Why should corporations pay taxes?

Do leftists not understand they PROVIDE JOBS?

If we started taxing companies, they would relocate outside the country.

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America has higher corporate taxes than Sweden you idiot. Our personal taxes are low, our corporate taxes are high.

because they use public goods you retard, like roads.

my local hardware store provides flashlights, should they not collect tax on those?

Why call him an idiot?

people pay taxes, corporations are not people.

Taxes should be set over what's pragmatic, not ideological. If low taxes bring in more jobs and prosperity, then have low taxes on corporations however if high taxes change nothing besides the government getting more money then sure have high taxes. Setting taxes is not about morality and anything who thinks that is a retard

Small businesses provide jobs why should they pay taxes and not corporations?

Small businesses are corporations too....

Do kikes not understand people WORK AT JOBS?

If we started taxing people, they would relocate outside the country.

>our corporate taxes are high.
These corporations paid no taxes on 2018 income:

Delta Air Lines
General Motors
EOG Resources
Occidental Petroleum
Honeywell International
American Electric Power
Principal Financial
Prudential Financial
Xcel Energy
Devon Energy
DTE Energy
Eli Lilly
Goodyear Tire & Rubber
Penske Automotive Group
AECOM Technology
Tech Data
Performance Food Group
Arrow Electronics

Source: Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy

Companies only pay taxes on profit, if they reinvest into thier company or give bonuses to thier employees at the end of the year than that money doesn't get taxed from them.
It does get taxed as income from the employees and reinvesting/growing your business creates jobs and is good for the economy
Stop falling for this bullshit that focuses on a single metric to shock people

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>Do leftists not understand they PROVIDE JOBS?
>If we started taxing companies, they would relocate outside the country.
Thats what tarrifs are for. I'm not against business or capitalism but I have seen how busniess owners operate, first hand. If you think its about anything other than profit you are sadly nieve. If you cut their taxes, it doesnt miraculously trickle down to the employee.

>everyone working in a corporation already pays taxes
>let's punish them even more for some reason

Keep your facts, brainlets are trying to seethe about a problem they made up in their heads here.

why should I bay taxes? non of it is used in my favor

You're a fool. Why should a corporation pay income tax? It would be double dipping. The corporation isn't going to keep its income. Corporate profits are dispersed amongst its individual share holders who in turn pay taxes on that income. Whatever small amount a corporation keeps becomes a liquid asset for emergencies, growth, or what not.

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National socialism.

The company exists to benefit the owners AND the host nation.

That's what the nationalist part is about.

Our corporate tax is one of the lowest in the industrialized world
They're not going to move. Where are they going to move to? A place with higher taxes?
Fuck off with that.

>Why should corporations pay taxes?
because it's the new ruling class, a financial elite that substitutes the old nobility titles.
As such a weak crown ,or government, finds it difficult to tax them (from opposing the king to threatening relocation of business in asia) while it can very easily impose the cattle-like population any condition

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Jobs that pay enough just to get by check to check

>if we started taxing companies they would leave
of so your saying the industrial revolution
up to 5 years ago didnt happen?

This remove write-offs for both personal and business taxes, surely the public wouldnt have a problem with that.

why should anyone pay taxes except cucks who dont have a choice because its taken out of their paycheck by their owner. if you're self reporting whatre you fuckin retarded

Right corporate taxes are high, but the corporations use loopholes like having their headquarters in Guatamala to avoid paying them.

>hurr massive corporate monopolies create jerbs
They also destroy small business you mong. America would be far better of without Walmart and Amazon because the wealth would be less centralized and workers would earn more. The only person whose life is improved by Amazon is Jeff Bezos.

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>Do leftists not understand they PROVIDE JOBS?
nobody wants any jobs, we want profits

we need a tax on land based on use, thats the only moral way to tax

Trolling used to mean sth

America has no taxes retard
U think 15 or 25% is high?

