Trump’s Budget Deficits Almost Double Obama’s

>Trump’s Budget Deficits Almost Double Obama’s

>Trump likes to claim that everything he does is the largest by any President. He is going to get his “wish” with the budget deficit since they are on course to be the biggest in an expanding economy. Between the 2018 tax cuts and the increase in spending for 2020 and 2021 it will push the accumulated deficits to be the largest ever over a four-year timeframe. And God help the U.S. when a downturn in the economy hits and the deficits balloon beyond any current projection.

Didn’t Trump promise to lower the deficit not increase it?

Attached: F839EAC1-C29C-4ED6-8FD6-E6721154EFF6.jpg (750x562, 44K)

In English please.

Why do you even care OP? You don't even know how the economy works, let alone our debt.

It doesn't count because Trump told us the economy is strong despite losing a trillion dollars in tariffs. Look at Israel getting $38 billion and Bezos growing bank account and you will see how great the economy is.

ptg miga pedes on suicide watch

Fiat currency doesnt matter, its not real. Trump should just keep spending.

In short the budget deficit will the highest under Donald Trump
Nether do the majority of Americans especially people from the right who talk about fiscal conservatism. One of Donald Trump campaigns promises was lower to lower the deficit not increase it more than Obama.

He also brought the most business back to America while obama would literally export them out of here

No, the economy is actually pretty good right. I dont know anything about gay gdp, but everyone that I talk to say its way better than 10 years ago.

But the bars on Obama look bigger? hmmm

The bars show that Donald Trump managed to increase the deficit more than Obama in just four fucking years.

Not just majority of Americans. The majority of people in general don't. Of course Trump lied, every politician does and it got him elected.

So I'll ask again, why do you even care?

No it doesn't. Obama's is bigger in all 3 stages.

The economy is doing the best for the millionaire and billionaires class.

Why do I care? We live in a global economy, do you really think whatever happens to America won’t affect the world?

You guys have the ability to grow food, build homes, and fix roads. If we go under, youll be fine.

I don’t understand what your not understanding, the bar even explains everything to you on the Trump bar to the right.

3.46 is greater than 2.07
5.44 is greater than 3.73
3.46 is greater than 2.07

Obama's numbers are greater than Trump's.

Im pretty sure hes pointing out the trend. Trumps spending is increasing at a rate unlike Obamas. By 2020 and 2021, its going to become noticeable.

What would happen to America from having large debt? What could possibly happen to us that would affect you?

That's just 4d chess bro

>Budget Deficits
Just print more money

Unfortunately Americans have military bases in most parts of the world and many in Europe. While we do not care whether you crash and burn, instability in the US is a bad think when we live right besides your military bases, drone command posts and nukes.

If you could be as kind as remove all personel from EU than I wouldn't really care at all.

How do you destroy the central bank? Crash the monetary system with no survivors.

How would having a lot of debt cause us to crash and burn? None of you understand how national debt works.