Red pilled anime

What did he mean by this Jow Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

No anime is red pilled, all anime is garbage and degenerate to your health

Anime teaches friendship, brotherhood and self-sacrifice for the greater good, the opposite of what ((they)) and ((hollywood)) want you to learn. If you want to rage at something rage at Marvel/Superhero movies that are made for children/young teens. The story structure of every movie, the humor, mild violence and lack of adult themes are all indicators of hivemind mentality, group confirmation and social approval

Starship Troopers is pretty redpilled
The only shitty part I can think of is they have a nigger for a Sargeant

>Some antisemitic content[clarification needed] present within the original Japanese dialogue was censored from the English releases.[2]

In the last OVA they say Jews control international crime

keep on coping you fucking degenerate weeb

Incels on basket weaving forums, like Jow Forums, exist for the manipulation and use of those in power.
>And there's nothing you inbred retards can do about it.

White people actually believe this

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All of anime is red pilled. All of it. You're just too indoctrinated by now to realize that.

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This. Good movies/non-anime series are extremely rare nowdays. I actually get inspired by anime to do things I wouldn't normally consider doing like cooking for example (thanks to shokugeki no souma). There are also so many different genres and settings, which means I get exposed to concepts and experiences I would never be able to if I dismissed anime because muh weebs. Onions infused marvel superhero movies are cancer. I'd rather watch 100 episodes of generic isekai than even a minute of that crap.

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Jews fear the Samurai

Stfu leaf

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Where can I see these episodes with the correct translation?

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planetes, now and then here and there are pretty redpilled. the planetes manga is a lot more redpilled than the anime though. Now and then here and there is just...dont read the synopsis just watch it and you'll see.

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also unironically death note... and paranoia agent.

anime in general can be pretty redpilled.

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Planetes was pretty good, I loved the down to earth portrayal of space exploration, and the ending made my eyes water. That one had a lot of heart.

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The dialogue isn't all ironic snide bullshit either like pedowood movies are

racism is not allowed in communism, comrade.

9anime or dload off nyaa torrents
the show isn't too good tbqh it just has that going

not even the love story though. its the geopolitical aspect of rich nations against poor nations and who really benefits from corporations. Thats what you get in the manga, i strongly suggest reading it.

all "nations" get hurt by corporations, the nation, the collection of people of similar blood, is being destroyed for the benefit of corporate profits. The battle of the 20th century, 21th and beyond is the nation vs the corporation, one fake one real.

thats what makes it redpilled, silly user.

>all anime is red pilled


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What? Not christian enough?

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>Legend of the Galactic Heroes
>Angel Cop
>Attack on Titan
>Saga of Tanya the evil
>Goblin Slayer
>Paranoia Agent
>Welcome to the NHK
>Kino's journey (2003)

seconding Welcome to the NHK. that shit hit me hard.

Attack on Titan

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There is only one good anime

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>thinks anime is degenerate
>likely consumes jewish propaganda on TalmudVision

Bokurano is the most red/blackpilled anime about war I've ever seen.

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Based and redpilled

Tanya the evil is good

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Do you realize where you are faggot?
Perhaps plebbit will suit your taste
gud taste
Add the following:
Ergo Proxy
The Cockpit
Mudazumo Naki Kaikaku
Last Exile
Naruto (Unironically)

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Pedo kike rat. Stop raping kids.

>hurr you're on Jow Forums
Jow Forums would be good without retards like you shitting up the board, too bad you're all that's left apparently. Hopeless bluepilled brainwashed zogbot retard. Kill yourself.

>projecting this hard
Yikes, newfag

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True, if it's in 4:3!

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Dragon ball

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Goblin Slayer and Attack on Titan (especially the latest season) are extremely redpilled. Best part is they're both hugely popular too.

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Have you read Goblin Slayer?
No you haven't

how powerfull is this character in that anime?

golden kamuy is fairly decent
has alot of historical references

also jojo is based

Attack on Titan is redpilled , I'd you read between the lines when they talk shit like they want to keep us inside the walls, scared of Titans that will eat us any minute not being able to go out and explore the world etc etc etc and how they mention how strange it is that the best cadettes end up where there is the least amount of danger and the walls are higher and thicker etc etc it's all code for the world being flat :|


I enjoyed that one. At the very least it's not degenerate and there isn't any shitty self insert harem romance garbage that you find in your average anime

Axis Powers Hetalia!

Its basically stereotypes that Jow Forums loves.

>In the last OVA they say Jews control international crime
Accurate. The true origin of the Jews is as a crime syndicate. Their obvious racial diversity, along with modern genetic testing, disproves their claim that they're simply descended from the inhabitants of pre-Roman Judea, from ancient Jews, and have merely maintained the faith of their ancestors.

Modern Judaism (as distinct from the Second-Temple Judaism described in the Bible, a religion at least as different from modern Judaism as from Christianity) largely consists of self-justification for predatory criminal activity, and practical rules to enable it. First is the whole "God's chosen people" thing, which is essentially collective sociopathy: only Jews are real people, with real moral standing. Then there is "mesirah", the Jewish omerta: turning over a fellow Jew to gentile authorities, even for a real and serious crime, is forbidden and every other Jew is obligated to murder the informer if they can. The characteristic historical business of Jews, usury, was a crime in the societies where they practiced it: the traditional Jewish belief on usury (lending money at interest) is that it is harmful to the borrower, and thus it's forbidden to collect interest from another Jew, but that any harm to the gentiles which benefits a Jew is not only acceptable, but the moral obligation of every Jew.

