Liberals can’t believe that Trump’s approval numbers are rising

Please explain to them how this is happening because they are in shock

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there's not much to it
"progressives" and identity politics are repulsive to sane people and trump has made life better for the working and middle class while not starting any wars

haha does anyone else here hate libtards? I know I sure do

libtards are so stupid am I right /Pol ?


But they haven't broken 46% for the past 2 years

Exactly this. I wasn't a huge fan, but despite some bonehead moves, I am voting for him in 2020. He's been the least hawkish POTUS in ages, despite being a huge Israhell pumper.

>Please explain to them how this is happening because they are in shock
Polls always fail to properly measure rural areas. Always underestimate them. And intentionally in order to convince politicians to prefer urban voters' causes

I don't want to explain it to them.
I want to see their faces when Trump wins second term.

This. Give the enemy nothing. No advice. No insight. No help.

It was way more fun when they were in shock

3 years in meltdown mode, 5 more to go minimum.. The state of libtards. Kek

This user is right:
I am still a "fiscal Democrat."
But I cannot get on board the leftist movement. My political view align almost perfectly with Obama 08.
But that puts me closer to Trump than the current Democratic Left.
So... I am on the Trump Train.
(Pic related)

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>spend the last week talking about how trump is practically the leader of a white nationalist terrorism cell
>his numbers still go up
Seriously, leftists need to just accept that Trump is unstoppable. When he said he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose a single voter, HE MEANT IT.

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Most polling numbers are widely inaccurate.

I have doubts he will win re-election. If gun control happens, video games are banned, Israel takes over a state or 2. It will be civil war 2 taking place.

The kike media is a comedy routine at this point. Their gaslight is out of gas. The dogs won’t eat it.

CW II is already taking place. Make some popcorn.

Don't get complacent

They will be again. After all, they've learned exactly 0 lessons since the last election.

...and the really funny part is Trump could shoot someone and get away with it NOT BECAUSE OF WHO HE IS BUT BECAUSE OF WHO THEY ARE.

Polls are manipulated 100%. We found that out in the 2016 election.

What does that say about Trump's recent favorable polling since he has gone full Zion-cuck?

They are setting him up to destroy himself.

>My political view align almost perfectly with Obama 08.
corrupt nigger from chicago in bed with the muslim brotherhood, the saudis and other utterly evil groups in a collective effort to undermine the United States? that 08 oshithead??? fuck off cunt

He’s got it in the bag —- incumbent presidents almost always win re-election especially when the economy is hot. Also the leftist fake news media CAN NOT bring him down, they’ve done nothing but compare the man to hitler for 3 years straight, and the voters don’t care. All we ever hear from the fake news is trumps a racist/sexist/bigot/homophobe and every other ist and phobe under the sun, and the voters don’t care, they’re voting trump anyways. None of their smears is causing him to lose support, which is terrifying for them because that means if they’re going to beat Trump in 2020 they need to beat him on the issues, and that’s never happening

>by Nate (((Cohn)))

>"We want more immigrants than but legalized"
>caved on detention of illegals
>death penalty for hate crimes
>legalized buttsex in Botswana
He's basically a liveral now.

I didn't say I agree with his actions.
Just that his political ideologies, those he ran on and broadcast in 08, align with my own.
Jesus you fucking apes are no better than niggers when it comes to comprehension.

average human in today's society has the reading comprehension of a brick due to brain meltage by smart phones
stop using smart phones

don't say this on your youtube channel, tim

>the saudis and other utterly evil groups in a collective effort to undermine the United States?
And Trump isn't aligned with the Saudis?
Are you fucking retarded?

I have no room for hate. Only hope. Hope that one day, you and all who post here will cast aside your hateful ways, which serve no purpose but to control your lives and have sex.

Progressives are in a cult religion with loosely interpreted blasphemy laws that they constantly use again those they deem enemies.

How not to like such a good goy and Israels' lap dog? He really should go with "Make Israel Greater Again" slogan, at least it will be the real goal he's going for.

He turned into a shitlib to appease the masses.
Basiclly a 90s democrat.

They are rising because the democrats are insane. Doesn't make Trump less of a zionist piece of shit.

That's the Dem's biggest problem, they never learn. They cannot process why people support Trump... they don't even try to. And they keep bitching about him and what he did and what he didn't do and how he's orange and a nazi, all the while not understanding the fact that he WANTS to be talked about, win lose or draw. Desiring to be center of attention is one of his two biggest strengths... the other strength is making people underestimate him, which the Dems also do, every freakin time

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>Polls always fail to properly measure rural areas. Always underestimate them. And intentionally in order to convince politicians to prefer urban voters' causes

Polls are also inaccurate because Trump supporters and the right are lying to them. Look at 2016 and the last Australian election for examples. Since then the bias and hate have gotten worse. The polls could easily be 10 points off.

