So black people in the United States just complain about how the white man has taken everything from them and they demand it back. If every nigger in Africa was relocated to America as is, and every white American transported with all their original wealth , and property. Minus the houses, buildings, obvious stuff. Do you think white people could build a utopia in the sand. With all the natural resources before the spear chuckers were begging for white assistance again ?
Could white people convert Africa from shit hole to an actual thriving nation?
Sorry and all the white people transferred to Africa in exchange , didn’t clarify that.
anywhere white people go becomes wealthier and more civilized than it previously was. the opposite effect can be observed with spics, niggers, and muslims
progressives can’t decode if Africa is behind us because they had fewer natural resources or if we went there and stole their natural resources. both theories are equally stupid
Whites already did that in Rhodesia. Niggers already destroyed it.
Ever heard of Rhodesia?
They absolutely could. But then even if you built on a deserted land some african dude some jew and some woke feminist would start yelling about how the evil white man should accept any black refugee since it was his land initially. Even if it used to be a barren shithole. And then how since it was built by whites those are privilaged and need to help blacks. And never forget it was his land so the only logical choice is for them to have diversity positions in the senate and political offices. Etc etc
Red pill me real quick I want the real version not the pc’d down wiki side.
This. It should be obvious by now. The left is in for a rude ass awakening when they get their dream demographics in 2050.