Why is Bissexuality so common among young people now?

The gay is rampant among teenagers born after the 2000s, and one in two young adults claim they have some bissexual tendencies in 2016 compared to one in twenty back in the 1990s.

What is going on? Why is the gay becoming the norm in western societies?

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Bisexuality is natural and the default state of primates. Just look in nature ya stupid fuck. Sexuality is a construct. Before society we fucked whatever and whoever we want.

People are realizing there is no point in confirming to a restrictive doctrine created by other people’s opinions on what is right vs wrong.

I’m gonna fuck boys and I’m gonna fuck girls.

the truth: shitty parenting and pc culture

Looks like a good idea for a video game character, like a post apocalyptic world/rpg

>People are realizing there is no point in confirming to a restrictive doctrine created by other people’s opinions on what is right vs wrong.

Excellent. Await my technocratic dictatorship. It comes.

abuse of pornography

We're not primates like you nigger

food, drugs, water, media, culture, sexual abuse.

Bisexuality has been the default state long before that

i would say it comes down to the amount of pornography available. it causes young men to become hyper sexual fiends if they spend to much time with it.
homosexuality is nothing more than a hyper sexual fetish. like a foot fetish. it has nothing to do with love. its about sex alone.
also modern day comforts have made men soft and feminine. because people are told they are born gay they assume that this is just a natural part of their personality and therefore must be gay.

Nah it's more likely to do with state indoctrination and chemical imbalances in modern sanitation and food production. You have to be an absolute retard to think that the normal state of human beings is faggotry, it literally makes no sense.

I believe it's in the water.


This is so fucking stupid. Most gays have their first early erotic thoughts between 7-12 before being exposed to porn. You don’t use critical thinking huh?

Homosexuality is clearly not a paraphilia

>dating gf
>first month in meet her friends, one is a super hippie, others are liberal Indians and your typical white college bitches
>been dating for over a year, hippie bitch turned into poly, Indian guys embracing hippy life, and the college chicks drop acid every other weekend or are alcoholics at 25
>gf is confused on why they changed so much in a year

Hippy bitch has been after my penis since day one too, was feeling my abs at a recent pool party when she hugged me, and I'm pretty sure the Indian guys have made out or experimented.

This generation is worse than the degeneracy of the 70s hippies, they're lost. We have a few laughs though imaging the hippy chick with a bunch of animals when she's 50.

I remember an old meme from /new/ "truly these are last days"

We are definitely in those last days now.

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hey guys, look at this faggot! he's a fagtard!

Oh of course I'm sure you've read plenty of "studies" about how erotic 7-12 year olds are.
God you fucking people are disgusting

That's a lie. I suppose you also read that the greeks were faggots and pedophiles. Guess what, some were, but they were not the majority. Heterosexuality has always been the rule.

No I’m speaking from experience. I had thoughts about other men at age 7 before I even knew what a dick or vagina was

>gays have their first early erotic thoughts between 7-12
>Homosexuality is clearly not a paraphilia

Take your medications before posting

Because our gender doesn't define our sexuality. We as a species has evolved past natural selection to a point where not everyone has to fuck the opposite sex.

If you ask me that's a good thing, we're already over populating the planet.

im not suggesting horny kids start believing they are gay from a young age without ever looking at porn. obviously people were having gay sex before porn even existed. op asked why it is so much more prevalent today. I believe porn has a lot to do with it.

The only one overpopulating the planet is 60 iq niggers. Are you a woman by any chance?

Because Obama made being a faggot cool, then the kids hit puberty and all the girls started foisting each other and impressionable young men wanted to impress the girls, single mommy, uncle Chester, and mock what was hip and everyone is a massive cock sucking faggot now, like you OP!

Is both

Because very few people are 100% gay or straight and there's less social stigma nowadays to admit that.

inb4 insecure protests, if you ever got hard to a trap you're not 100% straight

Probably because one of life's mechanisms is peer pressure. To follow suit keeps us in check. What other force could keep us on track? Chemicals?

Which is really just

Porn mostly.

The short answer? Cultural degeneracy, the embrace of hedonism, and the total lack of taboos. It took me years to find a decent girl who wasn’t into groping other women and getting disgustingly drunk every weekend.

The funny part is the number of cucked people who insist that bisexuality “isn’t a choice”. Right, because a desire to fuck everything that moves is totally a legit sexual orientation that you’re born with. Give me a fucking break.

Freedom of speech


Pornography combined with phytoestrogens such as those found in onions...

