Patton "Believe Women" Oswalt says

Start saving for reparations tax you whiny, entitled millennials.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Hes a millionaire, why doesnt he voluntarily start paying up?

Reparations have already been paid in form of subsidized housing and EBT.
Just wait til the african community receives the bill.

Isn't that the guy who murdered his wife or am I thinking about someone else?

My ancestors die in the Civil War fighting to free blacks. I think you Ameri-blacks should pay me reparations.

Should not the losing side pay for reparations?

Therefore, blacks should start saving money...

With all this talk of reparations it leads me to wonder "Where are we going to get all these mules?"

Tax the 1% for reparations.

Ha ha your wife's dead, faggot pedo.

who is shilling this faggot? because he was on red letter media? he's not funny at all, his views are fucking retarded, and he has been in nothing of worth


Yikes, dude.

Fun fact: Patton Oswald did the voice acting for a character on My Little Pony recently.
The character was a sexless loser who had finally managed to get himself a girlfriend - and was having trouble connecting with his girlfriend's daughter.
A cuck in real life, and a cuck in Equestria too.

Trayvon was a peaceful white Christian on his way to Church, when the evil black shooter killed him

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Must be nice people who leave behind "debt" to their kids.

Because he's not a part of the only class that ever gets attacked by the IRS, the middle class.

Cringe, faggot.

reminder that this cuck is/was good friends with the guy that gave us the happy merchant, and all the other A. Wyatt Mann/Ben Garrison cartoons that you love so well.

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Yeah loaded her up with drugs and she died in her sleep. Got married again the year after

he's rlm's new best friend!

Patton Oswalt killed his wife

It's so obvious, she had some medical condition which is really what the drugs triggered, but only he would know of it. I had some literal faggot tell me "oh maybe she was prescribed all of those things don't be a conspiracy nut"

how many cocks do you suck a day?

She's dead because he murdered her.

As many as I can get my lips around, buddy.

this fat faggot killed his wife lol

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i don't know much about this, do you mind going a little more in depth about this. were they not prescribed? why is oswalt blamed for it? why would he know that the drugs she was taking would kill her, but his wife didn't?

I can't believe RLM would associate with him. Guy killed his wife and brings really lame SJW bullshit vibes with him. They shouldn't taint their fanbase

Hope you accept leadit

Should be killed yourself you traitorous piece of shit. The South ceded as The Constitution allows and you nigger lovers couldn't let that happen. Fuck you.

Literally who?

They brought him over to watch only the shitty films

If anything, you owe reparations to the rest of the white people, whose ancestors fought to keep them from being turned loose on everyone. Also the government owes reparations to the slave owners whose property was taken from them.

Literally new?

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For real though, his wife’s death was fishy as hell.

The fact that he married his childhood crush a few months later is shady enough.

I honestly had no idea who that was. I've never given much thought to who A. Wyatt Man is. Wasn't important to me.

Really one of the most useless and pathetic faggots of the modern age.

Attached: pattonoswaltkillshiswife.jpg (2048x1591, 430K)

She killed herself out of shame. So, in a way he did/

Unironically the worst episode they've ever done.

Ironic that he's wearing a shirt of a man who was needlessly killed when he needlessly killed his own wife....

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Overdosing on fentanyl while high on adderall and xanax? Mayhaps you should ask why someone with no history of previous illness or injury was taking fentanyl?

Can't say I blame her. Imagine being married to that toad.

You should join her

>makes charles manson documentaries
>is good friends with anton lavey, makes documentaries with him
>makes cartoons for white aryan resistance magazine(WAR)
you really should pay attention to things.
you might just find out you've been following a glownigger satan worshipper through the darkness.

I saw Oswalt on Best of the Worst yesterday.
He seems perfectly affable when he's not talking about race, politics, or the wife he murdered.

Nah, it was pretty good. Patton sucked ass, wasnt funny but Rich Evans had a stellar night.

No that's funny.
Funny for what it is and that some drew it.

You spelled raperations wrong faggot

Is he Jewish?

Why even care? The man is a moron.

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didn't this man kill his own wife?

Nigger are you serious

How powerful. I fucking hate bigots with a passion.

RIP Trayvon.

Hence why the only people that push this are the elites, well and Jews obvi. Fucking rich moneybags that think blue collar Joe Schmo makes more than enough for himself and family and should thus take his excess earnings for the “disadvantaged”. Oh and they then hurl bigot/racist/etc if he dare speak against it.
Fuck Patton Oswald, I’m going to buttfuck his wife’s corpse

Reminder that he killed his wife

One of my favorites. Piano dude is a fucking savage.

Is that a Traygone sweater?!

No, that's him. His home was described as a drug den and she was pumped full of adderall, xanax, and fentanyl. He was reportedly in charge of all of her medications.

Good Lord, the level of savagery

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We should be taking notes on Patton Oswalt, he is angering people efficiently and we should do the same

Daily reminder that he is a filthy pedophile.

Sure, but I still can't think of a less-funny episode.

Wasn't his wife working on an investigation into notorious unsolved serial killings at the time of her murder?

he's got the murderer eye.

He gave her the drugs user


don't blame him for being a pussy when his living depends 100% on being employable in hollywood

This guy needs to be dropped off at midnight in South Chicago... with a body cam... livestreaming on the internet for our enjoyment.

lmao, his degenerate wife died from an amphetamine and fentanyl cocktail

he 100% enabled her behavior

She stumbled upon evidence that would lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton

>this annoying fatass is an actor

*clap emoji*

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I'm blaming him and his friend for being disingenuous Satanists.