Trumptards will agree with anything the orange man says. Sad

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just like the background check that all the mass shooters passed
that'll fix it.

Thats a fucking lie. Eat shit and die OP you Israeli cocksucker.


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I have to pass a background check to get a job, rent housing and even date.
what's the big eye?

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Yeah show me what states they called and who are "trump supporters"


Mitch will only pass anything concerning guns if he knows they will pass (they won’t)

1 out of 1 OP sucks cock

>says the israeli
LOL you cant make this shit up

why are you here shilling? don't you have a red flag law to vote for?

But what does that even mean? Notice how he's not mentioning red flag

Background check support for guns is generally in the high 80s to low 90s, I believe. Regardless of party affiliation.

Call you Congressmen.
Also, Pence is starting to sound better and better.

we also have to pass them to buy firearms, every purchase.

It's obvious Trump is a Jew puppet. That statistic is a blatant lie though.

I was polled and yes, I agree with common sense gun control.

I hate them more than shitlibs.

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Sincerely kys

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A new (((pol))).

More like (((they))) are speaking for us.

way more

The state of this former nation.

Oh no some spic invaders where killed so now we have to capitulate to the left.

Yeah most NRA members do as well, because guess what, you already get a background check and guess what....they don't so shit.

>According to poll

>intelligent background checks
>check on the last bazillion shooters
>all pass background check since they are law-abiding until they do criminal shit
im done supporting this fucking faggot and those old fudd fucks

Chief shill Bill

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>all pass background check since they are law-abiding until they do criminal shit
it's infuriating. the media routinely has segments where they go through the gun purchasing process and they always exaggerate emotions when they go "lol wow! that was easy!", as if they didnt expect to pass a background check being a non-criminal.

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Shouldn’t need a background check for anything. Every day is a new day.

Remove your memeflag Moshe.

Blue flag law = say something on internet Jews don't like have goon squad at your door at 3 AM. Merica.

I thought you already need to go through a background check if you want a gun?

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Absolutely pathetic

Remember the lefty journalist who sperged out when he was denied?
He was trying to do the same shit you outlined and got told to get the fuck out, turns out he used to abuse his girlfriend.

look at these felons. Friendly reminder: you have nothing to fear if you've done nothing wrong and are a good person.

>((trump supporters))
Nice lies media.

I've been around these types all my life, they're authority worshipping idiots with brains like mush.

We do. I don't understand why people always talk about requiring background checks, we already do, for every transfer unless you live in a state that has exceptions for a private sale or between family members.

glow in dark bud. Why would any sensible right or left winger give guns to sociopaths and mentally retards?

>Oh hey look guys, Trump won. Guess we should start trusting the media again lol.

impeach 45.
then we'll get pence as president.
and we'll have a republican primary so we might get to choose a candidate who isn't anti-2A.

What exactly do the background checks look for?

Trump says his will be “very very strong”

Poo in the loo bud. Why would any sensible pajeet or gapreet poo in the loo?

>9 out of 10 trump voters
>surveyed a group of democrats and liberals who never voted for trump

Oh vey look at these results. It is time to take the guns. More fake news media as always.

Oh vey goys, we inervie

Whats the difference between our current Background check system and "Universal Background Checks"?
Or is it just faggy Democrat semantics?

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More thorough background checks.
>Not mentioning the gun-show loophole

all 'polls' are lies, user. just straight lies, knowing dishonesty.

>trusting polls after 2016
go commit neck rope, nigger

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you do, but it's never enough until not even a single us citizen has anything "more deadly" than a wooden stick. see people's republic of britain for details.

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Isn't that basically a PR move then? I wouldn't put it past the press the do a complete 180 and say that you already have background checks though, even though they would never admit that they already exist otherwise.

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Yeah, and Bills pouting because his followers told him he's a faggot and they don't support more infringement.

saying that there already are background checks would throw a wrench in their narrative by forcing them to actually reveal their motives, which is unconditional disarmament of every us citizen.

>it's he's right, no matter if he's a lunatic kiddy snatcher, rapist and murderer. he should be entitled to firearms.

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So I've had 8 background checks so far this year.
How many is enough?
These people understand background checks can't foresee the future, right?
Check my background every hour on the hour and it still wont keep me from killing somebody.

So are you saying niggers are not more prone to violence?

like when leroy buys a stolen gun from dwayne?
leroy should totes have to get a background check from dwayne.

yet more lying polls
You'd think we'd have all learned the lesson by now.

unfortunately, that's not how background checks work.

>poll taken by utter retards who were duped into thinking it was a good thing
>believing any goddamn thing thats displayed in the media.
walk outside. its a beautiful day to make money and not give a fuck about anyone else but you.

most of us aren't hardwired to be so unempathic and shortsighted

Criminal records, anything on file with police, restraining orders, mental health records if such things exist. They make sure that you live where you say you do and that you live with(or without) the people you say you do. They may look at your credit score but I don't know Bout that.
I can't really speak to what they look for even though I've gone through it before. I know other kinds of checks look at finances and travel habits, but I don't think they look at it for Conceal Carry or buying firearms.
New York State was pushing recently to get internet history on background checks for guns, so they don't check for that currently and can't. There isn't a National Registry for Guns and there isn't a National Database. Just checks at a state and federal level for crime etc.

