Going home

Anyone here taking the goinghome pill ?
Clown world is beyond repair

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your mental health will get better if you stop giving a fuck, yes

tell me more about this pill user?

"At no time in Western Civilization has man accepted so willingly contrivances calculated to weaken and destroy him.

Media reinforcement of fears and anxieties is at an all time zenith. Prime-time TV dispenses suspense and crisis, either real (in the form of news) or through fiction, documentary features, and series. This is considered "entertainment", not demoralization.

And now in addition to the ring around your collar you are confronted by threats to your immune system, germ warfare, telephone bugging, cancer, conspiratorial politicians acting as decoys for the Real Rulers, governmental breakdown, danger in the streets, the rising cost of food, gasoline, higher taxes. If you are a law abiding citizen concerned for the safety of your home and family you are made to feel like a criminal for owning a gun, and are henceforth categorized as a 'crazed gunman with a Saturday Night Special'.

You must learn to immunize yourself against the Great Demoralization Process. Recognise it for what it is - a collective phenomenon self-perpetuating due to Malthusian Law. Avoid popular amusements. Take a lesson from the Ostrich and it's head in the sand attitude: If timeliness is necessary for demoralisation then existentialism is the perfect escape vehicle.
To break out of the demoralisation process you must minimally deal with the present, and dwell on the past and future as if staring into a crystal ball - reflecting upon personally gratifying things and situations. And always remember an overview is essential to survival, and what has been sown must soon be reaped."

- Anton LaVey, "A Medicine for Melancholy"(1993) (heavily abridged)

You mean suicide?

Based /coming home/ poster

Sometimes. I often believe the end of all pill will be a way or form to say you're going to live out an Anime-style death. Where your death takes you some god-like being to take you to another world filled with magic, hot chicks and you are given god-like powers or status to do good in that world.

I was considering it but then i realised that worldo f warcraft is the jewiest thing ever. It's not gonna be like the old days, its gonna be a bunch of faggots minmaxing, know exactly what gear to get, exactly how to be annoying as fuck.

Do you really wanna pour another 100 hours into this digital addiction over spending 100 hours reading books, learning a musical instrument, learning art, maybe learn to make weapons or explosives?

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Fuck off, Staysafe. Take off the vpn you oregon faggot

Didn't Anton Lavey also say that if churches were taxed to the highest hilt, it could pay of the national debt in a day?

I want to do it so I can 2v2 arena with my bud when it comes out, but I have zero faith beyond that.

nnnnnnnnooooooooooooo do not g home goyim, you must contribute to siciety and pay taxes and give back all the money us good jews gave up to give skills like a reading a book and counting to ten. noooooooooooooo do not ot it goyim. DO you not have any '''''''''''honor''''''''''''''', any idea what ''''''''''''''''merit'''''''''''''''' means goyim it is important to have duties in your life other wise youa re a spinelss man i tell you. go back to wageslaving and learn a trade to work many years an dbe happy little goyim.

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Rolling on the EU RP-PvP server, Horde side. Gas the Gnomes, race war now.

There is literally no point in wow if you dont play on the RP-PVP servers.

If Churches were taxed that highly they'd just close down.

whats the point of playing on anything RP related if you're not a degenerate furfag autist?

Well you gotta pay up to Blizz, so you "contribute" anyway.

well yeah it will not be like i was in highschool of course
but then again i havent played games for years

koji ti je kurac mamu ti jebem kurvinsku


whole point was wpvp

This, I started playing WoW on private server when I reached lvl 60 and wanted to find out what's the deal with raiding, turns out I need special gear that takes weeks of repeated dungeon grinding to get to even be considered. Fuck that retarded shit. Where's the fun in that. Also gameplay is retarded, autolock on target and press button every 2 seconds.

>buy my Jewish company products
Fuck off

we're gonna make it bros
we're all going home :)

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Well retail is way faster and more casual if that's your thing.

Nice try, Blizzard marketing nigger.

Blizzard is releasing a reboot of WoW this autumn to tame the nigger cattle.

