Winner's Circle. Champions Thread

>Have white kids
>Have wife

It's very difficult, but anyone with a functional nuclear family is a champion and cultural warlord. Let's give a round of applause to those who have pulled it off.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Restricting internet
>Raising wholesome pre-housewive daughters and strong pre-judge, pre-scientist or pre-politicians sons.
>Treat your wife like a lady.
>Wife appreciates masculinity.

If you're pulling it all off in spite of feminism, anti-white culture, anti-male authority, and every other goblin after you, you are a hero in the truest sense of the word. Well done.

Girlfriend got pregnant then hormones kicked in. She broke up with me and has been staying at my sisters the past 3 weeks. Said she just needs to think about the baby right now. Told her I'd take care of the baby even if we don't get back together. She then asked if I would still take care of her if she didn't want to get back together. Laughed in her face. Jow Forums memed me hard on this one

I have blonde hair and blue eyes but i'm marrying a Japanese woman.

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you north them up. not that bad. however you should also have a second wife, white.

Not putting up with shit like that makes it way more likely she'll keep the baby and submit to you. You're probably doing the right thing.
Fucking quitter. You could get a white girl to wear an outfit to satisfy your sexual fetish AND had compatible cultures as well. "Hot asian" might as well be "sexy nurse" or "french maid." So lame and cringe.

Based user throwing his genetics away.

Holy crap user, you just described the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints!
My mind is officially blown!

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Mormons might be doing something right. If I could pull off getting extra wives as brood mares I would certainly do it. I would treat them well too.

From what i've seen they all get insanely jealous though. It might not be manageable.

Thank you! It is hard in these times but we manage here. My son is 1 year old. White, blue eyes and blond. My wife is a stay at home mom. Sometimes the financial struggles are there but it is worth it. To see you son happy everyday is a gift

Fucking weird hive mind shit. I was just thinking about mormons after the other user suggested extra wives. Are they doing the right thing? I think they're racist and all the women claim themselves as single moms and fucking loot the shit out of the welfare system.

It's harder financially If you can pull off a family business though you're really doing good. My take is that my children will become invaluable as I get older. I think the media snows us pretty bad about the cost because they don't want us to have the power (or the example) of what is basically a white patriarchal micro-government.

Nah you know what's really cringe? Your larping. I'm actually engaged where as you are probably some single incel fantasizing about being a traditional 50s dad.

Even though I have to do mandatory participation stuff with my home-school, my kids (many) hate martin Luther King Jr. Right off the bat I'm winning. The don't listen to the "expert female in charge teacher" type at all.

>media shows us the costs of having kids.

They are lying. They said in this country raising a kid cost you 10k a year. I am 18months a dad now and maybe it has costed me around 3k. Unless you take your child to a daycare ofcourse, then the cost are like 120 euro a day.

You're doing well. You found a women. GOt engaged. Everything is against you and that's an accomplishment. But listen to me man. Go home and say you think you should see other people. Go and date some white women. I like Japanese culture too, but the best way to preserve it is to not mix. It's also really traumatic for the children and that's just not fair.

Diapers are insanely expensive. I did only diapers though because clothe is just too damn gross. That was just personal preference though. Someone more thrifty than me could do even better.

Homeschool cuts out a lot of the gas and school supplies etc and makes it cheep. Stay-at-home wives who cook are great. It's not worth women working, spending gas, business clothes, daycare etc just to give our kids to the state. If the whole family learns basic trades you can start to actually do pretty well.


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it's not just about thrift, if you have a son, I hope to god you did not put him in diapers like Pampers. old time cloth diapers, or will probably have no grandkids!

*or you

haha I did. Is it that bad? I couldn't bring myself to wash shit out of clothe in my sink. Maybe I made a pussy move? I will re-evaluate. I really want to have grandkids. I have a junior and I want to see if I can get to a The Third. That's so old school and white kek. I LOVE the hatred I get from certain types for having a junior. When you get to a "the third" that's really next level.

