paratroopers from outer space into Texas and New Mexico) for the Third Reich to even continue the war, was to conquer the Caucasus and the oilfields of Maykop, Grozny and Baku.
And from experience the Germans knew that they could defeat the Russians, they actually did in WW1. The Finns had since defeated the Russians, during the Finnish war for indpendence (1918) and they broke the Russian advance in 1940 during the winter war.
From a German viewpoint, there was nothing to stop the Wehrmacht (the exact same force that defeated France in 6 weeks) from destroying the Red Army, capturing the oil fields and holding the line.
Franz Halder fucked it up by changing Operation Barbarossa to focus on Moscow instead of going for the Caucasus
Still, the Wehrmacht destroyed 40% of the Red Army at the Battle of Kiev and another 40% at the Battle of Vyazma-Bryansk.
Of course they thought to win when starting Fall Blau, until that even Brits&Yanks did.

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How do you like my map?

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thinking the brit bongs would go for peace and not conspire with the US to join the war.
letter to mexico to attack the US?

caucus oil.

What's language of each region?

We’re as much guility as they are.

>have a small navy and limited resources
>go to war against the most powerful navies

Hitler was a terrible strategist that's all.

I don't believe this at all

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England couldn't keep their exceptionally long nose out of other people's business

Plenty burgers are retarded and their view of history is as well, I agree.

But you mess up things.
>Compare it with what happened to german girls, allies and including red hordes were fucking mercifull.
The Soviet Union suffered up to 30 million deaths during WW2.

A good amount of that is the NKVD killing and deporting people behind the frontlines in 1944/45.
Some of it was due to the violence and demolition during frontline fights.

Most of it is due to starvation and persecution, which is ultimately linked to logistics and partisan warfare.

Well, German logistics were shit, which you probably aren't told in Latvia.

When you have to supply an entire Army, with the shitty Soviet trails, with small trains, while getting constantly raided and harassed by partisan groups, who occupy areas larger than some countries, civilian infrastructure basically devolves into footpaths.

The British blockade Germany, Germans have to supply their own civilians/soldiers with Soviet food.
The partisans steal the Food from Germans/civilians, the Germans give the people more food, partisans return, the people starve.
Or the Germans just send troops (many of them were criminals in penal battalions) out to make out and round up people who support the partisans, which creates more partisans, which creates more violence, which creates more starvation and new counter-partisan measures.
Meanwhile Soviets lack that exact food from the West, so civilians starve.

Also, all the groups, Ukrainians, Poles, Jews, Belarussians, Caucasians, Tatars, Cossacks, Kazakhs, Turkmens, Russians, Balts, Estonians, nationalists, fascists, communists, fight each other and/or support the Germans/Soviets, which complicates things further.

The chaos wasn't intended, SS certainly didn't want to kill blue-eyed, light-haired Ukrainian schoolchildren, Wehrmacht hated blown-up trains, police/gendarmerie would prefer to have peace behind the lines.

Though when there's 1,000,000 partisans, that happens.


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Soviets interfered in Manchuria by providing Chinese with weapons and tanks. Japanese’s attempted an incursion but were met with Zhukovs army. Zhukov Ultimately came out victorious, this helped deter Japan from touching the Soviet Union.

Are you actually Mongolian or is that a Proxy?

Also, the goal of the Germanic empire would be to slowly unify into one, pure, Germanic Nation, so eventually a language would either be created or chosen for everyone to adopt, although for the short term each region would retain its own language and English (being spoken by most in these Germanic regions) would be adopted as a secondary language in non-English speaking Germanic countries, and Government Addresses would be in English. The same would likely happen in the Japanese empire, with Japanese being the dominant tongue. Spanish would probably be the dominant language in the Iberian Empire. Russian would be the dominant language in Russia.

Hitler was too merciful

It's a good peace when you entirely butcher the integrity and borders of Bohemia and Moravia, but not good when you try to fix the border of Pommerelia?

That's Jew logic, my friend.

they fucked with the wrong race and got the pushback
>inb4 1488 larpers
long live israel

>Soviets interfered in Manchuria by providing Chinese with weapons and tanks.
You got something wrong, the Soviets invaded and were involved in fighting themselves, with their Army.

