Prove you're not a blind hater, say something you liked about his Presidency.
I thought his speech at Ground Zero was good.
George W. Bush
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He's a retard.
I remember pokemon ruby coming out during his presidency. It was really fun. And I didn't feel like dying as much then as I do now does that count?
>say something you liked about his Presidency.
blowing up the space shuttle to build faggot data centers was cool
he always seemed to have a positive, happy attitude and a cheeky little smile.
Seemed like a cool dude
his mission accomplished landing was pretty fucking awesome
also he threw an incredibly respectable first pitch at the world series right after 9/11. that is my one moment actually. watch that and if you don't get goosebumps you're not american or weren't around during 9/11.
here's the video. this was less than 2 months after 9/11
At least he didn't ban guns after Virgina tech unlike Blumpf
He was funny.
I liked how to choked on a prezzie.
>Those USA chants
I always thought it was a parody.
I liked his WATCH THIS DRRRIVE. I think Trump learned some things from his reign.
Trump is pro gun I don't understand wut you say.
Zionist faggot allowed the never-ending wars for Israel to start. Hang him for Treason.
He meant well but he was taken advantage of.
I didn't like anything about his presidency. I think he was the worst President in American history.
But, he tried to restart the Moon and Mars missions, so I'll give him that one credit.
Made me kek
>he meant well
i liked it when he made libruls cry about gore
Nobody thinks they are the bad guy.
His goofiness was entertaining.
Kike puppet. All true Patriots should hate bush and his administration with the passion of a thousand dying sons. He killed millions for the Jews. He let the kikes bring down the towers. Dumb as a bag of rocks. If you like this president you are a disgusting degenerate spitting on the graves of US service men who died fighting in a war for Israel that he lied to get us into . Anyone who likes him is a kike or a goy too dumb for your own good. Kys if you like bush
total fucking faggot, just like OP
He was a puppet, wtf are you talking about you filthy kike? His father is deep state... So was he. Fucking brainlet wojak or Israel disinfo ...can't tell which species of cockroach you are. Either way kys
i met him. he's exactly like you would think he is.
maybe played up the goofy shit a bit.
Based. Bush should be publicly execute d Along side his whole administration
Use more buzzwords next time.
He owned 2 scottie dogs, I own 4 of them myself, a true white mans dog breed.
He designated some islands in the pacific as a nature habitat. But, on balance, he was a flaming pile of shit and deserves the guillotine.
He had a 92 percent approval rating. When he left office he had like 29 Percent.
I was in the Army during and after 911.
I should have went to Afghanistan. We should have all went there. It should have been 500,000 troops. We should have Jumped in with the 82 and the Rangers.
We should have completely surrounded Bin Laden and killed him on national TV. Then we should have came home.
Instead he sent special forces and a few divisions...then decided to invade Iraq for no fucking reason.
Fuck him
Trump is not pro gun you magafag. Remove yourself from the gene pool, you are going to drag the average IQ in this country down a whole 5 points.
Bin laden is a CIA asset
If he'd actually written that speech you'd have a point. In reality he can barely write his own name.
Yeah, I saw him in Costco yesterday.
Mossad, shill, kike, globalist degenerate kike. That's you .
(Yes kike twice)
This. That moment was based.
Agree. Speedy trial, death penalty. Whole administration.
The seal team that "killed" Osama all died later that year in a helicopter crash.
Bin laden died from natural causes in like 2005. Do your research
el donde est banos est mue mue caso
Far better than Obama. But still lacking. If he had never invaded Iraqi he'd likely be viewed in a more positive light.
died in dec 2001 from kidney failure dumbfuck
>sage this shithole topic
I don't speak that preverted Spanish knock off
>weapons of mass destruction
Taco burrito mosquito
Ya that's what I meant
In all honesty his change on a famous saying was a vast improvement. A pattern can only be said to emerge when noticed in the context of 3 instances therefore it is a virtue to allow a person to fool you once. One should not feel shame at being forgiving enough to be fooled twice. By god if you fool me twice though I promise you'll never fool me again.
That's it
“There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.”
as any POTUS ever refused to bend the knee and touch the wall?
double digits showing the vast improvement on that saying.
The way he threw that baseball was kino.
His dodging of a shoe was pretty ebic
Hanging chads and started and endless war. I love war.
