Do men age better than women?

Do men age better than women?

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The real question is what sort of Scientologist black magic they're working on him. He probably sleeps in a vat of fetal stem cells.

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The Y chromosome overrides the errors in the X chromosome.

Women have only X chromosomes, so their telomeres are fucked

That's why men die by physical causes and women by cancers

>The real question is what sort of Scientologist black magic they're working on him. He probably sleeps in a vat of fetal stem cells.
there is no mystery here, wamen have genetic walls they hit.

If men managed to be on the top again we would be immortal in a pair of decades

Objectively, yes.

Interdasting. Do you have any links on that?

Depends from person.

wtf, did you post via smoke signals?

short answer

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No bitches can escape the wall. They age like milk in the sun. We age like scotch. After about 32 ish it's all down hill for women. Worse and worse every year until about 48 when they hit menopause.

Im going to go out on a limb and say men get more cancer than women. And your theory is trash as women live longer.

Mongolians have better Internet in their fucking yurts than Australia does in their majour cities.

There are actual studies and surveys about this, and the answer is yes.

Do you not understand what jokes are? Do they have those in Spanish?

no, no jokes in mexico, state punished.

why do you think there are literal movements made only with the purpose of eliminating breast cancers in women while it is one of the "safest" cancers and affects both males and females around the world but none to stop cardiac arrest in males.

Our genes are almost perfect, even shitty mutations like daltonism while a problem in modern society only would make us better hunters in nature allowing us to percieve movement better.

Pls stop

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Big pharma is genociding Americans more than war

But can't you buy them illegally from the cartels?

Absolutely this. The fact that he's involved in some high-profile shadowy cult and also hasn't aged is a little weird. Here he is with his parents. His dad only lived to age 50 and this is what he looked like. Is it just living a life of comfort, sex and excitement that makes a person age as well as Tom Cruise has? What is this trickery?!

Is that photo real m8?? Cause shit aye...

Men age like wine while women age and wine

women live longer because their organs are more durable, but their genes ain't

that's why you get a downie if a women is pregnant over 40 but not if the man impregnating a woman is over 70

WTF are you talking about you retarded tranny mutt?
First internet in 1999 came from Russia.

oops forgot pic

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cartel only sell gore yokes.

Can you give me mongol secrets to getting rid of Chinese? they are invading us.

yes, but Tom Cruise is an exceptional example.
When women hit menopause their hormone system go haywire.

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Do not want.

No they live longer because they don’t have to work like men have to.

>find picture that fits narrative
>make le thread asking why image = the world
Literally 1/4 of all threads ever

Comparing the supply of DNA in one cell to the load and strain on the body to grow and support a child makes no sense. Kelly McGillis has given birth to two children.

Women are designed to raise children, hence they lose attractiveness when they age - especially when they have children.

Women are also are weaker and frailer so do not have the muscle mass when they are older.

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700 years ago Genghis Khaan friends other chiinese to defeat bordering chinese. So let them fight.

you know why

having children ages women badly.

Scientology is one hell of a drug.

men in their 50s can still start a healthy family, fifty year old women cannot.

it could be something fucked up like sandra bullock's foreskin facial treatments + plastic surgery, or even worse shit maybe, but it could also just be a lifetime of good healthcare, fitness, diet, taking care of himself etc combined with lucky genes.
nicole kidman likely has access to all the weird shit he would, but she's ageing awfully, masses of botox ruining any chance of a graceful decline she had.

Am I the only one here who's read anything about Scientology? Knock it all you want, there's some shady shit going on and apparently nobody cares

People who get plastic surgery and the likes don't count because they are wearing a weird mask

don't count for what
tom cruise has almost definitely had work done, presumably everyone in hollywood does.

You know what to do

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to be fair tom cruise has had so much plastic surgery I doubt he even counts as human at this point

they do if the women was a roasty

Kelly McGillis is also a lesbian.

Yes. Men age like wine, women age like milk.

HAHAHAHA. You better fucking get used to it, nigger. In 20 years, you'd wish you'd still live under white colonialism.