It's that easy, bigots.
Reddit solves the immigration problem
Reddi is so fucking subhuman in many aspects.
>weeds grow in your garden and destroy wanted plants
>hehe just change the definition of weeds instead of picking them out and covering the soil with mulching
>oh you have a malignant cancer in your body?
>it's hard to treat it let's just change the definition and learn to coexist with the spreading tumors
Why do dumb people like to trivialize complex issues into dumb analogies?
Its just a bad analogy imo because there are rational reasons to prevent weeds and irrational reasons to prevent immigration
Lmao, that made me crack up. Was it the fact that Weeds were compared to migration and multiculturalism? Or the fact that Weeds actually steal the nutrients from other plants?
Sometimes I wish Jow Forums got shutdown and we all invaded plebbit and turn that shithole into paradise. That will be a good day.
Wtf so if I call a weed somethibg different it will just integrate rather than trying to strangle my other plants?
you answered your own question
My wife is a gardener, weeds will eventually destroy people#s carefully planned garden if left unchecked.
What does she do? Kill the weeds.
>irrational reasons to prevent immigration
We don't need more immigrants, period. The country is already overcrowded as it is.
No, it'll still strangle your other plants, but because you've changed your definition of weed, you accept and embrace it strangling your other plants. You understand that this is in the weeds nature, that it can't be helped, and that the death of your plants is a good thing.
Weeds are actually good for the soil, and it's nature's way of restoring it. Regular gardening destroys the soil over time.
reddit brain is a thing but it can be cured
Grow only weeds or you are a racist, weeds are the only diverse thing
>This is fine
>hates reddit
>uses reddit spacing
summerfags pls go
Theres plenty of space in this country have you ever been to the midwest or south the reason is that people feel threatened for one reason or another
enjoy your shit garden then...
>why don't you want a yard full of hideous fucking weeds, ya bigoted goyim!
I'll only accept this if they grow weeds in their house, otherwise, they can go to fuck.
One space is not reddit spacing you retard.
>Let's live like niggers that will solve the problem
must be satire
Kek that filename
this is irony, right?
that's really not redditspacing, user
what a pointless thread
enjoy your 300 replies from the spastics on this board SAGED
>Theres plenty of space
All major cities are congested overcrowded shitholes. You want to turn the countryside into that too?
We don't need a constant influx of third-world immigrants. All it will do is lower the standard of living for everyone.
>post-2013 newfag confirmed
It soon fills, think of how it was 100 years ago.
>he doesn't know about shitposting on sites other than Jow Forums
>If we just got rid of the law people keep breaking, people violating that law would no longer be an in issue
Flawless logic.
Change the goal posts all you want but the reason these major cities are "shitholes" is not because of diversity but its high COL and overcrowdedness. Maybe you havent been to manhattan but it is one of the most diverse and progressive cities along the eastern coast, but its not third world by any means
The thing is there's old pictures of those cities when they were pure white and they all look better especially Detroit
All liberal immigration advice seems to be centred around suppressing your intrinsic desire for security, quality of life or future prosperity.
But weed doesn't throw you in front of a train, migrants do!
Reading that gave me eye cancer.
Too bad plebbit can't solve the 3rd world condition that come WITH the weed. Faggot.
Yet, no matter how much you control language and delude yourself, a weed remains simply a weed. Weeds choke out plants they surrounding, causing smaller yields and smaller fruits and vegetables. They attract greater pests an increase dry rot and will eventually kill the plants the garden was tilled to nurture.
That's why we pull weeds, because integration is impossible. We need to keep our garden beds clean so our plants can grow healthy, strong and tasty fruits and veggies that sustain and nourish us and future generations.
You can ignore reality but you can't ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.
And just like how multicultural immigration suffocates local culture and unity, so do weeds catalogued as " fine " end up overtaking the garden and killing the plants that produce something worthwhile.
I'm going to enjoy killing people like you in the coming civil war.
The problem is, the weeds in this case are all giant hogweed.
>Maybe you havent been to manhattan
>it is one of the most diverse and progressive cities along the eastern coast
I have been to Manhattan. It's a stressful overcrowded shithole and a terrible place to raise a family. "Progressive and diverse" are not positive qualities.
Shitty joke why would anyone laugh at something that bad.
Hey man, stinging nettles and poison ivy are just as valuable and worth while as tomatos and azaleas.
maybe if you let your wifes bf impregnate her you will learn to love a niglet
>Finnish autist pretending to be a normie by assuming that everything's a joke.
It's not a joke.
Thats right. The reason jews want to destroy white countries is because thousands of years of pogroms and mass expulsions.
Our mission will succeed. White man is going down! By 2040 USA will longer a white country. soon in europe as well. Karma is a bitch!
