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Surely this is one of our gag accounts.

Autist spergotrons like OP don’t really do satire. No matter how painfully obvious and unfunny

What a nightmare world he just described where his actions are in anyway rational or virtuous, and not completely retarded.

I was there, I was clapping.

>everyone stood and clapped
this can't be real. is it?

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lol is this satire i cant tell anymore

I gave him a $100 bill.

At what point did you stop reading that tweet, OP?

it happened i saw it

>I asked for her pro nouns
>Everyone clapped

Story that never happened. Normies would look at you side ways talking about all that 76 genders shit.

and that city's name? Albert Einstein

>I was there, I was clapping.

Clapping is very triggering to people with sensory overload. You should do the jazz hands, you bigot!!

oh shit it's real a fat guy in an "I Punch Nazis" shirt just flew over my house!

No it's true I was the black lady

Should punched the Vaginal Nazi

>everyone clapped

And then my 8 year old clapped as a nazi flew over my house.

I don't know what's real anymore it sounds ridiculous but it's the current year

Jazz xands is discriminatory to xose without xpendages.

>things that never happened for 500 Alex

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fuck what happened?


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Satire doesn't work anymore.

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We all were. And then we all clapped, again.

you niggers are posting about this weak troll shit but I haven't seen one post yet on Bidens latest two gaffes

And everyone clapped

Clapping hands just flew over mine

>We are that will that will the spark light the burn the world fire down

What did they mean by this?

I dont want to live in this world anymore

"Then I stopped by cvs to pick up my wife's son's hormone blockers"

This is a shitty parody account that has completely failed to get any traction so the faggot "author" is sharing trigger bait.

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Yeah sure that happened. The only thing that pig is punching is hamburgers down his throat.

>everyone stood up and clapped
hes meming us

Well I sucked his dick

I always invite those people to get into a fight with me but for some reason they never actually want to back up those shirts and stickers with actions.

You'd think they'd jump on the opportunity.

Jow Forumsthathappened

these people are lose, women are such a mistake

Punch (Ashke)nazis.

IT’S A FUCKING PARODY ACCOUNT OF SOME COMIC BOOK FAGGOT. For fuck’s sake, 30 seconds of work would have shown this, but goddamn, most of you are just goddamned lazy.

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Nice one huebro
>needs the tee-shirt

smoke a joint ... this is a shitposting thread


Garlic Vucic and Nathan Yahoo