Why do cripples have the right to a better standard of living

Why do cripples have the right to a better standard of living.
While people who contribute to society only have a chance at a better standard of living?
Self contained homes
Cheaper rent
More money
No work
It all seems a bit backwards to me.
Shouldn't they be given sheltered communal living.
Rather than everyone else having to live in shared accommodation

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because they're human and deserve a life as fulfilling as anyone else
their disability gets in the way of that, so we must do our best to help them overcome it

Social housing is only available to people who do nothing for society, what is social about that?

But they have a better standard of living.
While it is fair they receive help, the help they receive pushes there standard of living above the average low income singletons

well that's why socialists want to expand social housing so it will be available to literally everyone

If one is born disabled they should be euthanized. If one becomes disabled through their labor as they contribute to society, then they deserve what is currently on offer.

I will not be able to afford a flat, why are they able too, and have more money on top of that


Look after those who do not look after other first... where is the logic in that

then you should be fighting for measures that help you afford an apartment, rather than trying to strip that basic human necessity from others

It doesn't make moral or practical sense to rob from a society to provide for those who do not contribute.

Because they are a waste of space.
They should be at least neutered

You will not be able to afford a flat because you probably live in London. Move out of that overpriced degenerate town, find shelter and community somewhere else

Okay so removing a tax burden from him so he enjoys more of the profits of his labor would not accomplish this?

You can always choose to become crippled. Cripples can't choose to not be crippled.

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altruism makes a lot of moral sense
universality of basic necessities and rights makes a lot of practical sense

Shelter shared housing... we put old folks in old folks homes, why can't we put them in cripple homes, instead of giving them flats

>jew defending the retarded.

>dude just, uh, dude what if you... just... move someplace else, dude...
places like London cost a fuckton to live in (in part) because that's where all the jobs are.

They don't have better standart of living, braindead bong. Imagine your standart of living if you can't fucking walk.

Because most Jews would be killed.

if they don't require constant care, there is no moral justification for that. They deserve personal independence as any other person.

>Chinese, Russian, Arabic, and American oligarchs buying up huge amounts of property in London, which has caused house and flat prices to skyrocket in the past decade, just to store money in
>And because of this, everyone has to live around London if they intend to work there
>Which causes prices there to increase too, where they can't develop as much because lots of it is disconnected little towns and dude fields lmao

But yes, some wheelchair wally getting to live in a boring council estate for free is the problem. Low IQ retard OP.

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>then you should be fighting for measures that help you afford an apartment,
I am, kike.
It's called no taxation.

We should start now

I was thinking about the irony, Israel still trying to being down other countrys with there PC bullshit

Altruism is product of evolution after all. Cockroach es are a typical species without altruism.

Having a flat, while I live in shared accommodation with 4 people share 1 bathroom


They don't require constant care, if they did, they wouldn't have a flat to them self.

> Don't worry, he won't get far on foot.
Cartoon of western posse looking at empty broken wheelchair. It's also a book and a movie. I read the book. I am not disabled but know it socks and all threads are troll threads. Inb4 non disabled pinheads patrol disabled for any money they earn to reduce benefits. I would kms.

Altruism is mostly virtuous. It isn't virtuous when it is state enforced and negatively affects a society in order to allocate resources for people who ostensibly never a part of society.

Saying altruism is always good and moral is like saying killing is always wrong. It lacks context. Killing for the prosperity of one's people is virtuous, killing a stranger in an alley is evil.

You're planning on staying here? Better off getting load debt and running off to another country. It is finished here. No way do we ever recover.

Down with private property!
Crown owned property when?
(You can't be a communist of you support a monarchy, your a fascist)

No, we don''t owe them anything as the state owes us nothing either. Only what we pay in taxes and cripples pay far less.

society owes its members the best life it can provide

I don't care if I will live in palace or mudhouse if I can't even enter there on my foot

>This scares the Indian.

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Payless, get more....
One or the other, they get the best of both worlds. Rent £400, housing benefits will only give you £250, I hope your not planning to be unemployed for long, because if you have been signed off work. Your fucked

I want to go to the bathroom and use the kitchen without having to go down 2 flights of stairs and throught 3 doorways.

I want to shower in the morning without having to get dressed to get undressed to shower to dress to get undressed to get dressed to then cook breakfest

I'm of the opinion that in order for one to be part of society then they just be a part of building it. Even if this manifests in small ways like retail jobs or fast food. If you are born too disabled to have never worked at all, to have never added any bread to the table, you aren't really in the society.

