Why are millennial women focusing on their careers instead of settling down to start a family like previous generations?

Why are millennial women focusing on their careers instead of settling down to start a family like previous generations?

Attached: Screenshot_20190809-013425_Chrome.jpg (1080x1335, 743K)

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How many times a day to incels need to make threads asking rhetorical questions about women and how many times are they going to be answered by female psychology experts who have never even kissed one?

Women can not be psychoanalyzed, they can only be regulated. This is the reason they have control over you, because you assume they possess agency, which removes power from yourself. None of you are ever going to find a wife if you keep behaving like this Just say women are stupid and necessary like we've been doing for thousands of years and go drag one back to your cave.

Fucking pseuds

bc i only let them suck my dick.

because they're starting to believe the lies that have been pushed on them since the 70's, and which have become evermore pervasive every year since

Any evidence that's true?
Ever since Gen X (1960-1980) it's been necessary to have both husband and wife working in most families.

all day every day
you reply
imagine what we know from just this data set

>Why are millennial women focusing on their careers instead of settling down to start a family like previous generations?
Because 50% of their genes come from men who didn't wanted to have careers and not families, and had children only because society expected them to.

this. stop giving a fuck already you faggots
big part of the reason why we're in this mess
they are inferior, end of story. now man UP

God, she's beautiful

>and had children only because society expected them to.

Men not wanting to bust nuts? get the fuck out of here.

They're men.

>Raising a family is the same as busting nuts in a sheila
No wonder you dumb cunts never figured out that Boof was the mastermind and Stevo was innocent all along. You fuckers don't deserve Steve Smith.

Go on.....

>and had children only because society expected them to.

>Women are told not to speak out and be bosses!

Fuck off you social constructionist faggot

She should be pumping babies instead of working.

lol i see this dead eyed bitch posted here everyday for fucking years it seems and i still dont even know her name or what she does, if anything.

Attached: degas.jpg (750x750, 325K)

she does gamesports
someone translate pls


Who cares? Millenial women are old fucked out raosties anyway. You want to breed with that?

worthless tattooed whore

1 post by this ID
Since 2015


Sage is not a downvote you retard

Why is a career such a waste of life?
Why we put such emphasis on career?

move swiftly and in an uncontrolled way.