Holy shit that's BASED AF! #KAG

Holy shit that's BASED AF! #KAG

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he's a kike puppet


Your shilling is subpar,dumb kike nigger.

>I'm the biggest second amendment person there is, but fuck your rights they're getting infringed

>Not the background checks!!!!! Trump should just say he won't do anything and doesn't care if the shootings continue!!!! That TOTALLY won't lead to normies eventuality trying on the Second Amendment as a whole!!!!

I bet anyone on medication is considered crazy

>post direct quote from the president
>MIGA shills call him a kike


Call you Congressmen.
If one of them are up for election in 2020 (your Rep. will be), find out when you state's Republican primary, and vote for their opponent.
Trump has a clean shot at the nomination, so turnout will be low. We can AOC these traitors.

Imagine accepting the erosion of your rights because Trump is your "best option."


>mentally ill people do mass shootings
I wonder why that is?
Don't forget, cruzius' dad
>worked at a mental facility that got shut down for patient abuse
>worked with John of God the Brazilian cult that sexually abused countless victims
>mother called the FBI letting them know she was concerned with his behavior
>Glowniggers worked at father's mental health facility specialized in mind altering research
time and time again. It really is a mental illness problem.

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In 2021 republicans will be saying that they were faced with an election they couldn't lose but somehow found a way.

Does anyone here realize that every single fucking one of our founding fathers would have been red-flagged and few of them would pass a background check? There are no exclusions in the 2nd for a reason.

You and your pets will be red flagged.

>I support the second amendment, but....

I will never vote for this piece of shit.

the red flag law is exactly that a big red fucking flag. Who the fuck gets to decide what's mentally ill and deranged? The kikes in the psychiatric industry? How long before they create some bullshit study out of thin air to prove that everyone is mentally ill and potentially deranged and we're all at risk? How long until this dumb shit inevitably starts happening? Fuck this.

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>Trump should just say he won't do anything and doesn't care if the shootings continue!!!!
The first part is correct. Though he explain how these shootings are a statistical anomaly in a country that has 315,000,000 people and 600,000,000 guns. He should also point out how the j left only gives 24 hour coverage to the shootings that advance their narrative.
>That TOTALLY won't lead to normies eventuality trying on the Second Amendment as a whole!!!!
Better for them to over reach and bite off more than they can chew than for it to be given away freely in increments by "our side." That of course hinges on Trump not being either malicious to his own base or so spineless that he has to negotiate from a position of weakness every single time. We didn't put him in office to make concessions to the people who lost. We put him in to ram as much of the agenda through as possible. So far, we elected him in vain.

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>MIGA shills call him a kike

Thanks for proving it, retarded kike. 40% yourself

You got booted off that other shill kike nigger thread where you posted that image like 10 minutes ago. Are you actuallyretarded enough to think it'll work here? 2020 will be FREE if the dumb kike niggers like you are the best they got.

MIGA has failed so many times. I can't wait until Texas flips and Charlie Kirk shits himself. Enjoy it while it lasts mutts - pretty soon Biden will be considered a radical Right-wing candidate

I don't know what you're on about but have a nice day.

Shall not be infringed.

Yep, I'm done voting if they push through any of this shit. All it does is demonstrate that going on a mass shooting rampage is an effective way to change laws. I won't be voting for any of these cucks.

This is what all these FBI ran shootings are for. To dismantle the 2A piece by piece.

Voting DOESN'T MATTER. People need to get this through their heads. It is a facade to make the public think they can make change. Won't happen, the foreign country that has taken over our government needs to be purged

Jews and Israel.

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Woah look here guys isn't it obvious that America has a gun problem?

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Biggest problem with Red Flag laws, is that they can be used to disarm a legitimate resistance to tyranny by saying you're a terrorist so they needed to disarm you to protect the citizens, when its really about protecting the tyrant.

No shit. This is how they do it, step by step.

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Discussion means shit all, wait until he tweets agreement. I doubt he'll get it. He's trying to carry favor with media faggots, etc. Looking for an easy out or someone else to shoulder the blame. No republican is going to shoulder the blame and stand by the 2A, that's the problem, that's what has always been the problem.

Patriots need to spam him, Shall not be infringed and say if he passes this shit he's no better than Biden.

can't wait for the leftist "dob in your gun-toting family" push.

Now don't be bummed y'all, we're fucked no matter what we do or who we support. Just let it happen and let go.

Reminder: your internet history will be used to judge whether you're mentally I'll or deranged

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>just common sense things

I know. You know. But a lot of retards don't see the endgame. They just read that unstable people shouldn't have guns and "yeah, thats reasonable..."

A police record or record of mental health hospitalization would be far more reliable an effective, but using a Psychiatric Dx is a slippery slope because the first socialist POTUS elected would immediately weaponize psychiatry the same way the USSR and China did to justify not only gun confiscation but also genocide.


