Taylor Swift on LGBTQ activism:

'Rights are being stripped from anyone who isn't a straight white cisgender male'

What did she mean by this?

Attached: taylor-swift.jpg (466x485, 51K)

She is severly depressed and wants to die.

means she's a woman who says things based on emotion instead of actual fact. If you asked her which rights specifically, she wouldn't be able to tell you because none of them are being removed from the gays and mentally ill.

She meant

She's jumping on the SJW bandwagon way too late. Everyone, right or left, thinks she's a sell out ans contrived doing this at this point.

Wew first she gets all of her lifetime worth of music jewed from her, now she has to grovel and repeat the leftism mantras as well.
Sucks to suck taytay, this is what they meant when they say you “sell your soul” for fame

She and I need to make kids together.

that she is a hollywood liberal roastie

>Everyone, right or left, thinks she's a sell out ans contrived doing this at this point.
Yeah it's very awkward.

But they are aiming at her audience which I guess was more conservative, which would be the actual point of this.

They want to thoroughly saturate all people with LGBT.

>She and I need to make kids together.
At this rate any kids she has will end up becoming trans.