I'm Russian and I've been in LA last week. Fucking cringe.
It was a beautiful city. I remember my father told me that, he's been there in 1993. He has some nice photos of LA. But now... how the fuck you guys fucked it so badly? Garbage on the street. Garbage people walking around begging about some money. Literal crazy people are mumbling and screaming. Syringes every- fucking where. If you're not in the down town or a district overrun by rich asses then you're in danger all the time. I've been in bad districts of Saint Petersberg and Moscow but honestly I never feel as uncomfortable as I felt there.
Yeah, I'm outraged. The dream from my childhood is a complete lie, I've been told it's one of the best city in the world but seems you can't find such a shithole in Russia, even in worst places.
I recommend you visit LA immediately, it's a ultimate red pill. If you're not radicalize after this than I guess you just don't have a brain.
You know how after the Soviet Union fell apart everyone became homeless or addicted to drugs or both? Same thing with LA except they invited too many brown people
Nolan Cook
Why don't the cops shoo them away? Here in NYC, the NYPD push the homeless to undesired places like under bridges and in the bronx so we never see them.
Noah Sanchez
Fuck you talking about? Manhattan is littered with hobos.
Luis Brooks
Not like pic related. You can't make tent cities in Manhattan at least the parts people want to actually walk by
Connor Garcia
Let the America die. It's over.
Let's hope the last white right wing Americans will create their own small corner in America where they will live in peace. Same for Europe. Jew has won.
Parker Price
Serves you right for meddling in the Presidential elections, Ivan.
Mason Cook
Pretty much the entirety of LA is comprised of those undesirable places.
Austin Martinez
Our cops do the same with our homeless people.
Xavier Hernandez
But LA is based? Just go to Malibu, Santa Monica, hell I even liked Venice a lot despite the homeless who don't bother you at all, because the sun drains their entire energy. People are friendly as fuck, too, been to California twice and I'm going back next year, fuck the haters!