Everyone goes on about how dumb he is. He did learn to pilot the F-102. I'm not saying he's genius level but after having obtained my own private pilots license you can't be a dunce.
I liked how he read an occult book about a pet goat which also has a follow up video, while the world trade center buildings including 7 (and 6 apparently, dont know much about that one) were being "attacked" while NORAD were on a "training op"
I hate George Bush more than any person on Earth. I hope hell claims him soon. Piece of shit.
That speech was impromptu
He brought democracy to the heart of Mesopotamia. Is it perfect no but it is getting better yes. 6000 plus years of authoritarian rule ended. I know the price was high but truly this is a remarkable legacy.
George W Bush was a good boy who dindu nuffin.
For real, he was just the front man, he had no idea what was going on.
He was a CIA asset for many years. Helped bring down the Soviets. But he lost his usefulness and the US government blamed 9/11 on him. Read some of the things that Bin Laden said about Israel, the guy's insanely redpilled.
Its ok bro
I bought weed and fixed the rear passenger strut bracket on my wife's car with that check he cut everyone. Not a bad weekend
He killed 3000 americans in one hour. That's remarkable.
Fuck the Bushes and fuck you too. Rumsfeld and Cheany cool with you too?
He had good reflexes. Doubt any president other than him and teddy roosevelt couldve dodged a shoe like that. Maybe Jackson, too
I hate George Soros.
I dislike Bush.
Bush and his admin came up with some interesting additions to the English language. My top two favorites are when ‘43 said his opponents “misunderestimated” him, and when Rumsfeld explained a Johari window in words simple enough for reporters to understand a Johari window (yet which they still couldn’t comprehend the whole concept). For all of Obama touting how smart he was, you never got that from him or his admin.
Funny how CNN had no problem with the fascist Bush-Cheney regime and was happy to sell their fake WMD story to go to war in Iraq...
Agree. Bush family needs to go. Cheneys too.
His whole family is CIA. Front man my ass.
>Prove you're not a blind hater, say something you liked about his Presidency.
>I thought his speech at Ground Zero was good.
>1 post by this ID
really makes me think.
he's a funny guy
Lol... yeah when “W” dodged that shoe I realized he was not exactly stupid-slow like he seemed to be. No, it is more like just does not give a shit...
His old man is evil incarnate, but the sins of the father etc. It's clear as fuck he had no idea what he was doing at any time just did what he was told.
killed worthless goys
more like multiple personality disorder and an acting career
I didn't like him when he was president and feel really that MSM thwarted my opinion of him.
I follow him on Instagram and he is probably the most down to earth awesome real man's man. Not a corrupt bone in his body he loves America and is a true Texan who never strays too far from his roots.
>pic related you see that dog following Bush with no leashe (Obama always needed a leashe) Bush was a true patrician dog owner of the highest calibur
he has a great memory. I wrote him a letter after we got Obama apologizing for anything bad I ever said about him. No other president makes me feel this way
Forgot pic, this was a truly great man
I’m not sure when he actually died, but that fuckery with no death photo and most of the SEAL team dying soon after makes me believe that the Obama admin was full of shit.
Some folks seem to think it was a way of doing a tech transfer to the Chinese.
I like how he raped my civil liberties and made billions in war profiteering.
You are a fucking idiot, we are STILL suffering from the bullshit he pulled.
It's clear he's a spider who exhibited guilt and knowledge on his face on 9/11 in the classroom the moment Andrew Card whispered in his ear.
lmfao what, if it wasn't for Mitch McConnell refusing to call a congressional session trump would go for gun control.
Two posts now.
he knows a good drink
I remember when he was first elected europoors complained they couldn’t understand his Texas accent. I thought that was great.
Thanks for 9/11. He helped the planet get rid of 3'000 useless mutts and that's worth celebrating.
It was pretty funny when GWB told the director of FEMA that he was doing a great job handling the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, but in reality New Orleans was mired in chaos and niggers.
He has painted some nice pictures.
Whoah dude... toxic
>say something you liked about his Presidency.
>I thought his speech at Ground Zero was good.
When a speech of an illiterate boomer is the one thing you can claim to like from a 2 term president, that should tell you all you need to know.
I was only joking habibi.
I genuinely can't think of a single decent policy or program. Inherented the strongest country in the world and pissed it away in the pointless wars while swelling spending and fucking the economy with reckless deregulation. Beta test version of Obama with slightly less charisma.