I've had women lose their minds about having a Junior and try to tell me off. I like it so much. They figure out the entire point of what you're doing as soon as they find that out. I don't care how weird your name is I encourage all anons to name their sons after themselves.

Diapers are expensive indeed however my wife found out you can start potty train them when they are 1 year old. So we are going to do that very soon now. Still better then 3 more years of that crap.

Linnen diapers are better though.

diapers meant for western markets are not that bad, although still quite harmful, but they have separate lines that they produce for the Easteuropean markets, and 3world in general... those are fucking as bad as it can get.
tl;dr - diapers make it hot and humid for the male balls in there... use linen or even better - bamboo cloth (much more durable) son and baby girl
this! ours began doing it on the pot from 9 months and after two more months he stopped doing it in the pants

okay I got to do better then. Honestly I just let the first few get old enough to do it right on their own. Maybe that's slack. I just don't want to deal with them having accidents. I probably started potty training late just to avoid it. I can improve with the next batch. kek

fair is fair. You guys are kicking my ass in the potty training Dad game. kek. 9 months is pretty strong Dad mastery.

actually, my wife did it all. thank gods/god I have very trad Hausdrache, extremely committed to kids. dunno if I'd have that much patience.
I was there far more for my son - washing his bum after accidents etc, not so much for the daughter... I'm that patriarchal hön hön hön

happy for all you guys having sons too. I love my girls but I would have been heart broken if I didn't have boys too. I would have never let my wife or anyone know but it would have been a huge disappointment.

I had a friend that had a vasectomy after two girls. But it failed! His wife got pregnant again and you guessed it. Another girl. kek. Damn man. That shit aint fair.

Well i didn’t knew it was possible at such a Young age aswell. Take this dadpill from us user. I am sure you are a great dad

You're in the wrong site, Jow Forums is now liberal left.

Never thought about it before, but it's an interesting idea.
Checked and well done

it is completely natural for a man to want a son. kike (((psychologists))) will try to tell you otherwise, but then again we know why :D
sons carry our names on, they prolong our line, they take up where we leave.

Hey i did that. So glad you are proud of me,

Thanks mate. T. father of two

You just need to filter better. Jow Forums is just constantly raided by the same sources that all use the same words. Filter it out and it's like shareblue etc isn't even here.
Thanks FrenchBro. I'm doing pretty great in other stuff. Teaching my kids photoshop and music. It's difficult but fatherhood is really rewarding.

m8, you need to take your son out and teach him survival!!! you NEED TO DO THAT NOA! completely unironically and überseriuosly - pic rel

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Nice work gentlemen. This is what it's all about. We're growing the army and making everything better.

>It's very difficult
Government pays you handsomely to start a family. The more children you have, the more you receive. I have 1 on the way.

Supplemental nutrition assistance program
Supplemental nutrition for women nfants and children
Food banks

>not a nigger
she wants you to propose you dimwit

make sure your wife breast feeds your children to at least 2 years age, 3 years even better - health is indestructible

I will. I wrestle with him all the time and try to get all of them outdoors as much as possible. One thing is for sure. Gender is NOT a social construct. The boys growl at animals and clench their fists. Like trucks and smashing shit . kek. Girls like dresses and talking with each other and ponies.

When you have kids you figure out fast how so much of what is being taught is just total horseshit. Me and my wife watch the boys rage out and laugh about how crazy it is that it's something taught. But you're right it does have to be guided. Seriously thinking about martial arts/ ballet for the boys/girls.