Epstein Epstein Epstein Epstein

classic wow = clown world

what a homo

Wpvp is 90% just ganking/griefing and wasting time you could be acquiring wealth and gear

>remain a manchild forever
>be completely useless with no actual skills or practical knowledge whatsoever
>conformist parasite on his own parents
>video game addict in addition to any drug, tobacco or alcohol abuse
>a civilization junkie, dependent in every possible way
>passive nihilism and a biological dead end
how about not being a perfect basedadin and actually take up your cross both figuratively and literally, like a man?

Undead mage here. I'm looking forward to going home

>Hits pipe
I cannot think of or comprehend anything more cucked than immersing yourself in nostalgia because you are too mentally weak to try and make your current situation better.

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>turns out I need special gear that takes weeks of repeated dungeon grinding to get to even be considered
Maybe for AQ40 and Naxx. Resist gear is mostly just training wheels for guilds just starting out in MC. You can go without if you have a decent health pool and more than two brain cells.

Says the retard who started wow during mop

>Slav upset he'll have to pay for something instead of shitting up all the private servers

Color me surprised

>the mods are so gourged on s o y they needed further validation by changing s o y output from onion to based
the absolutely pathetic state of this shithole.

I have to admit I did /gohome/ for like 2 years playing Runescape from morning to night. Just woke up 2 years older one day with feelings of regret.

I don't give a flying fuck for you amerimutts wasting your already meaningless lives on video games, be my fucking guest and die from overdose. However I do care for my countryman not falling for the same goypill so kindly alt tab back to your server and raise the IQ of this board by 100%.

Lol why are Balkan niggers always do angry? Just calm down, nobody cares about what slavs think

You obviously do because you keep posting faggot

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Calm down slavnigger

but yes we are going home

not my fault no girl ever wanted to kiss me

no arena in classic my dude

>Just calm down, all is chill and fine, sedate yourself, no need to think, no need to worry, just be happy
plug in back and leave the real world to real people, you don't want to miss out on your raid

pay sub for a 12 yr old game goy

I played vanilla wow from day 1 and it was actually amazing, a golden age of gaming. And Classic will never be the same, because it was the social and exploration aspect that made it so good. The social aspect will already be ruined by pre-made guilds rushing to endgame, discord server and people knowing what to do it and how to do it, from the start. You're naive if you think it's going to be anywhere near close.

shut up nigger

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>being a faggot

lets be honest most current games suck dick, they are just recycled garbage for the good goys to buy

escaping to fantasy is what has doomed our world to begin with

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What fucking bullshit excuse is this? Why did you allow yourself to be in the state where no girl wants to kiss you? What did you expect? To level up to sex by grinding through some combination self-pity and entitlement? World is taken by force, earn that which you want and be worthy of it, not wallow in your imagined importance that no one understands. Grow a fucking spine, start working out other muscles except for your right hand and get out and get a girl. They are literally waiting for someone with half a brain to take them by hand and tell them where the shit is in the world. Use your autism to your benefit not to your detriment.

Suck on an algerian cock you baguette gobbler

How much would it cost me to stay in a hotel and fuck all the easy girls in your countries?

Fuck off, I'll stick to ff14

Ive been taking the goinghome pill every day for the past 8 years.

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What else is there to do? Take part in an incel false flag? Vidya > Reality

Played the stress test last night. Signed up mostly for the name reservation coming soon but yeah, going home will help me ride out the economic crash coming.


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>not my fault no girl ever wanted to kiss me
Maybe if in high school you actually talked to girls instead of shitting up the yard with your idiotic WoWspeak with the rest of the imbeciles

never understood the appeal
it’s just the same content being re-released with different patch data to complain about

>imagine playing that shit in 2019
was ok till 2013 until they became ubercucked

the only way to improve the world is to improve yourself

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i am working out you fucking arrogant shit, i work and i didnt play video games for years
stop projecting on me
i also didnt want to fuck around like degenerate and wanted to find romantic relationship with good girl and marry her, now i know its impossible since they are all brainless instagram whores , so fuck you and fuck this world and society that didnt give me anything and doesnt deserve me
you fucking arrogant underage shitlord

I already got my fill the first time around, was in a server first raiding guild, general rank in PVP etc it was more like a job than a game at the time, but I'm going to play casually with some friends who weren't as deep into it as me, but no more than once or twice a week, i have better things to do these days, but it'll be good to catch up and goof around a little with some old friends.

based autismo sperg serb
we're home soon
wont be the same as back then but it will be fine

It would cost you a week of pain in your balls, but not from cumdumping loads of sperm into easy broads as you like to imagine but because of the kicks you would recieve stomach deep into your excuse for genitals from all the girls that would show you where your place as a sex tourist is. Serbia by far has the least easy chicks. As far as money goes, we are dirt cheap and sky high in quality as far as the food and hospitality is concerned.