Try 50

>America would be far better of without Walmart and Amazon because the wealth would be less centralized and workers would earn more.
this is why we need term limits in congress, not only does it make blackmail networks a lot harder to manage it also spreads the wealth around in your community, every single one of these congressmen has enough to retire forever after 1 term, imagine your community was full of people like that, doing good for your area

>It would be double dipping
That's a fallacy. Government taxes money pretty much every time it changes hands. Shareholders pay taxes on the money they earn. They then spend that money and are taxed GST at the point of sale, and then the restaurant they bought their lunch at has to claim income tax on the money they earned. There's no good reason corporations are the ones who should be exempt from that.

>America has higher corporate taxes than Sweden you idiot. Our personal taxes are low, our corporate taxes are high.
Mate thar was true until trump passed his tax cut, you are the idiot for repeating outdated talking points.

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Why tax anyone? They might relocate outside the country, after all.

>Shareholders pay taxes on the money they earn.
not when they cash out in caracas they don't

I wouldn't mind a 0% corporate tax but then distributions would need to be taxed like regular income.

>Payroll taxes
>local and state property taxes
>sales taxes and taxes on utilities, fuel, phone, and energy
>shareholders' dividends taxed
>employees' incomes taxed
0$ tax bill

Another thread full of unemployed and unemployable losers who have never held a job, never hired an employee, never ran a business, and never paid an income tax leading each other to believe that if the state stole more money from the producers it would somehow translate into free presents for them.

Their feeling of victimhood and cries of "stick it to the man" are always and only used to create more regulatory costs and barriers of entry for new businesses which could spring up to compete against the status quo. You useful idiots cry for the means of your own enslavement and for stifling any hope of your own social mobility.

And they call these people "useful idiots".

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This. I have a sole prop. I have 3 employees. Paid almost 50k in income tax last year. 50 fucking k. Do you think I use 50 grand worth of public services/utilities?

>Shareholders pay taxes on the money they earn
Right, just like they pay taxes when they cash out on bitcoin. No way they cash out in Venezuela.

Companies are taxed, brainlet.

That's nothing. I pay that and have no employees and work from home doing an online business.

Out of country, not that easy if their customers are in certain country.

Corporate taxes are meant for small and medium sized businesses. Big corporations can lobby politicians to create loopholes for them to exploit. Fun fact, US tax laws take more pages to print than all laws in most other countries. To fix it, they should re-do all tax laws from the scratch, but as corporate lobbyists own politicians it is extremely unlikely to happen.

Some of the biggest corporations use very little land. That would fuck farmers that run their business as corporation.

>Do leftists not understand they PROVIDE JOBS?
leftists are retarded they dont understand anything. dont ask rhetorical questions around here asshat

This is why we need to achieve a state where there's no 'tax paradise' country to relocate into. This would be the ultimate goal. For now, CEOs of companies that try to avoid taxation should be held accountable. A slow and painful death for them and their entire families sounds like a reasonable idea.

Baby tries to learn 21st century economy

In theory on your working years you pay taxes to cover for costs you made as kid and will make when you retire.

Because corporations are people and people pay taxes.

There is no changing the system. Only death and destruction will follow.

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What fallacy is that leaf? Why would I want my income taxed before I get it only to pay taxes on it again? That's fucking mind numbingly stupid. It's bad enough I have to pay sales tax on whatever I do get to spend. If you prefer to donate more of your income towards taxes, then do. Send the leaf government an extra check every week if it makes you feel better.

Of course you wouldn't want it, retard, but that's how it works for everyone. My income is taxed. When I spend it, it's taxed again. Whoever profited from my spending it is then taxed as well. You're appealing to fairness in a fundamentally unfair system.

What's also very telling is that even though (((Bezos))) owns Washington Post and certainly has enough power and money to influence other media outlets you will not see a single piece in the press which actually points out how much Amazon pays to local, state, and federal governments each year.

These guys at the top can absorb new taxes, fees, regulatory burdens, and anything else up to and including full nationalization of their companies (they would likely keep their positions and salaries).

