Epstein Documents


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Death to Zionism

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I wet my bed last night

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Bump. Jews loose again


Live tweeting documents:

>Trump cleared
>WJC implicated
>Al Gore implicated
>Prince Andrew is a pedophile

>post yfw they got zilch on Don but Bill Clinton is fucked big time

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Hang every pedo and flay them while they are alive...

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but not my pedo, right magaturd?

Wow. It's literally nothing

Pizza fags BTFO lol


Anyone else sleepy?

Why are you people so obsessed with pizza gate? It has already been debunked as not being real, why cant you incels find something else to waste your time on?

Derailer spotted

wipe the piss from your flag before speaking

Hurry up and slide you fucking shills. What a shame you're all too busy to suck Brock's cock today, huh?

don't hang yourself too hard, shill.

memeflag spotted

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dude, that's rich coming from you

The ferocity of the censorship alone makes me believe PizzaGate is real.

So why are all these incredibly wealthy/powerful/famous/not ugly men who could have 99% of every woman they want break the law so they can tap that 1% that doesn't want them or underage girls?

Someone explain this to my brainlet brain, if you could fuck half a dozen of drop-dead gorgeous 18 year olds every day why risk everything to get some of that 13 y/o puss

So how long till Prince Andrew is hanging from a noose (do the brit have death penalty? What is the instrument for royals?)

I'm sure the french would gladly lend a guillotine

the shills begin.

Let's see what skellies are in YOUR closet, memeflag.

>prince andrew
>major power outage currently happening in bong land
what did they meme by this?

but you have one to. Besides I supported Bernie until the Clintons fucked up by having Bill's whore of a wife shove her fat face into the cake

If you want to help with activism please visit this thread

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Thread theme:


Stay mad shill, soon you will all be locked away, remenants of how bad things can get when the corrupt rule.

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I’ll bump this.

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Reportedly, Jeffrey Epstein was assisted by a top modeling agent and scout, Jean Luc Brunel, who has links to Israel.

Brunel is the boss of the MC2 modeling agency.

The EPSTEIN saga includes (1) the buying of a 14-year-old named Marcinkova from her parents (2) trawling Palm Beach for teenagers (3) receiving two 12-year-old French girls as a "birthday present" (4) entertaining top members of the 'Kosher Nostra', some of whom have been linked to 9 11

According to court documents:

Jean Luc Brunel, Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, house manager Alfredo Rodriguez, and Natalia Marcinkova "engaged in ... racketeering that involved luring minor children through MC2 ... to engage in sexual play for money..."

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hello MOSSAD

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its one of the few things on wikipedia that they go out of their way to label 'conspiracy theory', the others being 911 and the holocaust.

Activates your almonds huh

Reportedly young girls from South America, Europe, and the former Soviet republics were recruited for Esptein's sexual pleasure.

According to a former bookkeeper, a number of the girls worked for MC2.

Brunel, along with numerous young models, was a frequent passenger on Epstein's private jet.

Brunel reportedly received $1

According to Michael Gross' 1995 book Model:

"Jean-Luc Brunel is considered a danger," says Jérôme Bonnouvrier. "Jean-Luc likes drugs and silent rape. It excites him."

"I really despise Jean-Luc," says John Casablancas. "There was a little group, Jean-Luc... They would invite girls and put drugs in their drinks."

60 Minutes and Diane Sawyer investigated Brunel in 1988.

The program interviewed nearly two dozen models who said they had been sexually assaulted by Brunel and/or by his fellow agent, Claude Haddad.

CBS spoke to five models who said that Brunel and/or his friends had drugged and raped them.

Producer Craig Pyes said "Hundreds of girls were not only harassed, but molested."

Because things you can't have are sweeter than those you can get easily.

Fucking obliterated

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the concept of ''law'' doesn't really enter the mega rich head, at leasy until it's fisting them up the ass. Especially prevalent with old money.

Maybe the logo should be like this! Found this in a jewelry website, can't remember the name...

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Sup Mossadbro

you assume the pussy is the only reward

Being controllable might render these men eligible for sponsorship in the mass network of control.

These people have databases designed since the 80s to manage agents in the field in double triple secret operations with compartmentalized info.

