Games are over lads

>Games that "celebrate violence" should be discouraged and made harder to buy, the president suggested.

>"We must stop the glorification of violence in our society," he said during a speech in the wake of a spate of shootings. "This includes the gruesome and grisly video games that are now commonplace.

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>"We must stop the glorification of violence in our society,"

Ok, let's start with CNN

Good. Fuck Western game devs.
Without violence, all they'll have in their repertoire will be trannies and "diversity".

>we need to take out their families
>not in Minecraft though, that's fucked up and should be illegal

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he should ban mentally ill people from buying video games


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Pretty based, video game playing manchildren deserve the rope, along with trannies and weed smokers

I mean, I don't disagree, but I'm not sure what you're going to do from the WH. This seems like alot of wasted man hours which should be placed in keeping eyes on those nations which are actually screaming about destroying us.

This. Let them crash and burn.

>We must stop the glorification of violence in our society
I wonder why nobody asks hollywood to stop producing violent movies....

Movies are worse. But since they are made by the (((right people))) to have the (((right effect))) they're ok.

Faggot Trump biting the hand that feeds him. GG memed him into power and will not forget

based and GGpilled


Good, games are a huge time waster and are literally destroying white culture.

Based, I love this guy

What could be The reason...

Plot twist: He only goes after "punch a nazi" games starring yassqueens

But young men can fire real guns in our upcoming war with Iran while defending our greatest ally, Israel. What an honor folks. We love our kikes, don't we anons?

>Fake violence bad
>Tools for real violence good

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This boomer needs the pillow.

>don't turn in their guns
>turn in their games
the absolute state of gringos

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Jul 30 2019 23:41:49 (EST) !!mG7VJxZNCI Q ID: a8ec29
[24hr Warning]
Be vigilant.
See something.
Say something.
Know your surroundings at all times.

Dear POTUS, Q Team, anons, and patriots...

How about this?...

Could this be another false flag set up? Baton Rouge, LA....

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MKUltra in action

It's funny cause gaymers got him elected.

Jesus fucking christ how is one man so perfect?

Fuck all you whinging NEETs complaining that it will be harder for you to waste your life playing violent mind numbing video games and chronic masturbation with your cheeto stained hands. Video games are another deceptive trap to keep you out of reality. Police forces should be doing door to door raids for all Xstations and Playboxes.

why is he trying so hard to lose 2020

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submit to the god emperor. Bin that game.

This is the reason you see school shooter video games now
Building a strawman to burn
because uncontrolled elements threaten monopolies of thought


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imagine thinking it's violent videogames causing mass shootings and not the media constantly droning on about race baiting politics that's causing mass shootings

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What about movies and tv? Makes no sense to censor vidya only.

So Donald Trump was the good guy all along? Why was he pretending to be bad these past 3 years?

You sure about that one buddy?
Also to every braindead bootlicker clapping at something like this because "lel fuck gamers XD", enjoy your ZOG dystopia you fucking retarded cattle

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I hope this hurts AAA game devs because they deserve it but leave my indie games alone, orange hitler.

Imagine falling for "Trump say thing" in 2019.

Now the games industry will release even more violent games to defy Trump in protest.

Ah well, at least there will be more Fortnite.

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You're more involved and invested with games

>its an unironic 90s argument episode
calm down nancy reagan

videogames are not the problem.
if anything, they are an outlet for people to vent frustration through.

let's say you banned videogames tomorrow - there would be an increase in actual organic shootings and murders, because people with pent up frustration and stress would have 1 less outless with which to release it by.

games like GTA, RDR, Call of Duty, Battlefield, etc - they are not only entertaining and fun to play but they are a great stress release for people of all ages and backgrounds the world over.

if you haven't realized by now, Trump is a colossal fucking idiot and a puppet of the kikes. he is THE most kosher president in US history.

want to crack down on something and make society safer? crack down on the glownigger agencies who are orchestrating these attacks in order to justify their existence and funding and usher in authoritarian NWO one-world government.

fucking clownworld, well and truly, lads.

honk honk

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Can someone post this on /v/ if they haven't I cbf ban evading. Btw you might get banned.

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Fucking faggots like you should be hung for your boomer opinions.

fuck vidya
it no longer catered to my taste so I'd like it to be destroyed for everybody so I may finally move on
thankfully this will not effect my hentays and animoos

>Develop tools to detect mass shooters before they strike
we Minority Report now!

