Thicc: Negrofied culture

I've noticed thicc has taken off in the last few years, when it wasn't really a thing previously except with blacks and fetishists. At the gym I see women going there just to do squats and women are getting butt implants and butt padding when before this was almost unheard of. Thicc seems to have coincided with the rise of twerking, the act of a woman gyrating her hips and butts in a crude an animalistic manner in order to attract an African male. I see posts all the time here of people worshiping thicc and they seem to have no idea that they've been programmed to be attracted to this. If you seriously believe your brain hasn't been programmed to be attracted to this, then where were you faggots ten years ago?

Thicc is not actually attractive, it's disgusting and repulsive. If you have a normal functioning brain, your brain is automatically going to associate huge butts and thunder thighs with obesity.

It's time for you to accept that the Jew has negrofied your brain. I'm not going to just sit back and let you people pretend like this disgusting shit is normal.

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Fuck off, virginlet

Literally Murican esthetic.
We in Europe don't like pur women fat like hippos.

Nigger, the woman you posted has south sudan tier proportions.

She has feet

I thought men wanted woman to be good, cook and clean up after them? Oh so it is about the looks. Okay then thanks for the info! :)

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While I agree with you that fat acceptance has gone too far, it is human nature to be attracted to child bearing hips

I'd hesitate to call it a black thing

The truth is that 50% (or whatever) of white people are overweight. They are not thin. It is natural that we, as a society that is largely fat, find a language that accommodates these people.

Go back to sleep OP.
Liking big fat butts is normal. Totally not another step torwards low iq society.
You are pedo or something? Big butts means easy birth!
Thats why white birthrates are down!!!

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Bear shaped child bearing hips have been a mark of sexual maturity for countless generations you absolute dumb fuck zoomer

its strange because you cant really lift your way to a good ass shape. the best thing women can do is go running, even jogging - now they can do this through sports like football or even dancing.

Thicc and fat fetishists exist 90% in the USA, user, the rest of the globe still only loves skinny girls.
There is 1 exception, though.
Its this girl.

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lowl test incel lmao

It's literally 100x times harder being that fit than being thic fat hippo.

t. tiny penis bitch coping as hard as he can because his embarrassingly small boy clit can't reach anything more full than a thin napkin.

she's skinnyfat idiot
look at her gut

Get that bony bitch a sandwich ffs reminds of the holo-

>I've noticed thicc has taken off in the last few years, when it wasn't really a thing previously
Go look at some old porn and erotic models and come back educated.
They're lying when they say Marilyn was fat, but she sure had hips.

>it is human nature to be attracted to child bearing hips
Steatopygia however has nothing to do with attractive waist/hips ratio and is a nigger disease.

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Good enough for me and most ppl.

Everybody knows that only shitskins are into thicc. Real white men prefer STICC

if pic related is normal, then sign me up for a thicc bitch. she has poor features all around

Based and groidpilled.

>when it wasn't really a thing previously except with blacks and fetishists.

holy fucking christ you are so obviously a virgin its hilarious

men in the past used to like thicker women, the skinny girl thing came around during the 2000s during the massive rise in Anorexia

LOL you are such an obvious fucking zoomer

if you're a low test incel perhaps

She has absolutely no ass. How boring.

Real women are fat, jiggly, wobbly stretch mark coated hogs.

Getting fatter, and fatter, and fatter with every bite of unhealthy fast food they eat.

Slowly loosing mobility until they can't walk anymore,

I'm so hard now after writing this.

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I just like chunky girls desu

Nuance, wow

So according to the picture lower IQ prefer butts?

Agreed. Woman in pic has thigh gap, highly attractive. She is thin enough to be normal after 3 kids.

op is correct.. kardashian clones are stale..

case in point this thicc bitch was considered the most beautiful woman in the world

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low test post fren delete it.


Based and thiccpilled

It changed throught the ages you dumbass like culture and morals etc.

Dem feels when shes not going to choke you everynight.

Utterly based and redpilled
It's either skinny, child bearing hips, or fuck off. This "thicc" shit is one step closer to having a nigger IQ.

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Quite the opposite.
Not many fit girls around, many fat beasts though.

I can only imagine the seething hatred you manlets feel when my long legged girlfriend wears heels and we both walk around towering over all of you.

white people under natural conditions are fatter than blacks.

Attached: white obesity.webm (1920x1080, 2.27M)

no it's a thousand times harder being fit thiccc than skinny. All you have to do to be skinny is eat at a deficit. When people say thicc they mean fit thicc not obese whale.

It was always pretty natural for me. One day I saw an Alexis Texas video pop up on some porn site, and the rest is history. They are just so damn round plump and juicy....what am I supposed to do? Not want to touch it?

Fatpilled under that clothes.

What the actual fuck is wrong with, have you never seen a Ruben's?

This, ... even white boys gotta shout, baby got back!