You faggots always cry and cry but NEVER produce any alternatives or suggestions. Only crocodile tears.
Lmao. You faggots are actually hilarious!

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I popped for weed on a random and was still able to buy a gun. These laws won't stop shot

The alternative would be a candidate who doesn't do those things.
If Trump isn't criticized the masses of the right will never produce a candidate which doesn't follow his mistakes.

its just a fake poll trump paid for. hell israel probably paid for it. trump said it so they have to defend him. oh wait the msm in ameirca is jew run so israel didnt pay anything

the reality is gun ownership is so common among whites that saying they will just give them up is stupid

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What’s wrong with background checks?

their solution is voting democrat until you are a slave to the supreme leader, but are too spineless to admit it.

nice weaselling, shlomo.


or maybe the media is manipulative?

Slippery slope is a fiction goy.

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Fake news.

"Universal background check" is a subjective term, and therefore impossible to poll on. You can conceivably poll a yes or no question about an objective outcome, but even then the numbers are usually wrong.

Humor me for a second. If there are two separate people with different backgrounds

Case 1:
>history of mental illness
>convicted of assault with a deadly weapon
>know gang affiliation
>living on government handouts

Case 2:
>no criminal record
>hunts for sport
>stable job
>family man

Are you saying these two people are equally likely to commit crimes with weapons as background checks can't foresee the future?

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>Friendly reminder: you have nothing to fear if you've done nothing wrong and are a good person.
Define mentally ill.

We already have NICS, I've had to pass one at every gun store and gun show I've ever been to.

Wrong. You’re not even American.

Literally nothing wrong with ensuring none of you schizos can legally obtain a gun

The left would define Trump supporters as mentally ill. I’m starting to agree.

Your criminal record and residence is the only thing they currently look at. They're not allowed to look at your mental health records. That would require a court order. Trump and Boomerservatives want mental health to be added to the criteria. Of course they are too Boomer to realize that liberal states will consider being a Republican a mental illness, while cutting your penis off is just simple cosmetic surgery.

>you have nothing to fear if you've done nothing wrong
until the government decides to change the definition of "wrong" so that it involves you after it has disarmed you.
you have obviously never lived under a totalitarian regime, so you should check your privilege...

>>convicted of assault with a deadly weapon
I like how you shamelessly threw this in here. Nothing disingenuous about that.

>Believing polls from MSM
>Believing anything from MSM
What kind of brain damage do you have?

>you can trust poll numbers goyim, we would never lie to you

Gun owner here. I had to pass a background check to buy my guns (new at the dealer) and so should you, whoever you are and wherever you buy your gun. No big deal. I’ve had to have comprehensive background checks done by the state branch of the FBI twice as well as laser fingerprinting to get two jobs. Fine...nothing to hide and now my fingerprints are on what? The simple fact is this, if you can’t pass a background check to buy a gun at a dealer then you shouldn’t have a gun. Universal background checks are with it. If you’re some bitch nigger or piece of white trash that committed some act in your past that’s preventing you from owning a gun...that’s on you rētard. The best predictor of future performance is past performance. Once a fuckTARD always a fuckTARD IMO. Red flag laws????? Depends on the language. So called, “assault weapon” bans, gun licensing, mandatory gun buyback fucking way.

>criticize trump for cucking to Israel and AIPAC
>I am engaging in weaseling and Pilpul
How is the weather in Tel Aviv, Schlomo?

and what exactly constitutes being mentally ill? cutting your dick off because you think you are a woman? playing video games because you are bored? is it being depressed or stressed out at your job/ school?
do you seriously believe that 1/5 adults is mentally ill?
mental illness is a fucking scam designed to get you hooked onto (((medications))), nothing else.

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Okay, I had that part wrong. I've only lived in States with fairly strict gun laws, so I just assumed. Ty user

That's why there's such concern over this. It can be very easily manipulated and used to mass gun grab, but normies are incapable of thinking that far, let alone why you need guns in the first place. They are comforable with Tyranny.

Where I live, fully 1/3 of the adult population has sought out mental health services at the local mental health facility. Live in a rural red state.

if you seriously think they'll stop at "universal bg checks", you are delusional.
by not standing your ground at "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED", and instead giving them a green light to perform background checks, you have also given them a beachhead to use to disarm you further.

You are not giving me a straight answer. It just happens that you can actually look into someones past and tell what's coming. Of course some cases are not that simple, but generally speaking. The problem is that government needs to collect data of you and that's dodgy, but since they're already doing it why can't they use it to keep mentally ill retards off weapons?

This would prevent people from seeking help for depression. Probably couldn’t pass a (((background check))) if that was in your medical records.

also here's a thought experiment:
the government passes a law requiring police officers to search your house every night.
would you allow them to do so because you have nothing to hide, or would you stand your ground and protect the 4th amendment?

You miss the part where he said if the NRA doesn't support what he's doing he'll go a more neutral route.

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One more thing to add...everyone knows that not everyone that needs to go to the doctor FOR ANY REASON does so. Lotsa people simply ignore whatever their health issue is and if it’s a mental problem, an even greater number simply refuse to admit they have issues SO...if 1/3 of the people in my area have sought out mental health counseling, how many should have done so but didn’t????

Same in your area anons...guarantee it.

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