My point is that you at least CAN GO to the bathroom. Being disabled is another level of low quality of life.

Their ADA bathrooms and sidewalks are available to everyone to use, not just the disabled. Parking spots are the only spots reserved.

You could make the argument that they getting out of a giant wheel chair (their car) on to a smaller wheel chair. What's the differance if their reserved parking is at the back of the lot, they driving to through the same lot eitherway.

Maybe a simpler option to dedicated spots, is just allow them a free pass, to double parking anywhere they like.

yeah I know you're of that opinion, that's what makes you right-wing and brings you to Jow Forums
the only question is how much have you actually internalized that opinion. If you child is born with a disability like severe autism, would you really be find with them being excluded from society and being sent to some camp (at best) or euthanized (at worse)?
(don't bother answering, your answer right now as a hypothetical is irrelevant and doesn't say much.)

They deserve to be helped so they can be on a par with fully able bodied people. This is the right thing to do and is in accordance with a modern, civilised society.

Cripples should be put into communal homes, like old people, instead of being given cheap flats

I know a guy in a wheelchair, he was hit by a cared aged 14.

He gets free everything and spends his days in the pub, its no great life but he doesn't have to do fuck all for it.

But there not on par, there above standards.
They have a better standard of life than a low income single person

>I will not be able to afford a flat, why are they able too, and have more money on top of that

Look. I'm disabled. It's not my fault. I was born that way. With my Universal Credit at disability exemption I only get £1,011.06 a month.

Add in my PIP payment of £505.53 that brings it to a total of £1,516.59 a month post-tax (effectively zero because I am below the limit, since PIP is not taxable)

That's only £18,199.08 a year which has to cover all of my rent, gas, electricity, internet, food, etc., etc.,

Since I can't get out easily, I end up with much higher gas and electric usage than normal working folk.

Why should I be penalised further?

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Some do yes, but that's because disabled people often have no chance at improving their situation whereas able-bodied people do have the opportunity for climbing the ladder of society.

The point is that my hypothetical autist spawn would not ever be in the society in the first place and thusly not excluded. Said child wouldn't be capable of participating in it and as such shouldn't expect society provide.

Why ask a question that you don't want me to answer? So that you can presume my answer instead? How would you feel if you were a Palestinian? Would that argument function on Israeli nationalists?

For £400 I demand better! Private landlords are charge to much for doing nothing.

You should consider moving to China if you hate cripples this much.

unfortunately you landed upon the one of the only two Israeli flags on Jow Forums who are anti-zionist so that appeal to my fascist-colonial pride wouldn't work :)

but yeah, I asked that question rhetorically. maybe to force you to consider thing from a different perspective.

Ignore these edgy teenagers, what separates us from the savages is that we take care of our sick and old.

Over a grand and a half every month.
And you have your own flat?
I live in shared accommodation and our rent is the same

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Your getting x3 more money, and have a better place to live

Thats innate property of the real estate in big cities. With the growth of the population demand goes up, but in a big city offer can't go up for obvious reasons.

Nah I've run into your type before on here so I approach you guys in good faith. I made sure to specify nationalists in Israel because I sensed that you were not a Zionist. I cannot imagine this line of argumentation works on them either. I'm preoccupied with the over all interests of my society. I'm glad you caught the second paragraph but how about the first.

The point is, that hypothetical child isn't capable of participating in society, it is not society excluding him for being autistic. I'm not right wing for the record. I accept the premise that society has a duty to its members. My argument is that the severely disabled are not members.

I live in a town, not a city, most of the homes around me are housing association filled with these waste of space

It's not "innate". It's the result of the economy we live in and how the "housing market" functions.
One the one hand all the good jobs are increasingly concentrated and consolidated in the mega-metropolises, and on the other hand developers abuse the shit out that fact to build only apartments that fit wealthy people.
Working class people are pushed out to live in some shitty exurb and commute in 2 hours each way every day.
These things can easily be fixed with some rent control, social housing and an industrial plan that favors rural and semi-rural towns. But all those things are scary socialism so no, we'll just let the market crush people between rising rents and stagnating wages.

>I live in shared accommodation and our rent is the same
Yeah, but I live in a one bed flat in a small town in Scotland. Not the centre of London or wherever.

