Hi, I'm an incel and I'm sick and tired of the whole being called a 'creep' thing.
The word is essentially meaningless.
It comes down to 'person I don't like in my vicinity' by people who consider that if they find someone creepy, everyone else will as well.
So I've been thinking..
What if I can get a personal army to start a campaign where the word muslim/black/jew/person of color/rats is replaced by creep and let's say white by the word hero.
Here's some examples:
- I don't want to known as a creepy person.
I prefer to be called a person of creepiness.
- Driving while creepy.
- Baltimore is a creep infested town
- Creep lives matter
- What should we do about the creep problem?
- I've noticed thicc has taken off in the last few years, when it wasn't really a thing previously except with creeps and fetishists.
- Heroic women should not be allowed in non-hero counties without a male chaperone.