>women can still perform their most important function(childbirth) while completely unconscious
Shouldn’t putting smart femoids in coma and knocking them up from fourteen to fourty the rational choice?
>women can still perform their most important function(childbirth) while completely unconscious
Shouldn’t putting smart femoids in coma and knocking them up from fourteen to fourty the rational choice?
maybe if you're an incel like OP
Giving me a fetish about a dystopian from of reproduction. Stop it user I don't want to open the door to the 1st generation of "artificial" wombs being literally brain dead women.
ask your mom for a loan and get one of those realdolls you pathetic incel
You're on to something here.
have sex, redditor
>being literally brain dead women.
who said anything about that
they could be awakened for the duration and then put back to coma after the ect
so it is true? that men jsut want to have and cater to the needs of a child liek a woman craves?
its a bunch of nerdy kids who got guilted into wanting children by Jow Forums. they think having kids will make them superior to their more successful peers who decided to not have kids.
>liek a woman craves?
A simple look at society shows that women only care abput having children and properly caring for children when men dictate that role to them and enforcd it through economic force. The moment women were given a choice we began to observe a rapid decline in birth rate as well as a greater number of problem children growing up without proper parenting. It is clear that men, not women, are the ones who do, and always have, cared more about legacy, parenthood and continuation of genetic bloodline but have traditionally sacrificed being hands-on in this process due to the need to provide financially for their children.
>Be birth mother
>Kept in an induced coma for most of adult life
>Only awakened every 9 months to birth a baby
>Get immediately put back to sleep, continuing the cycle of impregnation and birth.
>She'll never know the father or child as kids are taken and raised by the global-homo government.
Fuck me user that sounds like a twisted doujinshi, I don't want this in real life.
>>Only awakened every 9 months to birth a baby
only awakened to take the seed in
Quad amputee brandead women in capsule hotels.
>global-homo government
Women are the sole cause of globohomo government and their social elimination from society would revert the world back to nationalism and sanity.
whats with all this braindead fetish
yes. the west needs braapfarms to recover low white birthrates. women should have no say in this matter whatsoever because saving the west comes above all individual freedoms and rights
Child will not be healthy if pregnant woman is lying down and not moving at all for 9 month. And if she is not eating healthy food, but instead she gets her food through needle stuck in her arm, health of the child will be even worse.
good point but i think people can come up with a more humane system to breed women en masse effectively
>in capsule hotels.
>sharing women with other men
Thinking too small here. Every boy could be arrange-married to a beautiful girl and gifted her as he approaches puberty. She would be solely his to do as he pleases with, while spares and additional wives could be purchased if necessary/desired. Without women to constantly distract us, we could focus on advancements in genetics and cloning to produce peak performance women for all.
Maybe if humans were purely logical beings. It seems a lot of pol display psychopathic traits or are just extremely underdeveloped emotionally. Emotions are a much bigger part of your life than logic can ever be, and your neglect and disregard of your feminine side has caused a lot of you to suffer tremendously by severing your connection to yourself and others. Sit with the sadness within you and overcome it, take a deep breath and start living with love in your heart for fuck sake mates
Sadly this. This is why wheelchair bound woman either do special exercises or use surrogate mothers(unless they are retarded themselves).
>Be global-homo government, realized imported niglets can't run white nation at a profit
>Already lowered white populations by subverting social norms, Asians return to their ethno states.
>FUCKING Mr.breg needs a profit and more white slaves
>Idea use libtards to legalized licenced reproduction because religious families and having a father is "child abuse".
>All remaining whites are forced to obtain breeding licenses and only allowed 1hr at facilities mentioned in
>Cycle of birth mother's continues and the white race is truly enslaved.
>Children are raised in an unnatural environment to create the perfect serf class.
Fuck me I'm not ready for this to be real.
>and your neglect and disregard of your feminine side
Women are retarded, bud, which is why we're discussing how we can effectively eliminate them from society so we can raise and nurture our children without their incompetence and degenerative influence.
>Caring about the health and mental state of white women and babies
Silly goy! You exist as a servent of Israel be thankful you are given a breeding licence and are given the privilege of using shekleburg Corp breeding facilities.
>Implying that most women aren't the mental equivalent of a child
user they are already in the double digits as a normal IQ, lower than most men
Women are the only reason jews are allowed to exist. Jews have been regularly genocided and run out of countries throughout history up until precisely the point when their societies degrade enough to let women vote, at which point these efforts end, jews are welcomed and then take over. See any sandnigger countries with jew problems? No. Because their women are kept in line. If it werent for zogged out western nations infested with jews (because they gave women power) propping the kikes up, the sandniggers would genocide them all.
There can be rotating holding tubes and electrical impulse muscule stimulants to emulate activity
An esophagus can be rerouted out and minced actual mass produced food can be used for feeding, with salivary glands being exposed and rerouted into higher point of esophagus to be mixed with the processed food before it goes into the stomach with artificial stimulation of jaw nerves to emulate chewing to fully simulate actual feeding to be stimulated into working when the feeding is in process
You dont actually need to keep a woman human-shaped, infact disassempbing her and connecting each part to a specific contraption will make it possible for the organism to think that its in a perfectly fine condition, even consciousness if you care about that
>women can still perform their most important function(childbirth) while completely unconscious
>putting smart femoids in coma and knocking them up from fourteen to fourty the rational choice
>Giving me a fetish about a dystopian from of reproduction.