>>Raising wholesome pre-housewive daughters and strong pre-judge, pre-scientist or pre-politicians sons.
Housewives belong in a more agricultural setting. Historically, keeping women in the kitchen while having men in the workforce was not a sustainable long lasting model. It came up during the industrial revolution and wasn't a thing before that. Wives of scientists and politicians of the past maybe didn't work, but they were educated (upper class women couldn't get married without having the ability to hold a conversation among educated upper class people), they had maids and nannies and they mainly worked on social image of their families (and their own). Industrial revolution happened in 19th century, and it really started changing societies in the late 19th/early 20th century. That's what brought the idea of housewives with husbands in the workforce. As we all know, that idea didn't even manage to sustain itself for a hundred years.
Meanwhile, the model where the housewife is married to a man who works in the field was sustainable for thousands of years (until the industrial revolution).
So why does everyone keep pushing for the fairly new and unsustainable model, all in the name of tradition? Makes no sense.

>Diapers are insanely expensive.
Government pays for that, too.

Breastfeeding until 2 at least. When they can talk, they will eat.

>Seriously thinking about martial arts/ ballet for the boys/girls.
Martial arts will be more useful for girls. If you care about your daughters, you want them to be able to defend themselves. On top of it all - ballet damages the female body. Look up all the health issues ballet dancers have, and how insanely skinny they must be, how their toes get ruined, etc.

This is the best thread I've seen in weeks. I'm proud of all of you.

Any tips for siring sons? I know it's pretty much roulette, but I'd love sons.

I waited latter because I was afraid I wouldn't be stable enough. Then I had kids and did my taxes and I really wish I would have started earlier. Trump did great for us with that family credit. Fucking Rubio made them include a give away for single moms too thouhg. Bullshit. I hate that we supplement the single motherhood lifestyle.
THIS. Breastfeeding is really important.

Truly the albino niggers, worse than the black variety. Spreads faster and is immensely more damaging

Cut out drugs
No fap
Diet high in fat
No sexual relations until the full moon, then multiple days

This is how you fertilise multiple eggs. My wife had twins but one got cannibalized in the first month. Going for twins again next time.

Twins increase the odds.

absolutely based. and while you're at it - throw out TV and filter heavily what your kids, and family in general watch.

make sure your wife gets her orgasm before you do
make sure to mate on the best day
eat healthy
work out, or just work manually

I've heard that about their feet. I'll look into it.
I tried the shettles method (or whatever) and got another girl. I tried "edging" and got a boy. The idea is that the sperm that make male children die faster so you need to get a high velocity shot off. This is sort of broscience though.

I am in poverty, but I am rich. The food bank gave my family too much food to eat. and that's every month. Adding SNAP and WIC programs and you cannot fail to have 10+ children.

I'm having a girl first, bless God. She can help me raise my next children

Unsustainable in the current system. However when I see how our child is progressing vs those who have been brought to the daycare at 4 months (which is quite normal here sadly), he is leaps infront of them all. My son is 18 months and already can run starts to talk his first words, eats normal food (non processen food) and knows already what some words truly mean (like example: Get the ball. He will search for the ball).

Spending time is so much more important then spending money with them. Although money makes alot things easier

Yup I do this too. Had to take youtube off their switch. I downloaded all the shows they like and edit episodes out. Like I got all the my little ponies and deleted the episodes with that effeminate pony with the glasses. I like adventure time but I hate that they call bmo a boy when it's female actor. We were watching Ryan's toy review but that Combo panda character is sketchy as hell.

It never stops with hollywood. I hope everyone here knows that. you can't have ahealthy family if you let TV in. You MUST put up some serious guards because they grow up really fast. It's a BIG deal to be the media gatekeeper if you're a father. Oh and also no cellphones.

Of course a certain percentage pulls it off. If you want it to work for the society at large, the very concept of workforce and technological progress should be questioned.


>it never stops with jewlywood
yup, that's why it is old-shows-on-perma-reruns for us. Sharpe, Robin of Sherwood, old soviet made series - Three Musketeers, Children of captain Grant etc. also, got my son reading at age 4, and since he gets screened cartoons and movies only on weekends, he eats through books like there is no tomorrow. all classics - Dumas, Jules Verne, Mark Twain etc.
healthy body and healthy mind and fingers crossed that when he gets independent it will hold

>I tried "edging" and got a boy. The idea is that the sperm that make male children die faster so you need to get a high velocity shot off. This is sort of broscience though.
Makes sense though. Miscarriages are also more common for male fetuses. Men live shorter than women. Men in general are less resilient despite being stronger. It only makes sense that Y sperm is less resilient too.

