Tfw you realize you are just an easily replaceable cog in a soulless machine that trains other cogs to exclude people...

>tfw you realize you are just an easily replaceable cog in a soulless machine that trains other cogs to exclude people from the machine for questioning the machine
why couldnt i just be born an elite bros?

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Most of the Rothschilds are useless money blowing vapid cunts meant to insulate the dangerous members of the family via association with mediocrity

If that's how you feel, then you're absolutely right. Let your life have no meaning or value if you want, that's not how it has to be but it's how you're letting it be.

You won’t want to be an elite in a couple of months

That would be too easy padre

>Let your life have no meaning or value if you want, that's not how it has to be but it's how you're letting it be.
Just pretend that you matter!

You're just a selfish nigger that doesn't understand momentum and wants to famefaggot over the rest of humanity.
Elites are literal cancer that will forever loose control.
No one can control chaos.
Only the self realized master find truth.

For within Chaos only Truth survives.

nothing ever happens larper, just keep working at souless corporation #200 and consume more products while your wages shrink and your voting power is taken away from you.

>Elites are not controlled by a machine of their own.
The biggest illusion in this universe is the illusion of free will. Everyone from plebs to elites are boxed in by their environment and the choices available to people are always limited in any environment.
>Elites are replaceable just like you.

>elites will lose control forever
every revolution in world history ends in ruin or in a new elite class

>You'd be any better with the same amount of power as the Rothschilds.

Just had to resign from my job

>work well for 3 months
>Get told I was doing a good job by management
>Get injured
>Now told Im not doing a good job by management.
>went to comp and took time off work to heal
>Saw my job on the job boards
>Quit the day I went back in so I didnt have a fire on my record

I job hopped too much in previous times before this an d was trying to get some solid time under my belt but they fucked me

I should have known because they fired two people over the same thing in a months time.Fuck them and fuck this non union shit..I dont even feel 100% about unions either

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>Live life the American way.
Our country never deserved the wealth we have. Because our culture was not developed enough to handle the unprecedented wealth that came to these lands at the end of WW2. Fake it till you make it is perhaps the worst advice I've ever heard come out of an empty American culture. Because it epitomizes America - 100% marketing 0% substance.

>illusion of free will

>Any of us can actually elect the leader of a global empire every 4/8 years.
And we wonder why the rest of the world thinks us stupid.

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My life never needed meaning.

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good luck fren

Elites have people worshipping them but ultimately they're still a slave to the system.

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Sorry to hear what happened to you. But America is moving towards being the HQ of the globe spanning petrodollar empire. Most manufacturing jobs have been outsourced and only high skilled jobs will be retained on the homeland. There will be a slow but steady transition to a techno feudal empire where either you're a highly skilled individual making big bucks or you're a pleb. You should try getting into a computer bootcamp, learning Comp Sci and getting into the techno race. There is no way out and America will leave behind all those who are not highly skilled in the near future.

I ask myself the same question everytime i see kids in middle class looking families. Did you like Dragon crisis?

>Elites have people worshipping them but ultimately they're still a slave to the system.
Absolutely. It's just that our bosses/masters are tangible entities. The system is the boss/master of the elites. Even they are at the mercy of the system that is far too complex for them to control.
>Elites are flying by the seat of their pants just like the rest of us.

Im not smart technologically to do that. Im heading back into working at the prisons as a guard. They need bodies to throw into the grinder and the pay is too good to not jump in said grinder

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You're only a pawn if you play the game

Such a pretty kitty

absolutely cog'd

This. Im learning to grow or hunt and raise my own food. These last few years ive become disgusted with the rush to get tons of money. Its ruins shit. Ive been researching agriculture and permaculture and aquaponics. Ive also been drawing plans for my future home. Quonset hut or metal polebarn

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>tfw you realize you are just an easily replaceable cog
Nope, I'm a programmer

>Pretending that foreign ISFJ's are smarter than American INTP's

Easily replaceable cog. An indian can do your job.

how do you propose we get out?

if thats true then why do we take in 1 million people every year

>code monkey thinks he's a developer

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Good luck user. You can always use the information to help your children make better choices.


user, we're all trapped in the plane that's uout of fucking fuel. The refueling jets tried and failed. Choose where the fuck you want to crash.

