It is the white mans duty to breed with jewish women. have a gentile child. do it for your people. do it for christ

it is the white mans duty to breed with jewish women. have a gentile child. do it for your people. do it for christ.

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Other urls found in this thread:

To do so is against Jewish law. In fact doing so is Illegal in Israel.

Also #3 looks like a tranny

what's the middle girl's insta?

Fuck you nigger

but theyre so hideously ugly.

Talmudic Judaism is matrilineal. With the divorce court situation as it is you're virtually guaranteeing Jewish offspring. The white man's duty is to guard white nations and raise white sons into more white men. No more, no less.

put a bag over #3's head and i'll fug it

No, the jewish disease is inherited from the mother. The child would be a kike too (including all the mental and physical diseases they have).

Yeah, and go along with their torture and molestation procedures of male children? Fuck them.

The child will be considered Jewish
It's all just another Hebrew trick

The girls you see on this photo, are actually shemales.
Girls with cocks.

All jews are fake and gay

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Not true. You can fuck whomever you like in Israel. And if you're a tall blond blue eyed bounder with a fine pair of whiskers then it's like shooting fish in a barrel. No sport to it. Possibly it's because so many Israeli men are such insufferable cunts.

They don't all look like that though.


what if every white man fucks a jewish woman so in the future there would be no more goyim to serve the jews?
if everyone is jewish there is no one left to jew.

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No its the jewish man duty to protect jewish woman.

>Jewish superiority is a disease
>inherited a great job at JP Morgan chase
>physical disease of success
>literally the highest IQ
>mental illness

>t. Seething Jorge

This plus look how many posts by OP's ID

Israelis, whether male or female are the most arrogant fucks on the planet.

jewishness spreads through the mother though

based american intellect

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if the mother is jewish, the child is jewish

fucking retard shills don't even know the most basic shit baka

I hope so. I'm a Catholic man with a Jewish girlfriend. She agreed to raise the kids Catholic, and convert, even though she doesn't really believe in God (typical American reformed Jew in that regard). When she goes through RCIA, I intend to trust God to give her her own signs. It's been a pain in the ass, especially dealing with her mother, but I look it as my own evangelization mission. Jesus came to convert Jews, I guess that's what I'm supposed to do too.

>in fact
>makes up a fact
Have sex

>Give your descendants to Lucifer
No pls

Jewish mother = jew.... idiot.

lel fgt

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Only the one on the right DESU. Kinda looks like a dude ina wig. Not counting her body below the shoulders tho

fuck, look at them noses, the kike nose isn't a meme

>1 post by this ID
There is no moderation on this board

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>not realising having a Jewish mother makes you 100% Jewish by ethnicity in their books
>not realising how hard their women will shill to have your kid circumcised to initiate the covenant with their god.
Cucking is their bread and butter. It is quite literally how they have survived for the last 2500 years. Jewish puccini is the easiest pucinko you will EVER acquire as a white man, because this is just how they operate.

Leave your fucking basements and hold hands.

stop me if you can kikes.

Nice try kike, but that would only produce more jews since if the mothers vagina is jewish the child is jewish.

whahaha thinks these are good looking. Also khasar milkers have a humus after taste.

>collects merchant pictures
Have sex

Jewish women produce Jewish children, kike. Judaism is a mitochondrial disease passed only by matrimonial DNA. It's why they have auch a high incidence of Tay-Sachs

Whatever dude. I'll breed a irreligious Jewish girl before a paki any day of the week. Fuck it I'd stick a lil ginger bong in some dumpy frum just to spite her parents kek

how is he gentile when jewishness is passed down from the mother

#3 looks like ciara

Take pimozide

if two israeli citizens want to get married and they one is a jew and the other is not they must go to a anouther country to get married, usually cyprus.
fuck of you lying kike

Forgot to mention, I finally sold her on not getting kids circumcised, even though I am circumcised. She looks like a cross between the left in OP's pic and Arianna Grande circa 2014. Her friends look like the middle in OP's pic.

You have a mitochondrial disease which is why you are weak and spineless. I prefer my Aryan build to any amount of your Babylonian paper rectangles.

