Do Gun Control Laws Control Guns?

you mean newfags?
sperg more shitlord.

>you mean newfags?

Yes! I mean people who are casual readers who the largest voting block. You honestly think whether or not someone is a regular user of the site is relevant to preventing a gun grab from law abiding citizens?

What are you, 19?

Reeeeee someone posted images and cut up my blog post!
Neck yourself OP.

>blog post
This is an article by Thomass Sowell you fucking retard. One of the best economists of our time. Probably one of the few examples that niggers can sometimes produce brilliant minds. Not very often mind you, but they can.

God, Jow Forums really is trash.

lmao who gives a shit

is this your first time on Jow Forums or something?

your thread is going to last like 6 hours tops

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>hurr duhh America is a third world shithole

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