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random instagram business with one thing in common. look at all these white women attempting to look like black women who are attempting to look like white women..
i call it "the kardashian"

I'm an ass man and like a good bubble butt, like jessica biel or alba in their primes not that kim K plastic bs. Mena suvari is the thickest I'm cool with anything passed that is just plain fat imo and kind of disgusting

this girl genuinely looks like shit. she's thin yet her waist is wider than her hips

i dont necessarily like ""thicc"" girls but come on, a girl should have a little more meat than that. a woman should feel soft and feminine, not like bones in a sack.
thats because "natural conditions" for blacks is 2 meals a month

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Nope, not on the continent.
Fit is fit.

Under natural conditions, blacks live under constant cycles of famine or bush meat aids/ebola riddling

Time to thicc bomb this thread. Sorry low t beta

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Ahaha wanna trade some pics

Dude, thick is hard to maintain and turns to hippo past 30

Thicc has been popin since 2017 Go to bed grandpa.

if she had a rounder ass I'd like her

>Baby got GAP

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>he doesn't know the difference between fat and THICC

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>north korea
Do they even have pornhub over there?

It’s not about weight it’s bone, check the postwar albums of riefenstahl in sudan.
Dromedary tier fat storage.

Wide hips are indicative of fertility

My sides

Europeans are dysgenic trash though so there's that

After 1 kid that will all be cellulite.

see you think it is about low t or beta, i have fucked women with big titties and gat asses my whole life. it is about all women being so fucking common now. they all look the same with their big fat asses hanging out all over social media copying themselves.. they are all copies.
i never thought i would say that i wanted a thin leggy model looking chick, but now that i see these basic copy skags in full motion; hard pass. i will take the chicks that do not look like the rest..

Fat hippo in less than 10 years......

mmmmm nice

Now this is esthetically pleasing.

Now post thicc for comparison.

at least post somebody who doesn't have implants that will cause their ass to fall off in 10 years

It's not about the looks predominantly. You have to be attracted to your mate but beyond having a cute face which most women have if they're not obese and not having a deformity that's not particularly hard. "Phat ass" or "thicc" bullshit or height or proportions in general doesn't matter in the world of attraction re: females attracting males, most men are happy just to be around a passable woman who isn't a whore/a cunt/dumb/all three.

Wider hips are called "birthing hips" even in old scandinavian culture

We have the biggest tits per capita up here too.

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Every single one of these thicc girls have fat stubby legs by the way. There's a reason thicc posters never show the legs.

So don't be there in 10 years.....hit it while it's hot NIGGAS. Bahah yeah I know. I want a white girl who's at least half that thicc

short and squatty all ass and no body


you are correct, OP

She's got a great face but she has a manly body. Sorry, but she does. Muscularity is awful on women.

>I can only imagine the seething hatred you manlets feel when my long legged girlfriend wears heels and we both walk around towering over all of you.

t. tiny penis manlet role playing as hard as he can to distract us from how hard he's shitting his pants over being called out

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Chose tall white girl.
Everything else is dysgenic desu.

On the other note, and ho cares what was once natural etc.
Nature only produces "good enough" results.

Retrospect - The Thread.


>he has such small hands that can't handle a bit of meat on a womans bones
i'm not into those cellulite ridden niggerbitch "thicc" girls either, but a woman has to have a curvy figure (no, i don't mean unhealthy fat) to be attractive to me. Can't deal with skeletons

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Larger hips neant easier birth = more women survived the ordeal.

Today it means shit with technology.

Thick-headed more like

Notice how she was simply fat and not physically fit
All those thots trying to be fit-thicc are going about it the wrong way

She was glamourized mostly in photos that made her look thin. Flattering angles. Her actual body was not the "ideal" men saw in her

I thought we talked about long term partners?

I have no issue with fucking these bosy types occasionally

Are people on here so retarded they seriously believe that the modern American ideal of "skinny with huge fake boobs" has been true throughout the eons and only recently got replaced with "fat niggers"?

>INB4 Poki a mutt
Tell me you dont like this booty

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thank you, finally someone said it, I've noticed this disgusting trend as well it's a drop in standards for the emasculated men in western societies, fat acceptance and feminism combined helped brainwash the masses.
Wasn't there some test of blind men groping various woman figures and the majority preferred skinny figures, because it's natural and instinctively they know it's healthier?

Those measurements were 5 ft. 5.5 inches tall; 35 inch bust; 22 inch waist (approximately 2-3 inches less than the average American woman in the 1950s and 12 inches less than average today); and 35 inch hips, with a bra size of 36D
Plus I'm pretty sure she is pregnant in that picture. Cope harder

I don't. That's an ass that only a negro could love.

long and thin.. long.. and..thin.. bringing sexy back.. and these chicks squeal so nice.. they feel like you could break them when you fuck em.. pounding porkers is nice too but this is where i am in life now.

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already fat

I have been overfeeding my pet nigger for months, I hope the little bugger is fine.

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