Dunno then blame it on kikes you are on /pol after all.

well you can play around with the semantics. I suppose you could say animals aren't "members" of society but we still have animal abuse laws and it's expected you care for your pets and not neglect them.
in the end it doesn't matter, what matters is the principle, and the principle is that society has a moral obligation to provide a good life for all living things under its jurisdiction (is that better?)

welcome to democratic socialism

i see OP struck a nerve, Shlomo

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It will create black market corruption n shiet.

>I live in a town, not a city
Where then user? Because that is probably the main difference in the rent, the fact that I am not living somewhere expensive, just a 1 bed flat in a tenement building.

Maybe punishing taxes for ownership of multiple properties is better solution

maybe in russia
your country has been fucked so hard by centuries of tsarist rule and then 70 years of state socialism
if the Russian immigrants to Israel are of any indication, Russia culture is so thoroughly distrustful and dishonest I'm shocked something like the USSR didn't just collapse with Stalin's death

Yeah, that would be part of any ideal plan.

I don't consider euthanasia abuse. I consider it a mercy. What would be abuse is forcing someone who has down syndrome to live their whole natural lives. They aren't happy go lucky like in the movies believe me, I take care of them for a living. The expense on society and the family is immense and the family suffers tremendously. That's abuse, that's morally wrong. Some days I go home and I look at my healthy children and the money I've made and I hate myself. But euthanasia is what the Nazis did, so it's abusive right?

No really, if you enforce rent control, owner will just rent unofficially. You can always tell that those are your friends just staying there for some time, totally not renting.

Also your logic
>muh socialism leads to distrustful society
>lets enforce socialism

Other countries (e.g. France) make it work.
It worked in Israel for many years before our welfare state begun being dismantled.
it's not without problem of course, nothing is. There is no single policy that acts as a panacea. The most common problem with rent control is that is often creates a two-tiered system because there's not enough rent-controlled flats around.
But with enough correct zoning and construction and (most importantly) social housing this problem can be mitigated and avoided entirely.

well my idiosyncratic and criticism-proof definition of "socialism" makes "enforced socialism" an oxymoron

>well my idiosyncratic and criticism-proof definition of "socialism" makes "enforced socialism" an oxymoron
Is this negation of negation?

"socialism" for me is inherently about democracy
it's just extending democracy to spheres of life where it's usually absent (most notably: the economy and the workplace)
like the soviets you had in the USSR, but actually accountable to the regular people at the bottom


>(most importantly) social housing

This is the key aspect to anything. Those with money should own or rent privately. Those without money should be able to get decent social housing.

When I was in my 20's I would have much preferred a dorm room in community housing than having to negotiate with some private landlord for a single room with ensuite that cost me half my paycheck every month.

just cripple yourself and start enjoying life

Do you understand that this was the whole idea behind communism. But that just dont work.

Lives in Bedford and wonders why that is more expensive than a tiny flat in rural Scotland.

You're not equating like-with-like user.

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Yes fuck this! Aktion T4 NOW!!!!

Yes but I think there are some exceptions if you’re say a military veteran who lost a limb in combat you do deserve

Shut up

The issue here is that said socialism would still be enforced on those who do not wish to have it. So that makes the oxymoron quip slightly confusing. Opening socialism to democracy is a mistake because people at large aren't as big brained as the socialist Jew on pol and will just vote for endless freebies without further considerations. Universal suffrage Democracy is antithetical to the stability of any socialist state.

well it worked up until lenin flagrantly canceled the results of the first elections to the General Assembly way back in 1918
"all power to the soviets"
He then went on to shoot at soviets that disagreed with the Bolshevik party line.
so much for democracy


Just ask yourself why

because lenin was evil?
because bolshevism is a degenerate ideology for psychopath?
actually, I honestly don't have an answer

Because it dont work to such an extent that to enforce at least part of their ideas they had to become more opressive than anyone before.

well that's kinda bullshit. When the Constituent Assembly was elected, Lenin didn't dissolve it because the right-wing forces won (they barely got 25%), but because the leaders were a brand of pseudo-anarchist agrarian socialists he didn't agree with
the funny thing is the bolsheviks still got a 25% of the vote themselves. If they were committed to democracy they could've easily worked together with the agrarian socialists (who got 40%). but they didn't. They held ("temporary") power and didn't want to relinquish it

How that disproves my point?

Contributors should be supported as much if not more than non contributors. It's just pragmatic. You can't just overcome common sense with feelings forever.

>Contributors should be supported as much if not more than non contributors.

You are aware that the US has a massive deficit since there are too many welfare recipients (mainly blacks and Hispanics) than there are net tax contributors (mainly white people).

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