They send equipment, material and advisors to the KMNT way before, because of their common interests shared against the Japanese Army and Mao's Red Army.

Zhukov protected us.
Try use proxy then.


What's it like in Mongolia? What are gun laws like? Also, Japan would probably have treated the Mongolians well.

Hitler was a dumb gambler who went against his own advice in Mein Kampf

Fuck, you mutts are preposterous, with your armchair theorizing and anecdotes.

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I mean, the easiest answer is that ya'll got beat so bad, "Mein Fuhrer' shot himself.

Because he's a bitch, just like every neo out there.

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This is something i cant wrap my head around. Why not going a little bit slower but steadily? Why not defeat all the niggers around you and then declare war to the other countries? Not trying to be a smartass but it sounds only logical to me not to declare war to everyoneat the same time.

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Daily reminder allies anglos are cucks who chose niggers, spics and jews over whites.

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They invaded Poland and let Communists invade Europe.

Pretty based tbqh.

classic faggot

It was rigged from the beginning. The U.S. was already fully support the Soviet Union and giving them an unfair advantage. They were still shit though lol

they were uneducated brainwashed right wing dumbfucks just like the confederacy trash

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cool story bro

Roosevelt campaign to inicite war in Europe, secret polish docunents.
Have a nice read faggots

You are forced to fight the wars around you by strategic circumstance.
>We need to secure our borders.
Annex Czechoslovakia.
>We need to reconnect East Prussia with the Reich by West Prussia and get Danzig (now under NSDAP control and 95% German anyway) back into the Reich.
Invade Poland.
>France and Britain declare war on us
We'll have to invade and fight them as well, later.
>The transportation of Swedish ores to Germany through Norway is threatened by the Actions of the British Navy, British diplomatic ties to Norway and the threat of an Allied Expeditionary Corpse
>Norway is not accessable without Denmark
So we invade Denmark
>Allied Expeditionary Corps will arrive at anytime, now Norway will be attacked to secure the ore-road at Narvik and the ice-free harbours
So we invade Norway.
>We can't break straight through the French Maginot Line; Moltke Plan
We shall invade Belgium and Luxembourg.
>Going through the Ardennes alone has failed in WW1
We will invade the Netherlands as well.
>Yugoslavia has signed the Axis Pact, but three days later a coup-d'état of the Yugoslav Military backed by the British has occured and the Pact is ended
We invade Yugoslavia then.
>Italy has attacked Greece and needs our help
We'll go there too, it's nearby.
>Italy has attacked Egypt and needs our help
We send an expeditionary force.
>The oil will not be enough by octobre of 1941, then it will slowly go down, we need to attack the USSR, we'll either lose the economic and strategic war with Britain and Stalin will opportunistically strike 2 years later
We invade the Soviet Union.
>The Japanese attack Hawaii and are about to wage full-out war in the Pacific, their force is superior to the Americans. The US ordered the shoot-at-sight order, expanded his Atlantic Security Zone and delivered warships to the British, while the IJN defeats them, we'll expand our submarine war.
We fight the US.

The only set goals were Poland&the USSR, yet geopolitics disagreed with Germany.

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Pretty simplicistic of me to think that you can just declare war to those around you whithout thinking about geopolitics like resources alliances and so on.
Thanks hans.

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The Wehrmacht was only pushed out of foreign territory after 5 years of geostrategic isolation, continued campaigning, occupation of others, War in the Atlantic and British blockade, 2 years of strategic bombing campaigns by the British and Americans and 3 years of meatgrinding on the Eastern Front against the Red Army.

And until then, no hostile boot entered German soil.

4 out of 5 casualties occured on the Eastern front and 4 out of 5 casualties occured in the last two years of the war.
Even when defending the homeland, hopelessly outnumbered and outgunned, the Wehrmacht, Waffen-SS, Volkssturm and German Police Forces inflicted significant casualties on the enemy and tactically beat them in fights with exhausted and unfit soldiers with bad equipment, lack of proper weaponry, ammunition, clothing and food, almost no fuel and no noteworthy air-support, against masses more of infantry, artillery and tanks, supported by massive air forces, as in the Battles of Bautzen or Battle of Hürtgenwald.

