Rafraîchir la France

hors service
fabriqué au lait pasteurisé
les chinois en ont des plus rapides nommés Maglev
remplacé par le HK 416 F Allemand
echec commercial
coute un rein
ignoble, meme les touristes n'en veulent plus
Exclu des programmes d'histoire
Met plus de 10 heures avant d'arriver sur les lieux du crime
>Le vin
>De Gaulle
discrédité pour ses propos sur la race blanche

Je m'arrête là vous m'avez compris.


Soumettez vos propositions

Attached: france-lol-blague.jpg (1920x1080, 1.46M)

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Éliminer Tous Les Juifs!
Problèmes résolus

I don't know what any of that means, as i don't speak French, but I will say this this:

France was a great nation. Proud, strong and inventive. You were unbelievably creative and together with other European countries are responsible for truly wonderful high-culture in poetry, music, dance, and other arts.
It is with great sadness that I see that your country has fallen so far. Mine has too, for the same reasons. I wish you as a country, could rise again and throw off the shackles of degeneracy, liberalism and rot. Rise again in becoming a proud nation again.
We are old foes, but it breaks my heart to see both of our countries destroyed in this way. London and Paris are lost.
I hate that this is happening and pray that order will be restored.
viva la revolution.

>echec commercial
Faux. Les ventes à l'Inde et au Moyen-Orient décollent (sans mauvais jeu de mots).

Ces nègres qui croient nous donner la leçon, alors que lordqu'on etait déja a l'avion et a la voiture, ils etaient encore aux huttes en crotte de gnou sechée

Bref, on s'occupe des (((juifs))), puis on s'occupe des nègres et des bougnoules, puis probleme resolu !

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si le fait de manger du porc est haram et te pose problème peut-être que tu devrais retourner dans ton pays de sous-homme espèce de sale bougnoule de merde

Migrate and rebuild.



c'est à ce moment là que j'en ai plus rien eu à foutre de ton avis de métèque déraciné.

You can't get rid of afroniggers, froglet. Your nation depends on stealing all kinds of resources from Africa, and in order to justify it, you're keeping your frog empires in Africa still chained to you, by also giving all the niggers frog status and teaching them your frog language.
That's why all the niggers are officially afrofogs and are citizens of frogland.

Ah, it feels so great to look down on the French from my Swiss ivory tower high in the mountains.

Le gars critique le fait que manger du porc est en train de devenir haram et interdit dans de plus en plus de nos cantines d'école je suppose, pas que ça lui pose problème mais le contraire réfléchis un peu.

Francafrique trading is basically nothing, like less than 5% of our overall trading with the world, it's a myth maintained by the (((media))).

Thanks brother
Unfortunately what made france what it was does not exist anymore and has been replaced with jews, niggers, sandniggers, spics, gypsies, chinks and gooks. And a special kind of mutt, worse than what you can find anywhere in the world and the few whites remaining, communist, leftist and coalburning race traitors who spit on their ancestors.
Even if we get rid of all of that, somehow, France will never be what it was again. Its "genius" has been destroyed. It's lost.

>refresh France

not this again...

Attached: large (1).jpg (977x1280, 262K)

Hard to not shed a tear.

This is an international image board. Write in english or go back to the 1518

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Don't bother trying to lower that number down. Your government is doing everything to kill off any African dictator in your colonies who wishes to be independent from you, and then you replace them with another dictator more suitable to be bribed by frog companies in cahoots with the frog government and selling out all the resources of their country to your nation for a pittance.

Since literally ALL frogs want a strong frog empire, which can only be maintained by resource grabbing, they cannot stop this.
And thus, all frogs must accept melaninfrog enrichment.
Same goes for muslim frogs.

That's the price one pays when forcing other cultures to learn one's language and culture.

C’est de valeur, le porc est la viande la plus savoureuse au monde

Alex jones said that chemicals in the water made the frog gay...just think about...maybe it was an undercover warning

>Your nation depends on stealing all kinds of resources from [insert 3rd world shithole here]
That's literally capitalism 101.

>Ah, it feels so great to look down on the French from my Swiss ivory tower high in the mountains
The reason you're relevant in this era is (((banking))). Otherwise, you'd have been annexed a while ago.

>Programme de renvoi des prisonniers binationaux :
Il faut soumettre les aides internationales à une clause de rapatriement des prisonniers binationaux. On peut aussi imaginer sous-traiter les peines de prison aux pays d'origine, ce serait moins cher et plus dissuasif. Évidement, ça ne peut pas être rétroactif, donc il faut instaurer ça le plus vite possible avec le retour à la double peine.

>Fin des aides sociales pour les étrangers :
Pour que ça passe dans un premier temps, il faut centraliser les aides sociales dans un organisme unique. J'imagine bien coupler ça aux impôts, puisqu'on est remboursé avec les ajustement du prélèvement à la source. Comme ça il faudra se déclarer si on veut bénéficier de quoi que ce soit. Pas de revenus, pas d'aide. Sauf pour la remigration.

