Both. Jow Forums is a substitute for social interaction. People who fail at social interaction, gravitate to Jow Forums. People on Jow Forums are indoctrinated by Jow Forums to think social interaction is pointless because of some vague notion of "degeneracy".
Its a vicious cycle. I feel for people who actually use this place as a refuge from the real world. This place is much worse than the real world.
Levi Perry
A lot of the early Islamist terrorists were similar.
It makes sense. You're a cast off beta, and instead or looking to improve you can look cool and tough in tactical gear, even if you're just shooting up a church full of old people.
This is why these fags love sharing pictures of the incel killers. Makes them feel they could be tough, the even though they'll never be leaders.
People I know IRL who are all Jow Forums are both in their 30s, live with their parents, are frequently unemployed, but bought ARs and talk about how much they're going to do in the new civil war. Fucking hilarious.
Jackson Sanders
lol, OP is just made the kid had bigger balls then any of you beta cucks ever will
Honestly, I don't want millions of Mexicans flooding my country, but I can respect Mexican alphas or even beta hard workers on an individual level, even if they need to leave.
Guys like this or Christchurch guy evoke pity at best, but mostly contempt. You're a friendless faggot who no one ever likes. Don't jump out and try to take the lead on things for the first time in your life (something you only risk because you plan on dying, but then pussy out and surrender). Leave that to non genetic trash.