Can confirm what you're both mentioning here. Your children get to a point where they follow instructions and no matter how expensive it was to get them there it's invaluable to have family that helps each other and is close. It's way way more than a net gain. Also if you start getting older ones to help with the younger ones it get progressively EASIER.

>no cellphones
absolutely! now that he goes to scool, even though it is in the boonies, we gave him a refill throwaway old rubber Nokia. he can use it only to contact us if anything happens. otherwise it sits turned off

this! if you are refraining from having kids just because you fall for the
>oh it is so expensive
you're basically falling for the kike's trap bag of
>be a good goy and kill your lineage
instant Darwin award

>vs those who have been brought to the daycare
My kids crush public school kids. I'm 100% certain home-school kids are going to be way ahead in this next generation. I downloaded a bunch of tutorials, they race through them. And why not? 1 teacher who loves you vs 1 teacher who literally fucking hates you teaching 30 kids. Of course public school has no prayer in hell of competing.

m8, you're comparing your kids that are reading books, conversing with their parents and interacting with world with bunch of zombified meatbags who are constantly on their dumbphones playing mind numbing games... of course they are way ahead of them :DDD

Talking about cellphones safety etc There's some great gps gear out there I need to look into. Cool stuff I never had growing up. I roamed around everywhere and just had to be home at dark. Boomers were fucking retarded.

I agree with having the wife in an agricultural setting as well. I'm currently working on a meme to help even those in apartments start a garden that provides year round fruit, beans, and herbs all on a single balcony. Right now it's all too intellectual to take root, so I'm distilling it into a virgin/chad piece.

Since this is an intellectual thread I'll drop the raw info here

"Low bowl planters" 24 inches wide. 3 trees with 3 berry bushes behind them. Raspberry, blueberry, blackberry. Fruiting at different times

Avocado, pears, pomegranates. Each in fruit during different months. Dont worry about dwarf varieties, the pots will stop growth. On the railing, a potted grape vine (smaller pots for non trees).

Scarlet runner beans in the corner. A perennial bean plant.

Herb garden in one pot in the other corner wards off mosquitos too
Marigold Lavender mint Flossflower Oregano Lemon thyme

Oh and the berry bushes are in smaller pots too. 24 inch low bowls only for trees.

Attached: The-Garden-of-Hesperides.jpg (400x254, 74K)

Nope no LARP.

There is alot of deadweight in society yes. I firmly believe in human evolution and that the weak should die out. Looking at society these days is because states transformed into nanny-states. I want to create my life with my family and I am the one responsible for my own well-being and theirs. Alot of people cannot take responsiblity and blame others for their own poor choices. Those people should not replicate. It makes society weaker

based X-er bro!
read that book I posted "Fourth turning" - We are Nomads

They try to ban home-schooling here. However I still need to convince my wife it is the way to go. She however wants them to go to a christian public school. I know the stuff they learn there. It is garbage.

I logged into Facebook today to see my highschool crush us married and has a 1 year old blonde child. Made me feel really bad because being born in this country I thought I could have a chance with another Canadian woman regardless of our skin color. At the end of the day I'm just a stinky pajeet, even our own women are marrying white dudes now.

Home schooling is essential.

I never made one long lasting friend, except a homeschooled neighbor from my youth. The wisdom is homeschool kids cant socialize, well thats wrong in my experience.

I was also ruthlessly bullied in school, and I am certainly not grateful for the experience.

This is great content here. I'm growing stuff but I have to be more aggressive. The ideal of course is to be totally self sufficient.
Definitely. I'll get that now.

night guys! Good thread.