>Interdiction des rites contraire aux principes de la République :
Ce serait sûrement le plus facile à passer et le plus efficace. Interdire : la circoncision, le hallal, le kasher, puis graduellement monter en puissance pour interdire le habits religieux. Il faudrait bien évidement faire des faux drapeaux pour interdire la franc-maçonnerie avec une fausse affaire de cannibalisme ou de cercle pédophile.

>Service militaire obligatoire avec une certaine souplesse :
Le principal problème c'est le manque de structure. On a pas assez d'encadrant et d'endroit ou parquer les appelés. On est en bonne voie avec le service civique. Distribuer les appelés à différents services de l'État ça pourrait aider, on peut aussi penser à des aides gratuites pour les agriculteurs. À terme il faudrait 2 semaines obligatoires durant l'été de 18 à 20 ans par groupes.

>Renversement du Grand Remplacement
Il nous faudrait un planning familial comme aux US qui encourage les avortement pour les extra-européens. Quelque chose de subtil, comme rendre les frais de natalité beaucoup trop élevés et payer une bourse pour chaque avortement. Supprimer le droit du sol aussi.

Meh, I like pork but beef is far far superior, unfortunately it also costs a lot more.

>traitez avec
I don't get it

Basé et rougecomprimé

>deal with (it ?)



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We were annexed, but then everyone decided that they'd rather have Switzerland be free and independent. And even l'empereur thought that the Swiss ought to be federal instead of frog-republican centralistic.

We Swiss get away with everything.

>We Swiss get away with everything.
You're the cute girl of europe.

La France va être un grand parc touristique, comme demie Europe.

Changez mon opinion

That sounds like Swiss privilege to me, you need to be more inclusive emmental-bro.

True then. true now.

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French faggots go back to penetring eachother with a baguette, this is an English board.
Arrêtez avec votre langue de merde.

Jacques no-war-in Chirac was a handsome devil back in the day.

It’s way to late for France...

He was a very likeable dude, but an absolutely terrible president (of course his successors were worse).

>France was a great nation. Proud, strong and inventive. You were unbelievably creative and together with other European countries are responsible for truly wonderful high-culture in poetry, music, dance, and other arts.

Clue word, “WAS”.
Now it’s only proud.
Still there’s nothing to be proud of after ww2...

De Gaulle was the last good president, that's saying a lot.

I’m sąd to say,
trop tard OP.

I think queen Liz has the hots for him.

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But the FAMAS rifle was espece de merde, OP.

It was still the same country after WW2 up to 1968, sure we lost the colonies but who cares, never benefited the French people anyway, after 1968 it went completely bourgeois commie retarded, with massive immigration and complete BS media and culture dominated by the rich leftists.


the poor french cant rivalise with the superior poles

we need to invest in the toilet's R&D

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I had to click your flag to see what country it is.. Let that sink in.

Poland, was annexed in a day. The German High command were literally crying laughing in the nuremberg trials when asked about the invasion of your country.
This is a thread about greatness.
Have the common courtesy to acknowledge the obvious fact, that you do not belong it.

It had issues with needing special ammo because of it's high rate of fire making it incompatible with standard NATO 5.56mm.

>Now it’s only proud.
I don't understand why we have this reputation. I traveled a lot around europe and I can say the french are the most self-critical people.

He tried to maintain France status in the world but it was a lost cause, and he was pretty scummy with the Algerian War, he basically let them kill the colons when the armistice was declared and ordered the army to stand down.

What French films do you recommend? Last one I saw was 'Les Untouchables' but that was multiculti faggot shit.

Everyone who is rich is welcome.


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You're saying bullshit though. Culture (in the sense of art and litterature) is dominated by the left ever since the left exists, and the media is dominated since 1945 (if you call TF1 and BFM left).
1968 was a purely french movement too.

I am not and do not live in Poland, but i have family here so I came to visit them.
As far as I’m concerned Poland was at least fighting, and after being conquered had many uprisings etc. while France just gave away half of their country and the ”free” part was collaborating.
I obce watched a shirt animation about Poland during ww2, i’ll find it and post.

you mean ”are not”

I couldn't tell you mate, I don't watch movies, and I haven't seen a French movie that i would call truly great since one made in the 70's or 60's, there were some great movies with Alain Delon or Lino Ventura back then, les Tontons Flingueurs is a great funny movie but i'm not sure a non-french speaker could quite get it.

Que fait-on actuellement pour éliminer les nègros de votre pays?

Ah oui effectivement

It’s a bit hyperbolised but still true.

I think there were other commie bullshit in 1968 (in bocheland especially) in other countries in Europe but anyway we're talking about France aren't we ? Popular culture wasn't leftist in 1945, sure academia was, but now it's EVERYTHING.


'De battre mon cœur s'est arrêté' c'est très bien.

They won't do anything, because all afrofrogs are per definition frogs. They literally can't. The only way to not get niggers anymore is to NOT teach them frog language, to NOT maintain them as colonial subjects anymore, and to thus not give them frog citizenship anymore.

