MGTOW is the single most important political movement in the last 100 years

MGTOW is the single most important political movement in the last 100 years.

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Holden was little bitch

It's the same kike psyop shit the long nose tribe pulls when it's time to swing back to the angry redneck narrative after too much time in the relaxed faggot narrative (Nazis, Fascism, Military Coups, Christcuck outrage,...).

I'm not arguing your point but powerful in what way? I agree. Just probably not in the sense youd think

MGTOW is the equivalent of uninstalling a game because its too hard

Women can be great if you find the right one for you. You're just a faggot who can't get laid and you're angry about it, so you vilify women.

stop snorting cocaine brazilposter. This is from an american book its not for you.

more like uninstalling the game because a certian level of gameplay was promised but it turned out to be fallout 76

>MGTOW is the single most important political movement in the last 100 years.
It's just you being channelled into not procreating, which was the very point of making it so dangerous to have a wife and kids.

>more like uninstalling the game because a certian level of gameplay was promised but it turned out to be fallout 76
It's you uninstalling yourself from the gene-pool because powerful interests wanted you to uninstall yourself from the gene-pool

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