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Based and self sufficient pilled
Remember to get ar15s and ammo too

Man up

>Why is America taking in more people even though citizens don't have jobs.
Demographic change. The white majority is being replaced with multiple minorities. To effectively rule a country, you need minorities that all tussle for power than a single majority that can overthrow the government.

With the media calling for impeachment and boxing white people (who have all the guns) in, it's fairly obvious that the government's endgame has begun. The government has covered all its bases and is confident of taking guns away from the population - they're just waiting for the right trigger event.

Getting my AR this Christmas. I aint no hippie doing this shit but my family comes from farmers so its kind our thing. I plan on raising normal animals. Chicken,goat, sheep and maybe a few ostriches or emu. Everyone should be doing this ...not sure how it is up in leafland there bro

Take a deep breath and say so what... pic related.

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>Mongolian flag
I haven't seen that on Jow Forums in ages. What timeline is this boyz?
The way of the dao is a little more complex than that frendo.

that kitty is a cutie pat00tie

This shit worries me because if the news is right the republican McConnell said he might be down for passing assault gun band in October...if the republicans turn on us the civil war is trucking right along

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god its been so long since ive seen ebin memes

There won't be a civil war user. The petrodollar empire exists because Americans consume like monkeys without thinking twice. A civil war will bring all that consumption to a halt and completely stall the global economy. If the elites were not confident of winning a civil war, or completely destroying the rebels in a short frame of time - say a month or so - they wouldn't be pushing liberal rhetoric so hard on the television and boxing white people in with RINOs.

Don't plan on a civil war. You will be on the losing side if you fight the government.

an elite is just a cog of a different colour. very few if any truly direct any action on this mortal plane

No, a civil war would end badly with a military that swears on the Constitution, not the government. Even 25% of the military going rogue would be the end of any coup.

In the matrix of society we humans have created, sure. But remember, that is an overlay for the real world we live in and in that world we are not so replaceable.

keep laughing while i automate your jobs away

what anime?

the anxiety always builds up in me when i think about the psychology of a mass shooter. its just some degenerate psychopath who was checked out of society and saw no other solution. i always hear that an animal cornered is more dangerous than an animal starving but these lunatics arent hungry and these lunatics arent even cornered. it doesnt take much for this machine to push someone to kill innocent americans who arent even their enemy and yet they still poke the bear. i forgot my train of thought here but all i can think of when the media and the establishment become more radical and exclude more cogs from the machine is how much danger they put us in. but the danger isnt for the elites, only for the little people who were audacious enough to stand up and tell them to stop. only the innocent suffer for the crimes of the elites who wage warfare against the cogs with other cogs. its sick.

>The military will go rogue
Sorry to break your bubble hun. If you haven't realized it yet, the conservatives have all the guns and the left is just a bunch of empty vessels who're making a lot of noise. If conservatives pull the trigger, they will be painted as villains across the globe. There will be no place for them to hide.

The army, that you are so reliant on in case of a coup, has been programmed by the government to follow orders. This will especially be true when they also realize that the right is on a rampage against unarmed civilians - who no matter how crazy are allowed by the constitution to act like mental asylum patients.

The biggest problem in a civil war for the rebel army will be supplies.
>Pic related.
Our economy is non-existent except in food and agriculture. We import in all other sectors. That means, supplies for the rebel army will be dependent on foreigners cooperating with the rebel army. Why will they? When the rebel army is supported by Trump - who has already been painted as a clown across the world.

So you see user, the government has conservatives right where it wants them. The government is just waiting for one false move from the right.

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whoops kek

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Baby's first philosophical crisis that every other person with a brain has already thought and written books about.

what would change? you'd just be a shiny cog instead of just a cog, you think 'elites' are not subject to jew's control?

>why couldnt i just be born an elite bros?
All but one of the elite families is going to suffer the same fate as us. They're replacing us with AI. Whoever among them wins that struggle to be dominant with AI will kill all the other elites.