Well I can't understand it either.
I do belive Trump is still way better than what Clinton would've been and it's nice he's not started any new wars but he's far from good.

Supporting red flag laws is a HUGE mistake. Red flag laws make it that if you have a mental illness, you will not be allowed to own firearm. The moment the Democrats gain control of the white house, they will immediately push to make 'being right wing' officially a mental illness.
Don't think it can happen? Remember, these people are communists. In Communist Russia, the communist government officially declared 'not being a communist' as a mental illness, and used that as an excuse to arrest people and throw them in 're-education camps' aka Gulags where they were worked to death. The left WILL declare that anyone to the right of Stalin is mentally ill. The left doesn't have gunbs because they falsely beliueve that the police and government will protect them. Barring a few exceptions, the only people who have guns are right wingers. Having a gun makes you right wing, being right wing is a mental illness, and according to red flag laws, being mentally ill means you can't have a gun.
Have a gun->you are right wing->right wingers are mentally ill->mentally ill people cannot have guns.
Do you think Bush did 9/11? (he did)
Do you think South Korea is run by a shadow oligarchy of millionaire women? (It is)
Do you believe Jeffery Epstein is a pedophile and child sex trafficker who kidnaps children to his private island where he holds underage sex parties that the global elite go to in order to rape kids? (He is and does)
Do you believe the Democrats will declare not being a leftist as a mental illness and use that as an excuse to disarm and arrest right wingers ,aka sane people, and work them to death to pay gibs to niggers? (They absolutely will)
Then you are a 'conspiracy theorist' are crazy, mentally ill, and will be disarmed.

Passing red flag laws lets the government disarm anyone who is mentally ill, but the government can decide what mentally ill is. They can decide white people are mentally ill insane killers, and use that excuse to arrest all whites.

Based. New argument for Trump. He's the throwback Obama.
>cages for children
>undeclared war and genocide in Yemen
>unchecked immigration
>corporate welfare
Good points user. I think I can convince my BernieBro-in-law with this.

I got called for a poll one time on gun control, while I was cleaning my guns from the range of all the times they could have called.
I lied and said I was pro gun control and didn't own any guns as I was brushing the carbon off of my glock's barrel. It was quite surreal.

I also got a poll like that, from the Trudeau government none the less. They asked if I have any guns, then asked if I support gun control and why.
I told them I don't have any guns, but I oppose all gun control because it doesn't disarm criminals, only law abiding people, cited examples showing that gun control increases gun crime, citing that Switzerland had mandatory gun ownership for each household and has the lowest crime rate on the planet, then stated I would really like to get a gun but they want you to pay $600 an go to the provincial capital for TWO DAYS for a permit, and then the cheapest gun is around $600 as well making it too expensive.

Of course it's a fucking mistake

And yet Trump is now supporting red flag laws in the wake of the shooting.

So.... he's a release valve.

the red flag shit is literal knee jerk reactions. lets wait a little while when things cool off and put it on the shelve while we wait for an iran false flag

It didnt have to be this way. This is the future that you chose.

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>when you transform into a globalist shill for israel

keep hate speech out of here user. Jow Forums is a board of peace.

Biggest question is: What will be the best location to set up reaction cams for the 2020 Democratic Party loss. We can make bank on selling liberal tears shots or at least make some immortal memes.

Trump is at ~42%, realistically he needs to be at 48% to secure the election.

He can still do it but right now it favors Biden

>5 more to go minimum.
Oh my god did you see their reactions to trump saying he might even stay president beyond 5 years “who knows?”...

>Sucks Jew cum and does everything they wanted him to do
>His approval rating (((suddenly))) increases

You know things are bad when even Bill Kristol is congratulating Trump on becoming a full fledged neocon.

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>Biden can beat Trump
How delusional one can be.

You would know, leaf, you would know.

>come out as anti-gun shill
>take steaming hot dump on your base yet again and say America needs millions more immigrants
>polls rise
I didn't trust the polls in 2016 and I sure as fuck don't now.

>Polls are manipulated 100%. We found that out in the 2016 election.
When he lost the popular vote by millions?

He’s a release valve in the sense that boomers die off daily by the thousands (his base) while Dems import Spic voters in by the tens of thousands, so he is here to keep us entertained (ala Q) while no one does anything about the shitskin flood. Once the Commucrats take over, everything Trump did will be undone and the commies will down on us like a 1000 bricks. Our logo is a frog because they have a sick sense of humor, Trump just boils our water slowly. In b4 >our

It's because the economy is doing well. Don't surprised if democrats try to tank the economy before the election.

>They cannot process why people support Trump.
Well it's like trying to process why a dog is chasing its tail. You get it, but only through the lens of an animal with exceptionally low intelligence. For liberals, they simply can't process how do many people can be so fucking stupid. There's a lot of you.

