Japanese are cucked
Japanese are cucked
Yes, they are. Their culture has been feminized and demasculated. Anime is a reflection of that.
Japan will be fine
Israel had nothing to do with it. Its just a society that lacks honor is much easier to control.
imagine how much better asia would be if hirohito wasnt a fucking retard. i dont know how that shoa midget fuck lived with the shame of having a fucking retard for a dad that ruined japan forever
Who controls the usa?
(They) wiped the honor off that god forsaken island
>ruined japan forever
You mean secured its place in history as best buds with the USA. Like throwing pebbles at the girl you liked in grade school, so is our relationship with Japan. Japan is just proxy-US-Military in Asia. Our hub. We even wrote their post WWII constitution. Japan only has a military because *we gave them permission*.
>Japanese are submissive like woman
Yeah they are
And that's a good thing. Keep the chinks in check with chang. Seriously, I love and respect the Japanese, but they fucked up and now must serve us. It's an unsaid understanding.