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what is predictive programming for 500 bob
I dont actually watch jepordy, I dont know if there is a bob.

When are we going to stop electing retarded boomers to power? I'm so tired of their stupid shit over and over and over.

You might cheer or jeer when yoy elect one slightly better boomer over another, bit they're still all shitty fucking boomer.

I refuse to vote for anyone over 60 anymore.

I don't think that's how government regulation works

He's right. The new Mortal Kombat game must be made by Psychopaths.

>not going to to vote in 2020 if trump takes action against video games
i guess i will be able to get comfy

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Weebs are subhumans and americans are pedophiles, you're post is evidence mutt nigger.


>Weebs are subhumans
anime website

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>A video game made someone violent
Do books make someone a secret agent?

No more Brutal Doom!!! Even if I download from webx?!?!

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Rainbowfield 6 will be trannys armed with dildo water pistols and fluro butplugs

All your post did is make me want some hot cheetos. STFU you baby carrot armed low IQ faggot

>thankfully this will not effect my hentays and animoos

Trump is really too old. He only considers ancient media like newspaper, tv, and film to be "legit." I don't want a crazy Dem to win, so I hope they just nominate someone young and relatively sane. Hell I'd take Booker over Trump. If it wasn't for our boomer president, legacy media would be dead by now.

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you will get the politically correct Doom called Mood, featuring 6 year old gender fluid hermaphrodites having a fit that their GI Joe doll doesn't come with a transsexual accessory kit

the reason people kill is DOOM. the bible told me so

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i guess this gamer will stay home come election 2020 night.


dude, fucking this.

Why are videogames being singled out what the fuck?

I have a stash of call of duty, halo, basically any shooter game under the sun that have been released since about 2000. I also have multiple copies of certain games, so once Zion Don cracks down on them, i can just mark up the prices and con a bunch of onions boys out of their mommy's money. It'll be like the next snapchat thot-type scheme

And the police, the military, paintballing, super soakers, hunting, etcetera etcetera.

They shouldn't whine. He's just asking questions, that's all!

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Are you the hitlerdev again?


Games are more faggy than ever before. He's about 20 years too late.

Now that Trump said videogames cause violence, all of the news outlets with a rage boner against him will defend them

No it isn't nigger.

>How to lose an election 101

>'We must stop the glorification of violence in our society'

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Good. Games don't need ultra-violence to be good. Fewer shitty FPS like CoD and useless sandboxes like GTA and more creativity and fun.
Get your shitty "games" out.

Violent Crime in the USA has TRIPLED
since he was 20yo.

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video games have been a way to channel these demons into nothingness. without this outlet the frustration and outrage at the modern world will have nowhere but real life to manifest. trump knows this and is attempting to accelerate the violence

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nations that are being conquered or destroyed push for ever more pussification of the population and reliance on the state instead of personal independence.

This is simply another step forward on the path that we've been on for some time now.

enough with the simulation
practice time is over

>Make Video Games more 'realistic' they said.
>It helps with 'Immersion' they said
>'Disconnect from Reality' for a few hours a day is harmless they said

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The real problem is rap music and the real threat is black people.

aren't videogames a form of free speech though?


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So trump just want the ESRB and age ratings to be enforced?

How dare he
>b-b-b-but its just ADVISORY
so are movie ratings, still not gonna take a 10 year old to see 50 shades of grey.

I am 30 and I literally do not care if you have to wait til 21 to buy violent games.

I don’t think it makes a bit of difference and I know parents/brothers/sisters/friends will buy the games for underage people anyways.

Just stay the fuck away from my guns. Keep the age at which you can buy a rifle at 18. Vidya is a sacrificial lamb that I’m willing to give up for muh guns.

Does that mean I won't be able to annihilate millions of a*glos and soviets on Hearts of Iron anymore?

>Deflect and ban something else instead of muh guns

Based zognald

So, literally nothing

>guns should be banned! nobody needs them!

Speech is what comes out of your mouth. Press are printed words. If I made a video game depicting the rape and torture of toddlers is that free speech? I don’t think so.

Your point being?

yes it it

I hope that Muslim cock is treating you well, abdul