>When he lost the popular vote by millions?
Which isn’t how presidencies are won anyway?

The only price to pay is becoming a minority in our country?

His polling has been flat for near an entire year. People are stuck in their camps but once a better alternative is found, hopefully will get him out.

>popular vote
Not relevant, because your system is corrupted.

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What if really the dog knows him chasing his tail annoys the fuck out of you and he does it because you are an annoying faggot?

Every candidate will have a picture rubbing that kike wall. THEY ARE ALL KIKED AND WILL BE ALL KIKED. Boomers and kikes have to go one way or another, We won't have peace until then.

Because people like you voted for him

Not relevant because, like every other country, the US isn't some retarded direct democracy where the political bias of the large population centres rule the political culture.

When a dog is chasing his own tail, he is playing.
Like Trump is playing with you.
And we watch it.
And we laugh.

>large population
You mean migrants.

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Someone made a mini clip of the meltdown over this

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>trump does nothing but suck jew dick and give billions to Israel
>Americans love it

Cannot make this shit up.

He’s not perfect, but he’s the best we’ve had in a hundred years. He’s actually working to keep his promises. Plus he drives the Left into foaming fits.

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>What if really the dog knows him chasing his tail annoys the fuck out of you and he does it because you are an annoying faggot?
Yes, we get it. You have a stunted, child-like intelligence. That was my point. It's like you're trying to prove me right.

The mistake you are making is believing the public image is the thing when often there is little to no relation between the two. It's all PR and red herrings. Look at what is actually happening and you'll see the left is being dismantled and a new more sane system is being built.

Nigger you're not even from here. The people whose dicks you're riding probably cant even point to your goulash gobbling turd farm on a map.

No, it’s just that the time for politics is over and so we distract you with name calling (you eat it up) while we build up the military (+14 trillion) to be able to FEMA camp your traitorous asses very soon.

This graphic shows the Democratic Party in the US is slightly RIGHT of the Median, whatever that is? I don't think so. The Dems since Trump's election have gone completely off the rails and are now led by the four women of the apocalypse. The Squad.

I believe you. You are easily made to feel dumb because you are dumb. It's clear that this has taken a toll on you all collectively because you're constantly dreaming up new revenge plots.

Graphs Sauce:

The "Median" is based on the world history of political alignments. The US has always been "Right Wing" compared to the rest of the world and history.
Only in the past Decade has the Dem party veered towards and past the center to become truly "Left-Wing."
Keep in mind, this is just the current political leaders of the Democrats. There are many more Dems who are vastly more leftist than the current party median.

Yeah, try harder faggot

I feel that way in general. I see democrats as enemies and want nothing to do with them. I see conservatives as brothers. It's crazy. I'm tribal as fuck now senpai. I'm soon going to move out of the city, I feel like this is a powder keg about to blow and I want to be with whites if it happens.

so the "as soon as we get to power we'll make you pay" political campaigning doesn't always work, who knew?

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>He’s not perfect, but he’s the best we’ve had in a hundred years. He’s actually working to keep his promises. Plus he drives the Left into foaming fits.
Trump: "Red Flag laws are wonderful. You should pass Red Flag laws in every state."
Dems: "...uh. OK!"

And even I laugh about you and your butthurt comments.

>>polls rise
>I didn't trust the polls in 2016 and I sure as fuck don't now.
This is clearly part of how they manipulate R's to cuck and fuck over their base.

Dems are actually moving even left and are campaigning to appeal the 2nd Amendment.
Not a fan of "Red Flag Laws" but Trump is still better than all the Dem candidates.

much like your IQ tests, I imagine.

They know why. But, it is too late to pump the brakes now. They went all in on Impeach, progressive candidates and the gerrymandering/votes for illegals. They are gonna die on that hill.


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A federal red flag law would be shot down in the supreme court. Due process for that already exists and they'll state that.


>Citizens actually liking their elected leader is somehow breaking news.

I'm tired of this world.

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>Trump’s approval numbers are rising
i doubt it, prove it.

Cope, libtard

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>The US has always been "Right Wing" compared to the rest of the world and history.
The US is a republic with a popularly elected head of state. The US has always been on the bleeding edge of leftism.

>Y-you mean social media sites riddled with censorship, astroturfing, shills and bots don't represent real life?

prove his approval numbers are rising. most of the libtardarians/military veterans/gun owners ive seen online are sick of his shit, a lot of them are getting blackpilled (which is good)

I don't think you understand how the political spectrum works, friend. It's not your fault, though. Public Education in the US has really gone down hill. Please educate yourself on worldwide politics throughout history. The US has never been Left of the political center. It has always been on the right, just past the middle with Dems being closer to true centrists than Republicans, but ultimately still "right wing" in the grand scheme.



Yeah but are they going to vote for a communist then? There isn't a non communist democratic candidate...