Would you colonize a black woman?
Would you colonize a black woman?
Of sorts
Only if she looked white
been there, done that, was fun but I don't recommend.
would shag her till she couldn't see straight
I agree
Gross. They have banana tits, bad breath, and cheese crusted pussy. You can fuck all the chimps you want. I'll pass
I would also love to sack the Jerusalem of a hijbai hottie
Another spam thread. What a fucking mess. Stop spamming these beautiful queens.
ya probably
I agree
what's wrong with her ass? why is it shaped like that?
Tug on her hair. If it stays, no. If it flies off her head, no.
It's the yoga pants. Imagine how she looks without then and despair so.
>I found a picture of Timmy
>He looks just like his father
> aww, look he has his mother's eyes
god damn
>they only look good from behind
I'd colonize that piece of ass in a heartbeat, monkeyboy
I am so glad the nigger did not steal that motorcycle
I have a white gf that cooks for me almost every night. We do plan on having kids and getting married too. However she thinks I go to work on the weekends but really I'm in Philly railing some thick nigger bitch. Shes actually mixed so her complexion is light enough to get you hard. While her nigger boyfriend is out slinging dope like a typical low life nigger, I'm in his bed filling his bitch up with my white seed. She even lets me call her a nigger when I fuck her. When I leave, her nigger kids are usually fighting in the other room so I usually call them both niggers or monkeys before I walk out the door. She don't even get mad. She kisses me bye with those big lips and grabs my ass, even gives me a coffee to go.
if you want to die of aids