Did any of you faggots notice how contrived this "viral" green shirt guy episode was? I'm thinking the whole thing was made up by leftists to regain the 20-35 yr old white, male demographic. He even has sports an unironic "masculine" mustache. I think everyone involved, including protestors, were actors.
Anyone have actual information on what green shirt was doing before this?
That's the type of laugh you fake for your boss at work or a girl you're trying to bang.
Austin Martinez
It's so crazy cuz I literally have seen this guy in my city trying to get sanctuary City signitures. After the popularity of this meme I think it's pretty obvious that my city is about to take you to a very dark turn.
Ethan Lewis
I react the same way towards disruptive protestors across the spectrum. It's always pure cringecomedy whether they're screeching about trans rights or building walls. Shit, it's the reason I come here, I literally have this expression on permanently when I browse Jow Forums
Ethan Murphy
That's weird, dude.
Juan Ortiz
I cant' decide from your grammar whether you are not from america, are over 40 yrs old, or just have bad grammar.
Joshua James
this dude is setting off my "gaydar" big time
Joshua Parker
Blue shoes with green shirt and pedo mustache if he was with the protestors the left would be calling him a incel
Bentley Campbell
Maybe so. I just wanted to know if you anons had seen hm before. He already has a twitter account out of washington d.c. based ofd of this video
Brayden Wright
Who cares he’s drying pussies up of centrist women the harder they shill this faggot
Dylan Taylor
Dude, take a couple more seconds to respond and write somethig coherent and in proper english.
Caleb Morris
Dude, take a second to figure out your thread is shit and your questions are irrelevant as well your reactions to me suspicions.
Brandon Garcia
Colton Cox
I missed it, what is he laughing at?
Nathaniel Wilson
Nothing translating as laughing Condescending, with a touch of pretension It's too obvious that it makes me cringe Only retards can't see that he's pretending
Joseph Long
I was just thinking that's the scared nervous laugh the rich guy gives when the actual man enters the room. DYEL greeny? If he had some muscles I might respect him more.
Oliver Robinson
He makes their vaginas dry. He wicks the moisture out of their front holes until they get chapped. The more you show this guys face the more womens ovaries shrivel up.
Ethan Ortiz
Only thing more of a waste of time, is looking into this any more.
Joseph Johnson
Matt Dillon Something About Mary Clone most definitely an actor
Jayden Allen
Srsly I want to see it is it some toothless redneck or just some random guy in a red hat? The fact CNN won't show us tells me it's probably not that bad.
>I think everyone involved, including protestors, were actors This pretty well summs up modern news media. Fake outrage, fake victims, distorted narrative, bussed in protesters.
Lucas Gomez
>metro soitard >extremely loud shirt >conveniently sitting all alone >laughing unspontaneously >CNN telling people what's "viral".
Yeah looks totally unplanned.
Nolan Reed
guy looked like a literal retard with the most exaggerated fake laugh I've ever seen total goyim'd beans out
Caleb Jackson
Is CNN reposting their own failed attempts at staging viral videos hoping it will stick now?
Anthony Parker
It's a shitty meme forced by corporations. That said we should steal it from them anyway.
Matthew Sullivan
>I think everyone involved, including protestors, were actors. how about you prove it schizo?
Xavier Roberts
>grand conspiracy
Austin Harris
fake and gay
Jason Carter
Hopefully Jeffrey Epstein videos of Bill Clinton go viral soon.
Parker Evans
I'm on here everyday bashing Trump and hating on Russian trolls, and even I thought it looked totally fake the instant I saw it.