The Wehrmacht was never badly beaten without fighting back more heavily, like a boxer on retreat.

They didn't "let" anyone invade Europe, they inflicted hundreds of thousands of fatalities and millions of wounds even when with their back to the wall.

And they certainly weren't idiotic. You don't fight the largest human conflict in history on your own, til the end, without having a great leader, calculated generals, competent officers, skilled NCOs and able soldiers.

>Thanks hans.
You're welcome very much, Luigi.

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Do you think if the UK and France let Geramny alone it will be peace?
I don't think so

the men still have that classic neanderthal look to them

>Do you think if the UK and France let Geramny alone it will be peace?
There certainly is no peace when you plan to wage static trench warfare as the Anglo-French generals did.

The German government wanted political dominance through the power of posessing all the food and industry of the East to remain self-sufficient, but it would take a few decades to colonize the East properly and it would likely result in political issues and negotiations within the party. This would distract Germany from war.

Hitler stated that he had no interest in war against the Western powers. He was very fine with the British Empire and French Empire, he would just have his own Empire in the East.

All he wanted was for Germany to become a great power like the British, French or Americans and the dominant force in continental Europe as it was supposed to be.

Though he didn't lay any claims on the West. He was fine with the independence of the Benelux countries and before the war he didn't even make official claims on Elsaß-Lothringen.
He wanted the Continental German people to be united, though not through bloodshed with them.

A political agreement with the British and French is entirely acceptable for Hitler, it's the East he wants and as long as others stay out of it, it's fine.

The UK.

I was inspired to merge Portugal and Spain by
Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera.

Shut the fuck up French cuck, France had rightful German clay with German people living on it and historically inhabiting it. Also, Britain was controlled by the Jews, as were the French.

Yeah, this is a simulation to show you what life would be like if they had lost. Basicly Incels everywhere.

Quantum Nazism: Basically every other timeline gets taken over by nazis, while we are in a technological slump. 1940's nazism not modern nazi larps. The core died with Adolph, and the other quantum timelines keep us around as an oddity/controlled variable. Seriously, every german i meet, i'm like, "How did they lose?" they don't care about anything except how well to do something. Meanwhile people are getting killed over mass produced shoes, and cold french fries.....

>hurr durr Nazis were technologically superior
lmao then why'd they get their shit pushed in by the U.S.? Especially after all their top physicists, who were Jewish, left and helped create the atomic bomb.

Are you implying something went wrong?
user, WW2 went exactly according to plan, like literally 100% was achieved of what was supposed to happen from day 1.

WW2 is nothing else but the biggest jewish trick they ever managed to pull off.

I mean, you have to admire the german dedication and precision --- it takes an unbelievable amount of skill and concentration to manage to blow Europe up almost entirely, murder 50+ million gentiles (non-jews), and yet somehow miraculously manage not to kill even 1 important jew.

Hell, not only they didnt HURT even 1 important jew, Hitler personally ordered to release the single most important jew that lived in his times and sent him to USA to safely avoid the entire war.

People who think WW2 had anything to do with "removing jews from power" deserves to be shot in the head to remove such stupidity from the global gene pool.

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>lmao then why'd they get their shit pushed in by the U.S.?

the what now?
how many germans were between france and germany in 1944?
like.... five?
USA didnt push anyones shit in the european theatre, user, your entire involvement in europe in WW2 is nothing else but a gigantic meme.

Germs not realizing that the resources were on africa and not on europe

They would have caught up. They were a small country fighting way too many fronts. Sure they got rid of their top jewish scientist, but einstein did not hold the one and only gate to nuclear physics. Nuclear tech, just exists, there for anyone to learn with the right motivation and thinking patterns. They were on the cusp, that's why he americans and brits worked so hard, had to work so hard. One little country of robots almost took over the world. Think about it.

Sometimes i think , since they totally bought into the darwinism thing, that they sacrificed themselves as a sort of selection pressure, forcing the rest of the world to catch up. Look into Nazi antartic spaceships. They found something and fucked off.

Socialism... once again

>They would have caught up. They were a small country

lmao imagine actually unironically believing any of that nonsense.