It's the only way I can reach the youth and a visual something when I do my nightly #1 pro-white daily evening show on the alt-right!

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It will be interesting to see how many people you managed to quit WoW, hit the gym and start being an overcompensating asshole in their mid twenties now relapse back into their autism

No, fuck off Blizzard kike

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Wpvp is core old school WoW. I couldn't imagine the game without it.

but NA sucks in league

>hit the gym and start being an overcompensating asshole
Fatty cope. Go exercise,

The cooperative aspect still exists. The sense of mystery won't be there but I don't think anyone is expecting that.

>falling for the bread and circuses
grow up

Shut your little pie hole if all you know is to mourn your imagined self-worth you little arrogant narcissistic snowflake brat. Who said anything about projecting or fucking around? Who said anything about being a degenerate scum? Actually try to look for a decent girl in a decent place instead of crying because how instagram and tinder whores are not family material? Woah, GALAXY BRAIN, who would have thought?? And I fucking don't believe you, that you either worked out enough, or tried hard enough to find a girl. Show me your back you pretending fitizen! Show me if you have the guts to back up your words! Clown world remains a circus as long as you decide to watch the show, step out of the fucking tent instead of a taking place at the stage.

Ok Peterson

Truth is, individual change won't change the ensemble. One person acting now will just get crushed. Things can't realistically change for the better until there is popular support for action which will require a hell of a lot more stimulus and stress than there is right now. Kids being given puberty blockers and violent mobs aren't enough. The average person needs to feel it before anything happens. I'm not going to live in constant agitation for 15 years waiting.

I go home to my wife and kids after work. My son and I are playing through the original Legend of Zelda.

Why would I pay full price and sub for this game, when I already spent several hundred on it in 2005/2006. You would have to be retarded to pay for this shit.

Can’t wait bro. Won’t be getting much sleep that first week.

Mume. Org

Just the sub. The game is a free download.

God bless Dives

its so obvious that you are a stupid zoomer that hasnt worked a single day in his life

take a fucking picture you cowering faggot instead of hiding behind your meme responses. Here is mine, what now? How many russian or australian pull ups did you do this week huh? Work out or stay out you pretending crybaby.

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ye, we got it, now STFU with your Warcraft PR campain!

user, you are on your way to being fit but you really must wash your back and cut your hair.

And just so there is no confusion I both work out and have job. And a girl. And you know why? Because it is fucking easy. Just takes a bit of willpower to get you started. You choose how you will die and only you.

>russian or australian pull ups
literally for faggots
i bet you cant do one muscle up
also nice try hiding those anti-legs

You're confusing lack of strength with lack of will
I don't want the current situation to get better, I want it to get worse.

its finally happening. we're finally going home

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We can save the World!.... of Warcraft.

yammer all you want, show something first instead of just making insults with nothing to back them up

I workout outside mostly and wash my back, don't you worry. I like my hair. Girls love the beard too.

Yeah MOP was all downhill

oh ok wait me to find another fake image from internet
how can you be so gay and pathetic?

All this thread has shown us is "serbians" are not people.


I am not fake like you are, search for this image you will find zero matches. Show something instead of endlessly pretending. And visit Jow Forums instead of Jow Forums.

playing classic wow as the majority of western countries slowly fall into decay and despair.

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>search for this image you will find zero matches
holy shit this is hilarious
post timestamp? no? ok i didnt think so you fake sad little dude
>lying on internet
imagine being this pathetic

If by "people" you mean matetialist consumerist faggots that jerk off to blizzard porn all day and waste their lives in pursuit of their basic instincts and meaningless frivolous activities like video games, then yes, we are not """people""". Fuck west, and fuck your degeneracy. Go die for Israel if you love being a noahide jew slave all that much.