Why do so many modern day Nazis look and act subhuman?

Why do so many modern day Nazis look and act subhuman?

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That's what they are.

They just don't realize that their time of hate is over.

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because nazis are cucks

Because only a subhuman would become a nazi

Fuck nazis.

ITT Mehmet learns how to use multiple devices to samefag on 4chin

Lol Sweden coming in with their limp wristed attempts at subversion.

As long as they're white that's all that matters. Self hating whites get the bullet though. None of that libtard talk will be tolerated, because we're libtard intolerant

You got that swede or do you need some sense knocked into you?

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There is a difference between neo Nazis and actual national socialists. The national socialist is educated and stays away from all kinds of degeneracy and the neo Nazi is a low life drunk hooligan.

This is why we need to exterminate those faggots first in order to achieve real national socialism

Who you calling subhuman freak?
Go back to your encampment of purple green haired limp wristed faggots, the subhumans that mutilate their own body and destroy their genitalia for sexual gratification and push that same idea on kids

What do you mean? I'm sure that guy on the left is a cool dude.

Fuck off nazi.

they are mostly paid actor. its another sloppy job.
i'm sure most of them had never read Mein Kampf before.

Because sweetie, you children always think adults look this way


I don't understand

This is Jow Forums not /lgbt/

Frustrated beta incels have to try something to get pretty women. Maybe if I stand for white supremacy nobody will notice what a pussy faggot I am!

All I see is two pictures of Polish men.

Fuck off Ivan

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>Why do so many modern day Nazis look and act subhuman?
>posts same 1 picture for 5 years

um sweetie cmon

You need some new pics bro I've seen the same 2 or 3 since 2016

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Fuck nazis

There are real Nazis and kike skinhead hooligans.

Maybe because they are. Neo Nazis are some of the most brainleted people I ever came to acquaint.

2/10 Shlomo

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Very funny Fritz, now fuck off


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How does it feel to be a loser forever, NSDAP scum?

>f-f fuck o-off, na n nazi scumm reee

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Just you wait. We defeated you before and we will do it again.

there are no nazis today
nazi larping is gay as fuck tho

Because they are uneducated subhuman scum.

because nazis are retards.

at least my vote actually counts when I vote for president

Why left cries when people mock handicapped people and then attack the ugly neo-nazis for their looks instead of their ideals?
The left is just bullies, and that is why the ugly people are neo-nazis.
Your fault, everything.

>Why do so many modern day Nazis look and act subhuman?
Because they have nothing to lose already so it doesn't matter to them.
The rest of us would like to keep our careers intact and our families safe.


Nice proxy.


“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel.”

"“Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat… That is why gentiles were created.”"

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, whose funeral was one of the largest in Israeli history

Fuck off, kike. You're on the wrong side of history, to borrow a favorite phrase

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Fuck off anti-semite piece of shit.

Ge dig.

mitä vittua sä pelle selität?

So the jew shrieks.

Vi måste bekämpa nazisterna på alla fält. Både på gatan och online.


Because nazis/fascists are only right wing in the sense of military. In general they are leftists and leftists are buy defult cuck faggots

fuck nazis and fuck hitler

ideology is for weak willed faggots. if you need to larp as anything you're worthless, you won't do shit, because you act as an extremist to palliate to your own psychological needs.

Read Kaczynski, he gives the clearest analysis of why and how people join radical cause/activism.

People falling for this old chestnut again, the pic on the left was edited with the guy on the right's face.

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Neo-Nazis are basically white niggers. Fuck them.

The poster on the left mocks poles, the people on the right are polish

Why poles are neonazis is anyone's wonder


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Becuase most "modern nazis" do not follow the teachings of Hitler, and just like to larp as skinheads and degenerates. They bring shame to Adolf's memory.

>because you act as an extremist to palliate to your own psychological needs.
>Read Kaczynski, he gives the clearest analysis of why and how people join radical cause/activism.

>becomes an extremist himself
>achieves nothing
>goes to jail


Why are antifa all retards?

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cause it's the only people that could be propped up to play the evil nazi's to keep the fear of life awake in ze jude and get support to fight the Nazis. Nobody would've taken ze jude seriously when the Nazis successfully submerged.

modern day nazis? LMAO, bunch of fat degenerates & full-body tattood jobless losers with nigger-like behavior, is that what you call nazis? The Nazis were well-dressed, well-disciplined & educated nationalists & politicians, not some drunkard edgelords who can't even pull a trigger properly.

Because the progressives made "Nazi" synonymous with "untermensch." Next time they have power, they'll send all "Nazis" to death camps, especially the Israeli "Nazis."

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.. yes? read his works you absolute retard, your post doesn't make any sense.

>Modern day Nazis
Modern day "Nazis" don't look like anything. No-one has ever seen one. They exist only on the internet. What you are refering to are yesterday's "Nazis". The only thing I know about yesterday's "Nazis", is that they all seem to be having revelations where they realize that they were in a cult and they now all regret it and have all become born-again leftists. I'm assuming this was intended as a demoralization campaign by the left, who don't understand that not everyone else prioritizes social status above the pursuit of truth, but all it told me was that the people who were idiot cringenazis yesterday, are now leftists today. It doesn't tell me anything about who is or isn't a "Nazi" today, it just tells me that the left today appeals to yesterday's idiots.

I can cherry pick too you know.

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nice body shaming, bigot

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I always wondered who this fucker is. His soi-loaded fuckface pops up every now and then.

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I can never understand this, how can people be so ignorant,bluepilled about the crime statistics, to see the horror of the refugees that are coming in..

because they're failsons who have nothing personal to be proud of and can't admit the reason their lives are shit is because of their own worthlessness. so they're proud about the fact they get skin cancer easier and blame jews/browns/blacks/etc for the fact they're failures

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The eternal Stockholmer...

Come here schlomo

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Who is schlomo?