Can you guys be my personal army for "operation Creepspeak"?

Hi, I'm an incel and I'm sick and tired of the whole being called a 'creep' thing.

The word is essentially meaningless.
It comes down to 'person I don't like in my vicinity' by people who consider that if they find someone creepy, everyone else will as well.

So I've been thinking..
What if I can get a personal army to start a campaign where the word muslim/black/jew/person of color/rats is replaced by creep and let's say white by the word hero.

Here's some examples:

- I don't want to known as a creepy person.
I prefer to be called a person of creepiness.
- Driving while creepy.
- Baltimore is a creep infested town
- Creep lives matter
- What should we do about the creep problem?

- I've noticed thicc has taken off in the last few years, when it wasn't really a thing previously except with creeps and fetishists.
- Heroic women should not be allowed in non-hero counties without a male chaperone.

Attached: TrollArmy-1024x615.jpg (1024x615, 129K)

nobody cares

>Hi, I'm an incel

cringe and faggot retard loser pilled

Perfection. I can no longer tell if you are being genuine or satirical. Your training is complete.

They're not going to do that.
About creeps?
Almost every thread is about creeps.

So what is your honest opinion on creepy people?
What do you think about them? Like em? Hate em? What's your honest opinion on creeps?

I agree with you user. I will call you person of creepiness from now on.

have sex

have sex