RIP Beebo
Richard Russell was the best of us. Post other Jow Forums saints to raise morale.
RIP Beebo
Richard Russell was the best of us. Post other Jow Forums saints to raise morale.
Other urls found in this thread:
poor sky king
>be white guy
>wah life is hard it sucks being white
>instead of bettering ones self, just give up and take a plane and kill yourself
>don't even minecraft the plane into some organization hurting white people
What a loser. Life is hard so he kills himself. All you weak people who are in love with him, please follow your leader. The white race doesn't need you pathetic faggots.
Being white doesn't matter. Glow harder.
Dude was legit because he had brass balls to take the plane and didn't hurt anybody on the way out.
He had enough as many of us do and went out in spectacular fashion.
The guy whined about how hard his life was so he ended it. This is literally what Jews and non whites want all white people to do. You are pathetic.
i can smell the cocoa butter and fried chicken coming off your post, nigger.
Good so follow him if he is so amazing. You sound so pathetic every time you deify him for committing suicide.