
I have been catholic for 4 years now, but after all the kiddy diddling, started to ask questions.
Saw the guns were called into question, saw the for profit churches come out, saw a bunch of shit. Was ostracized and told I am not a, "real christian", I explained I do not find the kiddy diddling and idolatry of people/saints to be needed, I believe that all power comes from God and by him we have power. My fellow Catholics denied this and cited non Biblical references. What does Jow Forums think?

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how the fuck is god made out of bread though that doesn't make any sense

Its symbolic, dumbass. Jesus wanted you to accept his faith and the bread represents that.
Catholics are freaks though, fuck them, they're all preverts.

Welp maybe now you can be spiritual on your own and form your own beliefs and not rely on a commercial priesthood that demands your money and time.

It's a super natural ritual established by christ during the last supper, it changes the substance from bread into god.

>idolatry of people/saints to be needed
That Protestantism thats condemned.
>I explained I do not find the kiddy diddling
That's novus ordo modernist Rome for yea, novus ordo Romes condemned by catholicism traditional catholicism.

Sede vacante

>Its symbolic, dumbass.
No it's not, it's god you're a heretic and condemned to believe otherwise

>Be Protestant (denomination #1173) with no knowledge of Church history, Theology, myth/structure used in the Bible, nor any spiritual depth
>Shitpost about kiddie fiddlers since there's literally nothing else I could talk about without looking like an idiot
>Somehow since the Catholics are wrong in some things, I must be right in everything

It's all so tiresome

real talk I want my tithe to go to the hungry and widowed. I don't attend a for profit church, but my tithe is for those down on their luck, but I see it going to landscaping and needless upgrades.

Bro, literal crisis of faith and you attack that I don't like kids being touched and raped...nice.

The Catholic Church is the Body of Christ, the Church of true believers in Christ. The Vatican isn't mentioned at all.

Most cradle Catholics aren't catechized at all and don't understand what the Church is.

Protestants aren't Christians. They believe in a book, not Christ. They can be very good people and can even help lead you to discipleship with Christ even if their worship of a book prevents them from a truly personal relationship with Jesus.

You need the sacraments and you need to attend Mass on Sunday if you can get there. Christ can work His work through even the faggot priest. He doesn't need the priest to be saved in order to save you.

The Church is a Divine institution, not a human one. If the flaws in the human facade are causing a problem for you, you need to pray about your lack of faith. In fact some nominal Protestants are really good Catholics. Despite their professions of heresy, they truly seek and have a personal connection with Christ.

You are required by Catholic doctrine to instruct the ignorant, so you should continue to point out sin in the ecclesiarchy. You are also required to do so in a charitable manner.

The most important thing is a personal friendship with God. That's what Christ said is most important. To love God.

You have to love God in spite of the fact that most of the people who claim to speak for Him are shitty people. God loved you through the worst torture men could devise. It's a start.

The only people who think venerating saints is "idolatry" are Protestants, who I doubt even know what the word means.

You're not Catholic. And if you are, you were probably baptized and attended services with your family maybe 3 times a year growing up without being taught or understanding anything.

literally all I want is for people to do the 2nd greatest commandment. Treat others like yourself. Don't be a dick in layman's terms. If you're hungry I hope someone would feed you, if your hurting financially I hope someone would help. I am not asking that the world go completely weak, there will always be predators, but damn I wish people would actually help other instead of just walking by. I have done this, have had stuff stolen, had to go to court about it (due to firearms), and had my shit kicked in, but I still want to help...It just seems no one wants to accept or help in return.

>be Catholic
>don't know anything about the earliest sect dating back to the apostles and the different church fathers, but throw around "theology" because you read a single sentence of Augustine's works
>think that the Mosaic law and teachings of Christ are separate
>think that because the New Testament is written in Greek, therefore you must base everything on a Neoplatonic cosmology
>be borderline liberal cosmopolitans
>claim to hate the jews, but give jewish minorities the greatest privileges for half of medieval history and base your view of the Law on the Talmud
>you don't understand why people call atheists "secular Christians"
It's all so tiresome.

Catholicism is the only way to go to rabbi jesus' heaven.

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legit question, God tore the veil between himself and the public to give access directly to him when he died on the cross, why must I pray to Mary for intercedence instead of going to the throne of Jesus directly? The more I look the more praying to Saints seems blasphemous.

Let's stick with the kiddy diddling.
Late 50s into the 70s, during the cultural and sexual revolution, the priesthood was filled with homosexual infiltrators. This was the Catholic Churches mistake though, in order to get with the times and be more hip they allowed this to happen, by lowering standards.
Over the next decades these liberal homos then precede to molest kids on a scale never seen before.
Now there is plenty of victims, the mass media highlights all these cases and mercilessly pummels the church (This would be fine if the media had no ulterior motive and remained unbiased, chasing the many cases of abuse happening in institutions outside of the church, but they rarely do). At the same time, the same media and academia (which itself has been infiltrated by the same types of people that entered the priesthood) pushes abortion,gay rights, feminism, gender theory, LGBT etc

I'll make it simple. The Catholic faith was not responsible, the Church is guilty of ignorance and trying to cover up these crimes, sure.
But, this was all staged, to destroy the power of the Church and its stewardship of traditionalist Christian morality. Worked like a charm too. The Church can no longer come out against any of these evils that are pushed today, because every time the clergy does, the pedo thing is immediately thrown at them, making them hypocrites and a joke.

Legit, I do not like the Jews...History doesn't lie. I do think that Jews are God's chosen people, but not the ones who live in Israel at this time. After everything that happens in America their is always a Jew behind it either promoting the atrocity or profiting off of it...

think of a bride and groom giving eachother cake
its god marring himself to mankind and doubling down on making a relationship with mankind
thats how someone explained it to me

.17 Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man.
18 but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.

but that's retarded

You make an excellent point. I have a friend who is part of a thinktank who said that the best way to deal with a problem is to normalize it. Like domestication of animals, teach that a certain act or trait is ok and eventually the children will recognize it as such. Morality has been the topic as of late.

Yeah, no.
How's it like using 4/pol/ now?

>You need the sacraments and you need to attend Mass on Sunday if you can get there. Christ can work His work through even the faggot priest. He doesn't need the priest to be saved in order to save you.
>The Church is a Divine institution, not a human one. If the flaws in the human facade are causing a problem for you, you need to pray about your lack of faith.
>God loved you through the worst torture men could devise. It's a start.
The veil has never been literal. It was historically placed because people have died after looking direct into God's Glory.
On a completely separate note, praying to saints is asking a professional to pray WITH you ("When two or more...). Veneration is not adoration. Having a living tradition, and examples to contemplate, is helpful.
On another, nother, note: The Rosary is like a fifth gospel. Asking Mary, the ark of the new covenant, to help us understand Jesus. By better understanding The Lord, we better understand WHAT to pay for. The wisdom here is directly transmitted by The Spirit, making the practice unbearable to Demons.
>Reply to self.

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So there's this new, old, theory that man-made vessels can be inhabited by unclean spirits. Like golems. Or songs. Or chatbots.
Not saying anybody isn't just confused. But saying everybody else should be wary of lovingly crafted stumbling blocks.

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