Oh and NEVER water. Let the rain do it. Let the plants stress in summer. A rainstorm is 1 inch. No holes in your pot or the nutrients wash away.

No one waters wild fruit trees but rain. Leaf litter and rotting mulch provides fungus and protects soil moisture.

>can't socialize
because the rest of public school kids are bunch of brain dead morons... otherwise homeschooled kids are more brave, outgoing and honest

night, fren! indeed the thread is very good, rare treat in nu/pol/, thanks!

You can also have strawberries growing i. the same pots as your trees.

>this will all be in my chad/virgin meme.

Can someone edit this to be Anne Frank and a Confederate soldier?

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We're doing naked baby + cloth diaper in public

>only girls who like me are Jewish, Asian, or black.

how is it difficult? kids eat less, and western euro countries cut taxes and give kids money. when the child is 16 he will find a job and pay for himself.

Jewish tricks.

Our government pays you to have a stay at home wife. They prefer it! Working mothers dont breastfeed. The WIC plan for breastfeeding mothers includes the most food at the highest quality.

They pay for diapers, healthcare, food, everything. I'm sure if I needed clothes they would pay for that too.

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Absolute retard. Remember, your kids eill look noyhing like you.

so it is true? it is true that numales crave giving women the easy job of staying at home and raising kids while the beta cuck go to work each day ''to feed his family''?

lol can you imagine actually believe this shit? imagine being so spineless that you want to provide for a woman and her kids.

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Good thread. 4 kids here: 2 boys, 2 girls. Living here is expensive but "having kids" not like what you read in media. Those numbers must come from dummies that don't cook, who buy every dumb piece of garbage advertised on TV, who shun hand-me-downs as if reusing things were a sign of economic failure instead of common sense. These same idiots who get pre-packaged meals covered in plastic delivered to the house, then want to lecture me about my "footprint".

Wife is amazingly dedicated to them. I won the lottery there. Kids get delicious fresh cooked meals 2 or 3x a day. Friends come over cannot believe how we feast. Local fishing is good and daughter has fallen love with the sport; so proud when she gets to feed the family.

Veggie garden is going off right now and kids enjoy helping as well as eating. Most of our friends' kids are picky eaters mine grew up snacking on tomatoes right off the vine and knowing what good fresh food tastes like. Kitchen waste and paper/cardboard all goes into 3 worm farms or compost pile; the only thing I buy as supplement for garden is rock dust. I never expected the garden to be an economic win but it is now if I don't consider the time spent on hobby. Started out buying 6-packs at nursery now most things are grown from harvested seed. Now I only buy seeds when I want to add a new strain.

Do not despair. They want you in despair and debt. Fuck them and focus on your family it's all that matters (or yourself if you haven't yet met your wife) Almost didn't mention because it goes without saying: fuck social media, MSM, computer games, cell phones, etc... Our lifestyle would not survive exposure to all their garbage; you really have to turn away and inward. Teen years will be interesting they will eventually get exposed to it, but early years are the most important and I am confident they are getting a good foundation.

>I'm a Nigger
Being a housewife is only semi-easy if you have one child. The traditional way entailed having a child after child after child...

we need all whites to do that! absolutely based, absolutely Heinleinian!

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>my kids are so smart because they're homeschooled!
>oh no why is my kid an autistic shut-in, is it because i've stunted his mental growth by removing him from the herd?

I married asian user, dont regret it at all.

>4 kids
More, user! Keep going. Have you seen old timey photos? They have to step way back to get everyone in the frame.

How the hell Orthodox Jews manage to have 10 children on average? Shit's magical

Their balls didn't even descend yet so what the fuck is your problem?

Wear loose boxers, never tight ones.

just jewgle "disposable diapers danger boys infertility", you immense faggot. there are plenty of articles that raise the question of possible danger of disposable diapers/. and if there is even a slight chance of that, I'll refrain from using them. you can do whatever you want with your offspring. more Darwin power to you