Are you a sperg by any chance?

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I'll do it, right before shoving them into an industrial meat grinder.

marrying and fucking are two different things you retarded mutt

highest IQ based on evidence from a singular, bias, anecdotal source operated by jews. Its no measure of health to be well adjusted to a sick and rigged society, faggot.

And thank the gods for that. Some of the things I've done....

Real patriots vote for Tulsi Gabbard!

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umm it's called confidence sweety
have sex

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its the superiority complex of the ethnostate. Another reason to fuck their women.

I think my entire bloodline is just white boys and jew girls. Do I continue the tradition lads?

Probably. I'm still factually correct though. Hold hands.


I'd wish you good luck and although anything is possible you're probably fighting a losing battle here. This has been their modus operandi for longer than Christianity has been around. It works well for them. Hope things work out for you anyway.

I'm not a rabid antisemite like most on pol but i will say that one can combine confidence with urbanity and good manners. Something lost on many of your countrymen I fear.

This some serious 64D chess bullshit
Where can I get a Jewish wifu

dude, if he did this why the fuck are there so many trump tards

I would of watched that ghostbusters movie.

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>Jewish mother
>gentile child
Pick one

yes. jews have poor penmanship and lackluster table manners.

its the heat

By this logic western women who have sex with niggers create more whites since the child came out a white vagina

It's jewish logic, coalburners still shit out niglets according to whites.
what did jews mean by this

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Real patriots vote for Tulsi Gabbard!

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Yall niggas posting in an Jewish Diaspora IDF thread.

We need a campaign to send blacks to Israel. Since they were the kings of old, why wouldn't they want to return to their promised land????

The trick is to set up the propaganda in such a way that black man and Asian man start having babies with Jewish women. I'm pretty sure that will make them social outcasts within there religious groups. That would at least break family ties. Then after that we should enforce a program to sterilize those children effectively and humanly genocide'ing the Jews. But that's if you you're into such a thing. Personally I like most Jews I've met and are more disgruntled with Muslims and Arabs.

Excuses, excuses. Indians are generally polite, Texans too.

Real patriots vote for Tulsi Gabbard!

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My dear mutt I dearly hope for your sake that you are taking the piss. This being pol I'm not actually sure...

>"it is the white mans duty to-"
>*miscegenates your daughter*
nothing personnel shlomo

Dumbasses! Judaism is matrilineal. If you have kids with a Jewish woman, that guarantees they'll be Jewish. You'd have to marry a Jewish man.

It's statistically NEVER a good idea to marry outside of your religion. That advice is even scriptural. No matter how you try to raise the kids, her family will consider them y*ds and convince her to make them so. Don't do it, user.

>jewish woman
>gentile children
you can only pick one sweety

How come the I am going to say nigger thread got pruned but not this one?

actually it was just a joke
most meds are cunts. gotta go up the socioeconomic ladder to get away from it.

Alright Mossad, you won.

Would breed with.

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No you retard, the son of a Jewish mother would be a Jew. This would mean that there would be no more whites left.

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Imagine being so insecure about your entire nation's women that you parade 99% Nordics as women of your own. Most Israeli women are pig disgusting, the only thing making (some of) them attractive is the westernization seeping into their shitskinned brain and turning them into easy fuckmeat. Basically prostitutes that get bought with a few shots made up of dubiously alcoholic substances at a shady establishment.

To be fair most Texans are about as urbane as a drunk chimpanzee. Most bongs too if I'm honest.

is watching white men fuck your wife something you enjoy, shlomo?

Real patriots vote for Tulsi Gabbard!

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Gib whymenz, merchant.


here here

Just remove human rights from all Jews.
Kill the men and leave the women as public use sex slaves. They can beg for food scraps in exchange for horrible sexual services.


Are you and your friends in Europe ready for Shoah 2.0 coming soon?

Who gives a fuck about marrying some horrible cunt? Impregnate them and let some limp wrist Ed kike with his gay little god hat marry her.

Goddammit Mossad...

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Never, jews are the ugliest race on earth. Their semitic features are extremely repulsive.

french jew immigrants are among the worst we've ever had
you can have them
be careful of what you wish for