>USA will no* longer a white
You don't understand the reddit mindset, my socially retarded friend.
Man I can't wait til middle America is one giant Honeysuckle forest with kudzu and wintercreeper for evergreen vines!! Maybe they can stop the quickly evolving /recently escaped Bradford pear. All I know is fuck
Native plants.
The U.S. has been nice to you kikes and you're still shitting us up. We won't forget this.
Says the nigger doomed to the deepest depths of hell
These people have had their brain's threat processing centers switched off with magnets. No other explanation.
>the weeds aren’t replacing the flowers you bigot
Google giant hogweed, tell me how valuable it is.
>The U.S. has been nice to you kikes and you're still shitting us up.
Fuck you assholes!
>not letting in is the same as a pogrom and mass expulsion
So this is the power of Jewish schizophrenia.
Just looks like the brassicas have bolted and seeded. The big green stalk in the middle looks like asparagus. But
Point taken. Fuck these r-selected retards
>if you just stop considering cancer as a problem, if you learn to love the cancer, then the problem is solved
I bet there's at least one faggot in the comments who's trying to one up him in faggotry by calling him out for comparing immigrants to weeds.
No kidding, it's a beautiful plant that the Victorians imported to the UK to decorate their gardens and we're all enriched by their forsight in recognising its vigour.
This analogy is retarded and backfires because it's obvious that some plants are more valuable than others.
Yes goys! Open borders everywhere! Brown the white race into oblivion.
I had this same mindset when I found out I had termites. No more termite problem :)
Our pre boomer plant enthusiast really fucked us too. Many many plants are escapes into our vast countryside. Honeysuckle and Bradford Pear burn decently though.
As a gardener myself, there are solutions to the weed problem... final solutions.
And that cancels out sending countless Americans to their death to annihilate Germany? That's more than a little messed up, man.
>retarded Jow Forumstards can't pick up on the obvious irony in that post
The guy is making fun of reddit you mongs
He left out the part where the weeds are classified that way because of their tendency to outgrow and eventually destroy the native species in the garden before rapidly spreading out if control to neighbouring patches.
His dad is a fucking fag and my dad could beat his dad in a fight any day. Fuck his dad.
>based Aussie bantz
What a stupid OP. They don't want to integrate and even if they did, it would corrupt our culture.
They want to establish their own communities in our land.
>psychopathic parasites get noticed hundreds of times over thousands of years
>brings up karma
I let weeds grow all over my garden now I have no veggies for my family.
WTF I hate weeds now.
Be gone kike and take the Christcucks with you. They are your slaves so they belong in Israel.
Africans really cannot into agriculture can they?
>love your cancer
>Just let the weeds destroy your garden Goy
Our own people have lost their minds.
what is that flag, looks nice, ah, it's flag of cannibal islands, still, pretty nice :)
>Always blames white people for being mean to them
>Never ask themselves why they are mean, or what you might have done to warrant that reaction.
Jews are sociopathic. I see it everyday in the articles you losers write in the media.
This is high test and based.
This (((Christian))) civilisation was built by your people to enslave us. Stop the fuck up with your lies. Your kind oppressed us for over 20 centuries
This is obviously a sarcastic post, and you probably wrote it, op.
>Spread anti white racism through out the world
>Celebrate white birth rates collapsing and replacement by foreigners.
>Don't realise they are going to be all alone in a brown/yellow world and they will be the next "white" targets.
Good luck in the hell you create. Especially when the Muslims get control of the West's nukes.
My father gave me a gardener tip as well when I was a kid. Most importantly, you have to fight the problem in its root. But also, drag out all the weed as it damages all the beautiful and healthy plants.
>deepest depths of hell
>hates the jew but belives in a jew-stick religion
get your shit together faggot
This isn't a space issue, it's a resource issue you dumb nigger.
That is a better solution than what the OP proposed.
The analogy is also very poor. People don't want weeds because they take over gardens and stop the things you've planted from growing.
We dont associate shitholes with millionaries here but i guess you do
overcrowding is a meme
That is what carpet bagger and race pimp Tim Wise advocates for. He thinly veils his contempt and own calls for political violence under the guise of anti-racism. Him and his ilk are not good people
Weeds take territory and nutrients away from the proper garden plants. They quite literally attempt to steal and choke the life out of proper plants. And thats what this genius wants to compare immigrants to.
Sure, cancer are just cells that just want to grow. Why would anyone hate that?
There are non-white communities that are shitholes not just in inner cities. There are Muslim communities in Sweden that are labelled as no go zones.
(((NBC Contributor))). Damn these Jews are paranoid fucks. Even if you are a slight threat to their power, they will take you down or at least put you on a watch list.
There’s a reason why people don’t want weeds growing in their garden. They just take up land and resources from the other plants, and they’re ugly as sin.