
One of the best things about living in Europe is that most of the right-wing rhetoric you hear in America is very much against the law here. Calling Islam "uncivilised" or saying that gay marriage isn't really marriage would get you charged with inciting hatred. Suggesting that people should buy guns "for self-defence" would be considered inciting violence, which carries serious penalties as well. We're also finally starting to seriously crack down on climate change deniers and anti-vaxxers and many European countries have laws that prohibit insulting or offending people in general. Germany has a law against disparaging the memory of deceased persons, so the crude "ding dong, the witch is dead" rhetoric coming from the US when a celebrity dies would be very much illegal. Childish name-calling and lying about people is not allowed here either, as a woman in France was recently given defamation charges for commenting "she's a liar" on a YouTube video of a politician giving a speech.

Is our freedom of expression limited? Not in the least. We are guaranteed freedom of expression through European law. Rather than restricting freedom of expression, these laws simply ensure that it's used responsibly and for the purposes of good. Unlike Americans, we understand that human rights and human dignity also need to be respected. Americans stubbornly cling to their outdated interpretation of their archaic Constitution while the rest of the world forges ahead. You Americans look very uncivilised to the rest of us when you allow bigots to speak out openly. By allowing hate speech, you are sending the message to the rest of the world that your government approves of hatred and intolerance. Is that really what you want, Americans?

Attached: paris (1).jpg (600x313, 42K)

tl;dr. not your blog, 3rd world faggot. go play with the trailer park fuck-pig or whatever it is you mongrel retards do for fun.

>word salad from the ewwww

Who defines hate speech exactly? Do you not see a problem where "hate speech" can easily be abused to silence any opposition?

Your an ignorant fuck. You have NO rights. You have NO freedom. Your whole country is over run with imported shit skins and camel jockeys . So fuck off eurofag, America aint saving your ass again !!!!

Oh forgot the pic of PARIS FRANCE for real you cucked fuck. Tell Abdul go esay on your mom

Attached: Paris france suck mohammed dick.jpg (960x640, 134K)

>Falling for this obvious bait.
OP is pointing out subtly that the EUSSR is in full effect and America is next. It's Bible prophecy so we may as well get prepared for the 1 world government.

No one in Paris looks like that anymore.

>Who defines hate speech exactly?

>Do you not see a problem where "hate speech" can easily be abused to silence any opposition?
Has it occurred to you that some opposition should be silenced?

The least white European country is whiter than your whitest state. What are you, 49% right now?

Why are you larping like a European with a meme flag ? You're a normal poltard and its obvious, just discuss what you want to say without the larp and show your US flag.

Ultimate Baizuo slide thread.


Fuck, is it that obvious?

looks moscow to me

not every european country is shithole like yours, show flag Hans

>these laws simply ensure that it's used responsibly
use your freedom of speech responsibly goy, you don't want be jailed, do you?

Attached: 643.gif (472x360, 693K)

I don't know why anyone would ever read a post from one.

>he doesn't filter memeflags
You would rather click on a thread and reply?

This meme is so old, that is fucking hilarious now.

Attached: Hundreds of illegals Occupy Panthéon Monument in Paris.jpg (790x444, 103K)

What kind of "europe" are you talking about retarded faggot, I can do all those things you say in europe are prohibited. Stop eating those mushrooms subhuman and show your flag.

Cool, stay in Europe, you fucking double-thinking nutcase.

obviously I saged you nigger

>talks about how speech is criminalised and people are suffering for it in the eu
>proceeds to say it’s a good thing
Are all of you progressives this fucking stupid? “Speech is okay as long as it’s not right wing” fuck you merkel.

Still wasting your time.

Sage bumps you retarded fucking idiot.

Have any more of those photos?

been looking for that left pic for ages, thanx bro.

This isn't reddit.

your talking Bull shit. aren't you guys the ones who started both the world wars that we finished for you. wasn't it the Europeans that killed all those innocent people and Jews in assembly line fashion, ok your very civilized

That's just a screen grab from the you tube video of them chimping out.