Not every Jew is a gangster, but that's fundamentally what being Jewish is about, and every Jew should be suspected of being involved in organized crime. They're born with connections for it, and indoctrinated in rules to encourage, justify, and enable it.

doesn't sound like code for flat earth at all
go take your pills

No such thing. Anime is for faggot ass children.

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I always took Attack on Titan to be thematically about post-WW2 Japan: the humiliation of being caged, being menaced by overwhelming power if they try to step outside their limits, the dream of one day breaking free, and the fear of being constrained further still.

The plot just kind of wanders after that initial vivid impression, but that's typical of Japanese fiction. It's inherently superficial.

Go enjoy your Hollywood, Disney and Netflix then

Not true.
Theres a Manga Version of mein kampf

>t. Marvel marketing director

Attack on titan is redpilled

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It's not good because every position expressed is correct and well-reasoned, but because it presents the arguments for both sides, and shows consequences of unbalanced and biased thinking. Of course, this is a badly flawed position: "genetics have nothing to do with the abilities of the individual", you can see immediately that it's false, by considering genetic diseases which can cause severe mental retardation leaving the individual entirely incapable. From there, you can see that there are degrees: genetics set limits on potential. In some cases, this decides everything, in others it opens the matter up to free will, chance, and circumstances.

Oh look, a jew projecting his projections. I can say I don't like anime and think it's degenerate, you fucking loser. This isn't a safe space for weebs. Most of the boards are for weebs, this is for politics, you kike.

The irony is that eldians are jews.
Zeke is the only based character, he wants to castrate all eldians (jews).

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>still projecting hard
Anime is part of the site culture no matter how much you try to deny it

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keeping this for use on /v/ trannies

Oh yeah, Welcome to the NHK was great. It helped me get over my hikikomori condition

His real name is Sieg. "Zeke" was always a mistranslation

Welcome to the NHK I absolute god-tier, along with a like opening song.

>tfw Misaki will never knock on your door
Why even live?

He said that in a society that already was cleansed in regard to nobles and peasents.

I see you are a man of culture

So that doesn't make them jews?
This one too, user:
We all know that feel. But the anime helped me realize that you don't really need a girl like her to change your life. But i'd be happy if I could fine one (if they are real)
Welcome to summer days, frens. It's not too late to find a gf like misaki-chan

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Marleyans are jews bro

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Then why is Jean's name Jean (((Kirstein)))?

yes the ethnic minority that's actually go.. I mean titans chosen people who are confined in camps and a promised land aren't the jews

Back to plebbit you faggot

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Marley is the only faction using explicitly jew tactics. Keeping eldians down using 'eldian (white) guilt' for 'eugenics and massacres' committed by "Ymir" in the past, literally holohoax

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Truth is, the author is just a retard who mixed all that shit together. It doesn't have any hidden meaning

Seems like most likely scenario is this one. Still dropping redpills regardless



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Yeah, it's fun making all these theories up. But we will never find out what the author really thinks.
What lead me to that conclusion are the multiple plot holes i found in AoT's story. Some of them just don't make sense and are plain retarded

Starship Troopers anine is both based and COMFY as fuck.

Japaneses love to borrow french and german sounding's words.
Kirschtein isn't a jewish name btw

He purposely mixed up the themes. It didn't happen by mistake. The author clearly wanted to deliver a story with a setting of 20th century european conflict, especially with the themes of nationalism, racial favoritism, anti-natalism, and the struggle between two relatively similar races which leads to a lot of impersonating, infiltrating, plotting, propaganda, brainwashing, concentration camps and false history revisionism. If the author had simply writen a fantasy version of WW2 his story would be boring and he would have been discarded for being either pro-Nazi or pro-Jews. He mixed both sides and did a good job at it. Turning the world map upside down and putting the exiled race in Madagascar was a 200 IQ plot twist.

Life in general is degenerate and garbage, unless you're working out daily.

Probably the last place without niggers, feminists and kikes.

Enjoy your netflix garbage.

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>The plot just kind of wanders after that initial vivid impression, but that's typical of Japanese fiction. It's inherently superficial.

Thats because its published in a shonen magazine.

if you are into Japanese postWW2, Try some Kaiji Kawaguchi stuff then, such as Zipang, Spirit of the Sun or The Silent Service.

Exactly. The last place that hasn't been completely jewed. Although they're working on that, of course. Can't have anything good or decent left in the world.

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Like I'm going to trust a fucking leaf

>Women are usually poorly suited for the battlefront and are worse off if they do go there
>Pity is seen as a weakness every time it is shown; death is the most merciful fate to give goblins and absolutely fucked people
>Victory at all cost, your life being the last dime; live to fight another day
>A competent and clever man can go well beyond his limitations in a given situation
>Never look down on an autist/near-autistic man
Japan woke af

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Do poltards know about Ki-Itchi?

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SPBP, I don't like anime in particular, but God damn do I feel cheated by comic fandom.

Or Akumetsu?
Now thats a redpilled manga.

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>Do you realize where you are faggot?
Yes, Jow Forums, not fucking /a/

Do you people realize you need a cartoon to tell you how to function as a human being?