
Are half euro’s who look like Europeans allowed in the ethnostate?

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Keep dreaming, soon the whole world will be like Brazil

>half euro’s
mutts are allowed only in the british ethnostate

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That’s true but I am just curious.


all native europeans are racially white/europid

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How can anyone answer this question. First there has to be a white ethnostate

What I actually mean is are they still considered white if they are basically European looking mutts.

No, only full Europeans are Hwhite. Half breeds carry recessive subhuman genes, and must be eradicated.

protip:If someday a white ethnostate IS formed, the fat losers posting here on Jow Forums will have absolutely no say in how things get done there. It will most likely come into existence due to the efforts of white prison gangs such as Aryan Brotherhood etc not poorly built nerds shitposting on an imageboard. You need balls to accomplish things like that

Yeah You’re right

You're forgetting basedchan are posting here right now. You really gonna go down the "they wont do shit" route?

Fortunately there's never gonna be an ethnostate, so you don't have to worry about it.


Oh you mean shoot up 20 mexicans? Don't worry, around 1000 mexicans were born here in the USA today and another 200 entered the country illegally.

In order to build something, you need to have the balls to defend your turf. So far, white prison gangs are the ONLY white nationalists worth anything. The rest are ineffective

I fail to see what metric you're using that makes white prison gangs more effective than operators like Tarrant. The Muslim community is legitimately afraid of the next Tarrant. I don't care about yankeeland, that shit was a grey paste melting pot from the offset, we need to focus on places that that can still be saved.

I don't think any of them are afraid of the next tarrant,had such been the case they would have stopped going to the Christchurch mosque also they would have made efforts to leave NZ ,but as we all have seen things appear to be going fine for them if not better because of the tarrant situation.

>I don't think any of them are afraid of the next tarrant
Ridiculous statement.

>The Muslim community is legitimately afraid of the next Tarrant
Afraid? I don't see it frankly. No slowing of Muslims entering Western countries. They will all emigrate there given the chance.

I'll tell you what needs to be done. Round up all these cockroaches, and cut off their balls. Sterilize them. Then watch them leave and never come back.

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>Afraid? I don't see it frankly.
That's because you don't live in the anglosphere. Not to patronise you Rakesh, but how could you possibly fucking see it if you do not live here? I know Mahmoods that have seen the video. They and their families are acutely aware that there is now a small echelon of ultra violent people with nothing to lose that might live in their city, they might not. You never know, until they blow your Mosque up. More importantly, I know dozens of "normie" white people who have very little to say, and more than a few that quietly express that they feel the Islamic community had it coming. And it will happen again, that's not my opinion that's simply how the world is now.

As for your plan, that's great and all but everything starts somewhere. This didn't start in prison where white niggers covert with Mestizo niggers to avoid being assfucked. The Proud Boys are too busy bashing norf FC or harassing yank libtard students to contribute. It started with basedchan, remember that.

You are being ignorant now,it would appear to me that you believe that Muslims are too retarded to see how the system is favouring them,they are not.even here in India ,Muslims very well realise where and where not are they protected ,and only after this realisation will they open up with their beliefs to normal society.if a Muslim were to roam in my city wearing a skull cap and having a long beard,he will have traders refuse to trade with him and will get harassed at public places and that is why Muslims being 18% of my city ,I am yet to see one person with a Muslim beard or a skull cap or a woman wearing burkha.but now taking a counter example of a city like bombay(very liberal) where Muslims are 20% of the population ,you will find all of them wearing skull caps,burkha, having long beards or selling meat.the conclusion of this story is that if a Muslim is identifying himself as one he has no fear of anyone countering islam

Is there any slowing down into the number of muslims coming into/wanting to come into Western countries?
Are muslims beginning to flee Western countries in any significant numbers?

The answer to both these questions is no. Tarrant effect is a big zero.

>Chaotic good: Greek >british >white poster
>Chaotic neutral: Estonian Negress colonizer poster
>Chaotic evil: German pornography promoter

>all native europeans are racially white/europid
Pic related disagrees

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Wtf that's a half pajeet? Rare anyways. No, as her kid could end up looking more pajeet than euro by chance. Better off not doing it.

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After reading your posts twice I still don't see how it pertains to our discussion. I'm not disputing that our (British, New Zealand, other Western liberal democracies) system is easy to abuse. Neither hotwheel's crew nor any prison gang I'm aware of is directly responsible for this, in fact prisoners in most anglosphere nations are not even allowed to vote, so how is this relevant?

To clarify, I replied to

> the fat losers posting here on Jow Forums will have absolutely no say in how things get done there. It will most likely come into existence due to the efforts of white prison gangs such as Aryan Brotherhood etc not poorly built nerds shitposting on an imageboard.

Address my response to this or don't bother, I'm not interested in lengthy discussions on welfare etc.

>her kid could end up looking more pajeet than euro by chance
She is an outlier, but this is pretty much impossible.