They are in the private sector unregulated with that shit too. International insider trading and stuff. Why wouldn't an up and comer come to them pledging loyalty in exchange for placement at the top of the food chain?

US Coast Guard elite strike force is moving in the capture Andrew

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Don't forget Princess Diana's boyfriend, Dodi Fayed, was a Khashoggi
It goes deeper than just Andrew

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white genocide too

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based if tru

It's not power if you can't use it.

There is no evidenc. He might suck kike cock but he is not a pedophile
Fucking cope

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I agree. Epstein was more into A.I. and transhumanism than anything else. Adrenochrme is fiction af but A.I. is legit. The real religion of the elite is not satanism, it's science and technology.

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Epstein having a french connection is not really surprising, lot's of pedos in baguette land.

I'm wondering tho if there is any link between those and that Belgian pedo Marc Dutroux. It was somewhat earlier than epstein but i'm expecting they floated in the same waters

Fuck off shill, you post this in every thread, your kikery is below anyone that pays attention

>He just sucks kike cock as a hobby. They have nothing over him.

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>adrenochrome is fiction

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So... Scientology

It's satanism, seeking to overcome God and Death by means of AI science and technology.
They're not mutually exclusive, by any means.

next time ask our Shiro fren here to not spam a fucking copy-pasta or namefag so his posts can get traced
get KIKED faggot

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>Epstein having a french connection is not really surprising, lot's of pedos in baguette land.
Brunel is Israeli. Hey Mossad you ready to die?

God damn you are so bad at this

are we doing chanology again?

I won;t vote for him again but I will not make up bullshit cause I want it to be true. Go make your own shill thread and FUCK OFF

>hasn't even bothered to read the documents
lmao imagine being this brainlet

Science and technology is their means to bring forth satans army. Think Doom

don't feed the trolls

nice memeflag you degen piece fuck, if you were a real rebel you would be for the killing of all the fucking pedos, not tryin to make the one guy thats countering this out to be a fuckin pedo too.....

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>this screencap proves it!

So many shizos posting


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he's trying to bait anons into hanging fucking flyers and to link Trump to this since day one
faggot has been shilling this chan for 3 years, and i'm the shill?

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Any sauce on the Epstein estate winning the powerball lottery?

Scientology got their tax exempt status from Fred T. Goldberg at the IRS
Where does he work now?
Skadden Law Firm, who just happens to have ties to Paul Manafort and the Podesta Group

Thanks nipanon, quality posts

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Imagine slaying so much top tier pussy it eventually becomes boring. That's what drives some to the forbidden fruit

checking out Satan's post

Your mother thinks you’re a faggot.

Trump is going to be both the GREATEST and the LAST president of the United States.

We the people one, queer.

>17 years old
sounds a bit like bullshit
where's the REAL creepy pedophile stuff?


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is this real

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Don't ask me how If got this or bitch about the poor lighting. Just be thankful the interweb provides.

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>t. shill
Repent in the name of Jesus Christ while you still can

Who wouldn't want hot sexy women arranged for them at convenient times and places, who would do anything for them, anything, and then go away?

Fucking kids is how they go from being successful public figures to elite.

Very simple: fuck a kid, become untouchable (so they thought).

Didn`t Bill Clinton say he had never been to the island?


I mean that's totally not shiro nigger, notorious phonefag, without a name couldn't be

the secret is that it was founded by a man
>who sold the company spontaneously for pennies on the dollar and then conveniently jumped off a bridge

í believe you are correct, we need to start compiling

>I'm going to protect this individual!
>Gives gender, occupation, name of the place where they work, department that they work in, location of that business.
I've been to Altus. She's a known individual now. Media may not know who it is, but damn near every permanent resident there knows who it is.

Royals implicated, power cuts across the UK right now, hmmmmm

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some sickos can only get off raping women
some sickos can only get off raping children
some sickos can only get off murdering other people

don't try to find any logic in (((them))), they are all sick psychos and deserve to die

>the devil is in the details

Who didn't think the lottery wasn't rigged already can we just get some of this free money the fuck this means ALL LOTTERIES ARE FAKED