But the frogs MUST do that, or else, they cannot steal african resources and cannot be a major power anymore.

They've trapped themselves in a perfect catch 22.

No, I mean are.
Being negative and critical is normal in france. Ask french people about france and most will tell you it's shit.

La France devrait importer des Français-Polynésiens. Je garantis qu'ils massacreraient tous les Arabes et les nègros.

Les trois frères

Je pense que les francais devraient retablir la monarchie.

I think we have a stereotype of being self-critical at home but quite arrogant abroad, not sure how true it is, i'm a poorfag and only traveled abroad twice.

'self-critical at home but quite arrogant abroad' actually describes a lot of countries, French take it to the extreme tho.

Yeah i'm talking about 1968 in france. It was not some jewish or communist plot. It was parisian students fucking shit up like they've always done since the middle ages, except that suddenly because of the baby boom and mass education they were tens of thousands.

>Popular culture wasn't leftist in 1945, sure academia was, but now it's EVERYTHING.
At a time when communists got one third of the votes, popular culture wasn't leftist ?

Poland was kinda fucked by the Franco-English allies in 1939 there's no denying that, but to be fair France did say we'd need at least 13 days to mobilize and one more week to attack and NOT to defend your whole frontier and defend behind the rivers, French headquarters legit thought you'd last 6 months and then we'd send French divisions via Romania (pure lunacy I know)

Eh, frog muslims and frog niggers replaced by frog cannibals. Not really an improvement.

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Go back to bant you baguette fuck

Go back to bant you baguette fuck___

I grew up in France, i remember teachers teaching about how France is the best counrtry and that we got democracy.
French maybe are a little bit self critical between themselfs but arogant with abroaders, cause that’s what they are being taught since their youngest age.
While Polish people have reached the master level of Whittingham their country, the polish while talking to other poles literally hate Poland, while still most Polish people are real patriots, and in reality love their country, and are very proud about the history for abroaders

Dude I know about the communist votes, hell my whole family back then was commie (plenty still are) but culturally they were pretty much what we'd call far right conservative nowadays (my commie grandparents hated fags and still do), the bobos students and the bourgeois left that dominated culture afterwards and still do have basically nothing in common.

I've seen a lot of French movies and they're all kiked beyond repair if you can notice the little things here and there. It's even worse than Hollywood stuff which is an amazing accomplishment.

Oui. La France est la fille du mariage entre le catholicisme et la monarchie. On a perdu les deux.

They sure knew how to keep order in a place like Paris.

>I grew up in France, i remember teachers teaching about how France is the best counrtry and that we got democracy.

Stop larping fdp

Sounds about right.

Vous êtes des bœufs, l'intention d'OP est évidente mais ça vous passe au dessus de la tête.

Believe in Empereur Macron, who believes in himself to be your grand savior.

Ca ne m'est pas du tout passé au dessus de la tête, j'ai bien compris que l'OP critiquait le fait que le porc deveait haram à cause de l'invasion afro-musulmane, pas qu'il était d'accord.

Poles are pathetic people. Their whole pride revolves around being victims throughout history. Warsaw Uprising? You lost that one even though the Wehrmacht was pretty much already defeated. Nowadays your politicians try to channel national pride by smearing Germany and Russia and not by emphasizing cultural achievements (there are none). Poland as a country is a failure and has always been.

Trust me, cannibals are much better than arabs and niggers, unlike, nigs and arabs, the average cannibal at least has near-human intelligence and doesn't fuck kids

Pardon, tu étais la réponse à et le message lui était destiné.

>It was not some jewish or communist plot
except it was literally led by a self confessed pedo kike


Et ceci

Shut up we French/pol/ now

Apologies for assuming you were Polish. I can imagine how distressing that must be.

Poland was a pretty big thing for centuries, they were more the perpetrator than the victim back then. Warsaw uprising was apparently extremely badly timed (they didn't even inform the brits) and pretty much doomed from the start (the Wehrmacht still had plenty of troops to deal with it)

The swissfag is jealous of what great empires do, all while his own country is in the same way getting flooded by shitskin goat fuckers.

I promise fils de pute, but if you don’t wanna belive me don’t It was on EMC lessons.

Hey man, the polacks made that great unironic meme pic about themselves, so that is culturally relevant.

Attached: Polish_Plumber[1].jpg (400x404, 207K)

Just fuck my shit up.

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pay denbts

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But they're rich shitskin goat fuckers, so we welcome them with open arms (and then steal all their money).


Plus like les than one out of five uprisers had a gun, most of them had just a bottles of something flammable and a lighter. Against fucking tanks and machine guns, they still took Germany’s most important building in Warsaw, the phone station or something like that.

As soon as Germany pays war reparations

Poland was a fucking jewed country
stop acting as based peoples morons.

plutôt daccod avec l'essentiel mais
>fausse affaire de cannibalisme ou de cercle pédophile.
lol pas besoin

>proceeds to select Rothschild pet as PM and import more niggers from africa