This is the true endgame of big business. To get to the top and then stay there by having the state create more and more hurdles for any potential competition to come along and catch you up.

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No, they consume labor. It's an expense.

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multinational corporations and organizations are what is killing the world, and the most powerful are zionist aligned.

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Although OP is 100% right, there is one angle we may be missing.

Corporations are pushing our replacement and firing those who do not worship the poopdick. A progressive tax on the very largest corporations (Disney, Crapple, etc.) would literally be a libtard tax. We're literally saying, "No thanks. I'd rather give it to globohomo."

Politicians aren't elected by votes. They are elected by the donations that can be used to buy ads to drum up votes. They are elected by skinner boxes and brainwashing by Google to the point that Trump was ridiculously "far-right" beyond what they imagined was possible. Seriously, that centrist was as far right as they could imagine.

They can easily whip the public into a frenzy to KILL YOU and then convince jurors to let the killers free. But at least we have our free markets.

I'm not sure why anyone is so brain dead to believe [ala DiBlasio] that corporations paying more taxes puts more money into workers pockets.

If they try to relocate to avoid tax just lawfully execute the CEOs for treason.

Actually the robber barrons were the job creatters. The entire industrial revolution was fueled by a handful of men having a pissing contest. Unlike corporations, these individuals spent their profits on obsession fueled growth. Whereas a corporation, most profits are paid to the share holders. Honestly, we were better off with robber barrons.

I am a shareholder. The profits are spent on pissing contests to see who is more "woke." The CEO stills gets his paycheck no matter how much Disney loses. But the culture war wins regardless.

Actually in the US there was a campaign finance ruling that said corporations are people and can donate limitless money to campaigns because of freedom of speech.

There was a protest case in Boston of a guy driving in the HOV lane by himself and got pulled over. He claimed that he had corporate papers on his passenger seat and since corporations are people he shouldn’t get a ticket. It was a great local red pill to the absurdity of the campaign ruling.

>they would relocate

It's weird how this happens constantly, and yet liberals keep facilitating it

What’s the difference, from a legal perspective?
Both are legal entities, both have protection under the law, both may sue/be sued for their actions, both may be party to a contract, both can own property, earn income etc

Why exactly should they be treated different with regard to taxation?

I think it's sleight of hand pretending the question is corps paying taxes.
The real issue for the populous is why are wages so low that the general population can not buy a house a car and have kids.

Taxes can't cure that.
Maybe nothing can. Greed is a woman scorned. It stops at nothing.

Shareholders [people] will not storm the board and demand less dividends and to raise workers wages instead.

A country is like a brothel. You not only pay the whore you pay the pimp to let you stay and protect the place while you fuck

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Because they choose truth over facts


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Ok, now what were their profit margins?

You can't remove writeoffs you'll screw up any sort of business which accumulates receivables and a lot of businesses do. These include things like manufacturing, retail etc.

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You brainlet everything you think you know about business and economics is based on extremely oversimplified fact patterns. Corporations are taxable entities they’re under no obligation to distribute a cent of their profits to shareholders. They can accumulate earnings in perpetuity and that’s why their income must be taxed. So Jewish to say that working folks should be taxed but corps shouldn’t. Your elementary understanding of business only checks out on paper

>offshores are legal
No profit sir, our bigass corporation is suffering losss, but our Luxembourg office will need another gold jakuzi for this weekend.
Or they can lie and reinvest in other countries that allow to have all the profits for the owners.

Your days are numbered capitalist scum. The mighty cock of old man Bernie is dripping and prime. Only a truly socialist America can secure a future for our people and for our mulatto children! Our time is soon comrades!

for whom? robots? foreigners via outsourcing?


why do we have to drive on the SAME road but pay DIFFERENT money for it?
why do we have to go to the SAME public hospital but pay DIFFERENT money for it?


Don't listen to OP, he is a capitalist nigger.


What do small businesses like Joe's HVAC pay? Why is Amazon different?
