Reminder capitalists ruin countries

immigration that we see today didn't exist until capitalism existed. It's a jewish pyramaid scheme

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Socialism has destroyed every economy it has ever touched.

>immigration that we see today didn't exist until capitalism existed
don't you have history classes in prison?

Capitalsists will literally wipe the white race for money

>muh economy
Thats all you sharts can think about isnt it

If there only was a third way...

>oh no i'm bankrupt because I got cancer
>luckily the DOW is up today, so my life is getting better!

Socialized welfare incentivized people to come here.

Okay. What kind of effects does socialism have on spirituality, tradition, and the arts?

>immigration that we see today didn't exist until capitalism existed.
You wot m8?

Have fun bro. It’s coming for you.

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Sounds like a covert liberal who is making simple business seem evil
Unless you're an ethnic capitalist

> atheists returning to worshipping material idols

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Capitalists pushed women into the workforce to lower wages under the guise of feminism.
Look up the Rockefellers in the 60s

This single handedly destroyed white birthrate, and now they push mass migration.

Socialism destroys ecomonies, capitalism destroyes the white race

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> Capitalists pushed women into the workforce
this was done by socialists, capitalists started to exploit the situation only once it was ushered through already.

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first capitalism=human rights= love of bourgeois

second capitalism cannot be destroyed because it commodities any doctrine, capitalism included.

capitalism destroyed china, guatamala,and much more.

Ancient Rome had literally the *exact* same demographic issue occur. The native Roman population stopped having children so they could focus on hedonism, and the city was completely repopulated by Gauls, Syrians, Jews and other immigrants from the Empire.
They even recognized it as a problem at the time- Augustus implemented a series of laws to try and force Roman patricians to get married and reproduce, which largely failed.

it wasnt real capitalism :,)

And you! (:

Were going back to 1947