The Future Belongs to Anti-Vaxxers

>Republicans hate them
>Democrats hate them
>Antifa hates them
>The AltRight hates them

They are the white families - approximately 10% of the population - who don't inject Jewish toxins into their children's blood. They defy the elites despite:

>Unparalleled social shaming
>Monstrous fear-mongering doomsday predictions that their children will all die of chicken pox
>Bureaucratic red tape and bullying from the cat ladies and Nurse Rachet's running schools

Yet their children are, physiologically, in a world above the vaxxed majority.
>Less inflamed
>Less sickly
>More fertile

The CDC openly and proudly refuses to compare the health of the USA's vaxxed vs. the vaccine-free. So, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. did a work-around, and compiled a slew of smaller studies. They show, indisputably, that vaccine-free families are far, far healthier than the vaxxed.

Whites have no future if our children continue being sterilized and stupefied by Jewish poisons.

It's time to stand up, loud and proud, and say, "I'm anti-vaccine for my family. You can do what you want with your own family."

Attached: VaccineFreeFamilyHouseUnseenFixed.jpg (1147x766, 521K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Pro-gun groups are largely bluster. Their "Just try and take my guns and see what happens!" is an empty threat. 99% of them will simply hand their guns over.

Vaccine-free families are different. They will NOT just hand their children over.

The first shots of the next Civil War will come when Judge Krumholtzbergstein orders the forced injection of Jewish poisons into white families.

Do you see 2nd Amendment advocates doing this in state capitols?

Attached: David_Dees_Vaccine_Art.jpg (640x512, 131K)

The right wing refuses to stand against vaccines NOT because they don't believe they're a deadly hoax.

Deep down, they all know they're a Jewish weapon.

The real reason they don't stand up against them is:

>Vanity: They want to pose as being I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE! sophisticates and be associated with brill'ynt men like Bill Nye and Black Science Man and Richard Dawkins
>Greed: Big Medicine NGOs and Big Pharma corporations simply bribe many of them. Examples include bloggers like "Mama Natural", "The Healthy Home Economist", and Matt Walsh. All used to write against vaccines, all stripped every last word of that content from their archives, clearly having been bribed.
>Fear: Because, deep down, people KNOW that vaccines are the #1 weapon, they're afraid that if they publicly fight it, they will become a target.

Attached: AAP_Pediatrician_Priorities_MAndating_Vaccines_SHitlib_Jews.jpg (1327x939, 697K)

Find me one politician who supports vaccine-free families.

They don't exist.

Attached: Presidential_Nominees_Grovel_Before_Vaccines.webm (480x270, 2.94M)

Here's a former basketball coach describing the effects vaccine has had on the youth basketball in his area.

Attached: EthicalSkeptic_Basketball.jpg (1271x2398, 1.36M)

>less inflamed

Attached: justreadonebook.jpg (205x293, 8K)

It's so fucking obvious, yet nobody dares say it.

Attached: Health_Sick_Youth_Milennial_GenZ.jpg (680x574, 210K)

In 2030, there will be two types of whites under the age of 40:

>Healthy whites with families
>Androgynous, sickly, and sterile whites

Those are the vaccine free and the vaxxed, respectively.

Attached: Dees_Homeschool_SB277.jpg (792x612, 112K)

Have you anons been following this worldwide measles epidemic? My god, it's out of control and a major threat to humanity. We have to got to get every child immunized right.....oh what did you say? You're telling me its not a thing anymore?? The epidemic doesn't actually exist? But we were just talking about it every hour on the hour for weeks on end where did all the measles go???

Ive been antivax since before it was antivax and its becoming more confrontational if an issue than even religion and politics. My how is that at some point in my lifetime the truth will be disclosed and those of us in the front lines will have redemption.

Attached: 1563634078986s.jpg (243x250, 5K)

>get vaccinated
>not sterile, not sick
>anti-vaxxers: ?????????????????????????????????????????? wtf you were supposed to die or become mind-controlled NWO