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we all know no medical examination will take place. they'll just take the guns if someone asks them to.

I imagine he has all these guys talking in his ear all day, telling him how evil the guns are and reminding him of sandy hook and how Adama Lanza shot 100 kids

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>liberals now get to experience trump promising things and not delivering

Thanks cpt obvious.


Based and redpilled. Well argued and eloquent
Unbased and retardpilled. Ignores your argument completely. Thinks democracy is real. Magakikes need to hang.

fucking lol

What does "KAG" stand for?



Kill All Gays

>mentally ill or deranged people.
He's got your number, Jow Forums.

>I really support second amendment but give up your guns goys NOW

He wasn't elected to fucking "make deals".
Fuck him and his red flag laws.
If they pass or even push some more of it I'm not going to vote for a Republican in 2020. It will be any party but the 2 main ones for Congress and for the President.
No one cares about the white people.

That’s what we get for being conned by a New York Jew

They are considered crazy. You can't get a gun if you've ever been on antidepressants or antipsychotics. Too many suicides.

Marianne 4 prez. Reparations are the best way to accelerate racial tensions

Ok guys lets not get our panties in a bunch. Trump is probably just saying this to awaken leftists to the fact that the right wing is actually not that right wing.
Trump is being really civil about this and its making the left look crazy. He knows what he is doing

Cope harder faggot

Keep America Great.

fake and gay

a big problem with the FBI who are incentivized to create these “terrorists” in order to justify their federal budgets. I know first hand cause they tried to do this to one of my distant cousins who served time in a federal prison for drug dealing. When he got out, they tried to set him up using a FBI informant who was also an xcon. There are literally 1000’s of such people who are on the edge and can be “activated” when needed.

Trump needs to disband the FBI. They were caught trying to sabotage his campaign and administration. They've proven their incompetence in averting massacres again and again. Waste of taxpayer dollars.

Thanks. Your gets suggest you should combine objectives.

F fucking P B fucking P

>(((common sense things)))
how much more will migaturds put up with before they come to their senses?

>If they pass or even push some more of it I'm not going to vote for a Republican in 2020.

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Checked but fuck, no.
I'm not voting a socialist in. I prefer not to vote if that's my only choice.

I'm not going to vote on a Democrat neither. 3rd party all the way. Anyone that isn't a fucking socialist scum, and that's both of the parties.
Jews live the idea of communism and socialism and I truly despise any authoritarian government types.
I will vote in protest with a full understanding that it doesn't matter. But I will vote because it's my priviledge.

>Help usher in a world where everyone is self centered, narcissistic, depressed, glues to screens, etc
>Here. Take these pills, goy.
>Oops. We've now determined because of this you're a possible threat & not worthy of your rights.
>Yes yes, we're aware its the only amendment that explicitly states "shall not be infringed" to hammer home the importance of it, but look. Its for the children, or something. Ok?
>Coincidentally, we're also in the middle of flooding the west with brown 3rd worlders, teetering towards communism, raping kids & chopping off their balls if they say they like the way a dress looks.

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>still thinking that voting someone out is a punishment
you will vote them out, they will get a great job somewhere else thanks to their "track record", they will get replaced with someone else who will also fuck you in the ass, but probably more so. rise and repeat. tiresome.

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Check'd. Kek. Exactly this.

The only funny bit of his whole situation

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Finally. A Trump tweet i agree with. To bad nothing will happen because nothing ever happens. Trump is a failure at getting anything done.

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Seems like Trump really wants to be impeached. Probably tired of this headache.


It's the sound that Trump makes while sucking Jewish cock.

All you fucking idiots are new.
He does this all the time. He has "talks" and then does nothing. He knows keeping guns out of the "mentally ill" will do nothing because none of the shooters were mentally ill.
Trump isn't taking your guns. He is just making it look like he is doing something about it.

Is he pushing the Democrats to defend the 2A? Because this talk is dangerous and we can see all of the rats jumping at it like it's fucking Christmas morning.
I don't care what he says and prefer to look at what he does. And what he did is open the door for fucking traitors to jump on the idea and push it further.
Fuck him and fuck them.

I'm hope to fuck you are right user. It does seem to be a common tactic of his. Last time he did cave on bumpstocks, but tbf those things were worthless anyways. Hope he doesn't give any ground this time. He can't let these false flag tactics work, or they will just orchestrate more shootings.

Bump stocks are a novelty item you fucking retard. Red flag laws however- are a problem.

>Bump stocks are a novelty item
Why does that make banning them okay to you daft faggots?


only good post ITT

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So they should be you mental weakling

Sounds like blackpillingshilling.

NRA just gets worse year by year.