Iran Invasion

Its never gonna happen, is it?

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It might to stall the recession caused by Drumpf christ. We will see next term.

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Nope. The rising tensions were supposed to force Iran into a deal but they stood up against bully USA and its partners in crime.

From where, Iraq? lol.

Why when you can just drop cell phones, toyotas, and firearms on strategic populations in/around the country?

Not until the third temple officially starts being built

that wouldnt work for iran because there is no foreign rapist horde population that speaks that language outside of the country.

but they keep trying anyways! Taxes well spent.

They need to mass manufacturing to stimulate wealth, which is when war comes to play. If we wern't for the war on terror recessions would be more impactful. This country kills blacks for fun not ecomonic purposes unless you coon.
200 years left.

no, occupation would be too costly. It would be Afghanistan and Iraq on steroids. what would happen is a mass attack on political, economic and military targets with aircraft and cruise missiles. there would be an attempt to create a no man's land around iran to block it off from the world. There would be a big attempt to instigate a rebellion in iran. it has a fuckall chance of success.

From the west, stage in Kuwait and roll through Basra into Iran. From the east, attack into the Iranian desert from Afghanistan.

So far, trumps policy on iran just managed to piss everyone off, both iran and the EU, as well as making the gulf more dangerous for ships. So much for being a great deal maker


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>Its never gonna happen, is it?
cope, amerimutt, cope.

Nope! Because kikeland can only use nukes, and if they do, every muslim country will zerg rush them. The US has war fatigue and it's political suicide here. Iran is not a push over nation, just like based Assad, they will survive. Also, Russia and China will step in.

No. It seems they are more useful as a boogeyman and helps justify the military-industrial complex that should have been dismantled in 1991.

Persia Persia Persia Persia Persia Persia Persia Persia Persia Persia Persia Persia Persia Persia Persia Persia Persia Persia

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The US should be the one to be invaded.
Behold America:
Militarily engaged currently in 76 countries.
Military bases in 44 countries.
Counter-terrorism currently in 56 countries.
Currently bombing in 7 countries.
combat troops on the ground in 15 countries.
special ops troops in 149 countries.
sanctioning 6 countries
Prosecuting whistleblowers and journalists.
Unprovoked threatening of Iran.
Unprovoked trade war with China.
Diplomatic war with Russia.
Assisting a war in Yemen genocide for profit.
Supporting 73% of the world's dictatorships.
Trying to depose Venezuelan and Syrian govts
$23 trillion pentagon fraud stays uninvestigated.
Torture is now legal in America.
Indefinite imprisonment without charges for anyone labeled a terrorist.
Destroyed Viet Nam and killed millions.
Destroyed Iraq and killed millions.
More Afghan civilians killed by U.S.-led forces than by the Taliban
Illegally shot down Iranian airliner in 1988 and then lied about it.
Attempted overthrowing 57 countries since 1953.
36 attempted overthrows were successful.
Every President since 1953 has committed war crimes.
Two of them were never-prosecuted serial rapists.
Millions of civilians died from our foreign policy since 1953.
Exposing government corruption is now a felony in America.
Excessive lead levels in 2,000 American towns and cities.
"Climate hoax" destruction by flash floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, fires.
Abandoned cities: St. Louis, Camden, Detroit, Baltimore, New Orleans, . . . 40,000 Americans die each year by inadequate healthcare.
530,000 Americans declare bankruptcy each year from medical expenses.
Millions now with felony records for non-violent drug use.
Imprisons more people proportionally than did Stalin and Mao.
Dumping millions of tons of our plastic trash into 11 other nations.
One out of five American children lives in poverty.
US now ranked 128th by UN as most peaceful country, Saudi Arabia is 129th.
US ranked #1 by UN as most dangerous threat to world peace.

t. achmed

"Zerg rush them"

Oh god dude, you made my day

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