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>only the innocent suffer for the crimes of the elites who wage warfare against the cogs with other cogs. its sick.
It's evolution user. Single cellular organisms evolved into complex multi cellular organism. Tribes evolved into farming communities into kingdoms into nations into a globe spanning empire.

Does your brain care if it loses red blood cell? It will just replace it with another one. That's the level the elites are on. It's not entirely their fault. They just don't know you well enough to differentiate you from another pleb. To them you're replaceable, because you are replaceable. They are the brains of the society - and all they care about are their preferences and how you can help them get to where they want to go.

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Elites will be hunted to the ends of the earth

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Taoism is a bad meme.

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theres 0 endgame for the government if a civil war happens. our infrastructure is too weak to survive the terrorist and rebel attacks and our population is too well armed to keep controlled.
but you are wrong, the governments end game would be starving the rebellion to death until they comply. all it would take is key infrastructural strikes to weaken our communication and economic hubs like airports and bridges and power grids. 1 cop shot one exconvict who illegally owned fire arms and milwaukee stood still as their cities was set on fire and 2 police stations were completely shut down. the government cant just glass citizens or it will make more rebels. the government cant frame it as right vs left, everyone they kill is an american. they cant frame it as trump vs the establishment, trump is the government. all we can do is hope that civil war never happens and the coming chaos and economic destruction from the violence is avoided.

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the user who is posting spurdos is the absolute most based man on this website

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i got you senpai

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sometimes Jow Forums needs a good fucking laugh, otherwise, the only thing keeping us alive is hope for the future where accelerationism brought about a race war and we finally have a fucking utopia full of white children

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>theres 0 endgame for the government if a civil war happens. our infrastructure is too weak to survive the terrorist and rebel attacks and our population is too well armed to keep controlled.
Is that what you know? Or what you believe? There's a saying in the military. The worst possible situation is where you're 100% confident of where you are, and you're 100% incorrect.

Even if the population is armed, they need to have the will to overthrow the government and be ready to be painted as the villains across the globe user. Civil War 2.0 will not be painted as the American Revolutionary war, nor will it be painted as two ideological sides fighting each other as Civil War 1.0. Make no mistake. Civil War 2.0 will be Conservatives vs. the rest of the world. And conservatives have already been painted as white supremacist, war mongering, and hateful beings with weapons.

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>the government cant frame it as right vs left, everyone they kill is an american
Who will relay this message to everyone across the globe? The media? There are two aspects to war user. One on the battlefield where bodies are thrown at each other and the other is the theater of public opinion.

this is the specific meme i was thinking about when i saw the first spurdo this thread

Sorry for derailing the thread. Hope you nigs had a laugh. Carry on as usual.

the media who hates trump and everything he does and works tirelessly to conjure new controversies for him is going to side against americans? they applauded the antifa fire bomber user. they do whatever makes them money, they have no allegiance. no one in this cog eat cog world has any.

They all try to fire you, so they don't have to pay unemployment.

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Thanks for the nostalgia user.
>the media who hates trump and everything he does and works tirelessly to conjure new controversies for him is going to side against americans?
But the whole world considers liberals as Americans - not gun trotting conservatives. YOU consider conservatives as Americans because you're one of them.
>they do whatever makes them money
Yes, and a civil war will not make them money because people will be too busy fighting each other to consume the products they're selling.


maybe ur right, maybe im wrong. we can both agree that a civil war is the worst case scenario for normal people like us.

It is. The only silver lining is that because of the petrodollar empire, either it won't occur, or even if it does, it won't last long.

How indeed.
Or... think of some complexity system better than our confirmation bias reverse rationalism approval of current generated complexities and then how to get IN to that. But it is both roughly and smoothly good, is it not? The systems work.

>is not not?
Don't even get emailed your countries concise and lucid law books for citizens for free. Nor updated laws emails. Nor a vote in and of it.

>The systems work
So did primitive barbaricnesses.

But it is selfoptimising and recursively improving.

>selfoptimising and recursively improving
Is it? Or is it deteriorating at the seams and in the cores?
Granted; it is also other and interoptimising.

How did this one work out?

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Escape velocity transcendence horizons.