>You're on to something here.
>they think having kids will make them superior to their more successful peers who decided to not have kids.
yes, his name was fucking darwin
>Women are the sole cause of globohomo government and their social elimination from society would revert the world back to nationalism and sanity.
>women should have no say in this matter whatsoever because saving the west comes above all individual freedoms and rights
>humane system to breed women en masse effectively
>if she is not eating healthy food, but instead she gets her food through needle stuck in her arm, health of the child will be even worse.
it's called a feeding tube
>Why not just get compliant, and obedient women, who will birth the kids, and then wash them, and raise them? Like a good christian girl. Then you are getting best of both worlds.
Let the feminist freaks darwin themselves out.
So what you are saying is that women belong in the kitchen or the bedroom, should be barefoot and pregnant, that we should lower the age of consent, and engage in a little domestic discipline when required?
That we should vote for far right christian fringe groups that have no chance of winning, so that the mainstream parties (conservative / republicans) politicians will start to represent the above values and people like you? (moving the needle)
stop bitching and do something about it
You also forget the Jews have also reached China, one if the dynasties discribe a foreign tribe not to different than Jews. Even the Chinese hated them.
The main reason women ruin nations is because of a core component of being a female. That's empathy, a healthy woman will put her empathy entirely into her own children and family. There's a reason mothers become conservative/pretective.
But the global-homo exploties the mother with "think of the kids" scares ie Vidya=satan. For the childless women it "oh no poor migrant kids".
The hard uncaring logic of a man will run a nation into an empire. The warmth and love of woman will nurture the child to enjoy the father's work.
I am convinced that women want, on a base level, to be subjugated and controlled, which is why their "empathy" extends only so far as to cover our enemies (who would slaughter us and then breed them like cattle with no human rights) and toward other initiatives designed to destroy western civilization. You need not look any farther than the docile attitude and general contentment of a 3rd world woman devoid of humanity whose sole purpose is to breed and raise children or else vs the endless bitching and displeasure of free western women whose "empathy" is aimed at neutering western men and empowering foreign savages. They won't admit it, but women want to be dominated and controlled.
>"empathy" extends only so far as to cover our enemies
This is only because we don't have boundaries set in our society because (((they))) and Lefties have distroyed the nuclear family. Misguided childless women have nowhere do direct their empathy and need for children.
These "savages" you describe are always set up as helpless victims by (((media)).
Ever see a new mother in real life user? They reject anything foreign and become closer to her husband's family and her own. Basically the tribal mentally takes over.
>women want to be dominated and controlled.
Yes and their own tribe should do so, but reminder that being controlled also means being protected. Women forget the second part an fall for apes instead of chasing husband material, (((they))) want her on the cock carousel.
So your plan include casting away childless menopausal women?
>animal instincts that a chimp or a gibbon possesses should be respected above logic and reason because muh feefees
Neurotypicals are literally subhuman cattle
no. it would be most efficient to simply replace them entirely with technology.
>Giving me a fetish about a dystopian from of reproduction. Stop it user I don't want to open the door to the 1st generation of "artificial" wombs being literally brain dead women.
Thought women were already brain-dead
>Not passing your genes is not bad
That system has existed for a long time.
It’s called traditional marriage, and it’s been dismantled in the last few centuries.
Sexual domination of an item/creature you hate is the mainstay of all fetishes
>Implying that old people have no value
It's called tribal elders all cultures respect them cause their experience is the bedrock of the future. Everything has it's place in a healthy society.
No because then they can’t work and buy.
Kek, I'll make you a house slave nigger bro.
This is the future of mankind.
Finish project plastic-bag .
Gotta have a backup..Incase women turn out to be fucking useless.
We just need the wombs not all the other shit attached to them, it’s more efficient that way. If you want sexual gratification, then we can invent highly advanced sexbots for that.
Women are attracted to dominant men this isn’t new. Why do you think gangsters and serial killers had fan girls and women fawning over them, because they are the most extreme cases of the dominance instinct possible. Dominance equals better ability to get resources for me and my child and will take resources from other men no matter the cost to the other men and larger society. All of that is subconscious like you said. The reason women support importing 3rd world hordes is probably because on a collective scale they see western men as submissive and weakened by failing the societal shit test of feminism.
ugh, i thought id see a good cultural expose if i reversed searched this image
nope, just some perverted hentai
We could always become the Bene Tleilax and have women become Axlotl tanks. shoutout frank herbert.
>future for mankind
>females still exist
Back in the 50’s women did receive drugs that would absolutely send them to a different plane while giving childbirth. It was even referenced in Mad Men.
People wanted to stop that because women wanted to remember the birth of their children and not feel disconnected.
Your post seems way more about making a fucked up fantasy/fetish real instead of understanding medical history.
R u retarded?
No, are you?