Polls are made up bullshit.
Do you know one person that took part in a poll?

See nice feminine ass
Gets hard
Turn around and see massive dick

See user you are gay

Education is the only thing keeping us from being animals, have no education behave like animal fucking all things that move

What about garlic?

Because your shitty fucking economy prevents them from doing anything else.

Hey, maybe on the upside their offsprings will learn that blaming an individual's problems on society is pretty fucking idiotic


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It's okay to get tricked, but if you're still hard after learning it's a guy, yeah, you're not 100% straight. A straight guys reaction would be one of disgust.

>erotic thoughts between 7-12
Why are so many gay men pedos?

That's a lot of cope going on there, fag. Why not just come out?

>That file name

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This. (((VS))) had y'all jacking it to trannies decades ago.

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Op is a shill sage this

What cope I was making a point that being attracted to feminine traits on a boy doesn't mean you are gay, once you realize is a boy every sane person will feel repulsed, they are called traps for a reason, but now is used as a 'you see, you are gay"

Cute trap.

Still, openly dating one is kinda weird. Your friends will never see you as 100% straight again.

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they're this generations emos

the fad will die off.

In a society whit weak family ties and lack of mentors is easy to make young people believe that

Bisexuals are the luckiest people desu. They have so many options and can literally have sex with anyone without feeling any disgust.
I wish I was a bisexual but sadly my PP don't get hard by seeing a man.

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The water. It has turned frogs and frens alike into raging faggots.

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Why did your hypothetical trap have a 'massive dick'?


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yeah i mean didn't the Romans have gay sex like all the time

No they're the faggots that spread AIDS to straights.

>moral relativism
Not even once

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so many dudes seething at this lmao

Classic Svenposting

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The Greeks were massive faggots

It's a combination of porn and social programming, all of which are 100% Jewish

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they just say are bisexual to seem cool but 99% of them don't practice and never will

Why does it matter? Worry about your own shit, faggot.

Our modern perception of that is mainly due to historical revisionism by Jewish academics in the early 1900's attempting to gaslight us into thinking that homosexuality was common in the cornerstones of Western civilization.


thanks for blog
i would bang the indian dude if i were you


cringe and bluepilled

At least here they're often better partners. Women are horrible nowadays, they'll think nothing of ruining you via social media and any other way they can. gay couples tend to be well off and happier because they avoid all the drama hetero couples go through. Really, I think it's a reaction to how shitty people are anymore.

I don't even know wtf you're on about.

I would like to elaborate on this topic instead of just saying Jews.

Have you guys noticed how porn is getting more degenerate today? It's fucking nasty shit. Literally at times. They just keep pushing these bounds then all of a sudden you are bi because you have been conditioned to watching gangbang porn or threesome porn.

Stop watching porn.

Definitely not welcome in the ethnostate

Ask about the Neatherlands
Ask about the high precentage of jews to bisexuality.

You know who's fault this is.

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I think it might have something to do with it being seen as more acceptable in society in general.
I think everyone is bi to some degree, just that the natural norm is for people to overwhelmingly prefer the opposite sex
For every hardcore gay out there, there are a small number of people of the opposite sex they would go for, and vice versa for straight people.
Most of the time these types of attractions are not talked about because the attraction is usually so weak, in a lot of cases people might not even meet that person who does it for them and thus not even know they have those feelings.
Lately however, especially with the propaganda in full swing, some people might think there's some benefits to saying they are bisexual

Because brainwashing and confusing kids is promoted by """tolerant""" parents.

Bissexuality = Borderline

Antidepressants like SSRIs or even pain meds can sometimes permanently wreck a person's sex drive after exposure. Afterwards a person may feel confused about their sexuality.
This guy claims his painkiller pills turned him gay.

In other words for vast majority of guys, the only type of homosexual encounter they would even consider would be with a super cute trap.
Interestingly by having a degree of sexual attraction to a trap, they are still being attracted to femininity

heroin junkies dont even need sex to feel good

your what?

>1 in 2 internet polls operated by queers
Oh, is that what you said?

It's not here. And queers are still shamed in high school. So are sluts. Mississippi has it's nigger problem but really small town Miss has hardly any and is great to live in

Lol. You’re a faggot

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yeah, I mean dating a nigger? that shits gay

It’s simply too common and too easy to consume.
The earlier one begins to consume it, the sooner they get into more degenerate shit. Constantly chasing the high and all that.
Target porn. It’s the evil in this case.

our species is devolving and technology is filling in all the gaps
we are becoming obsolete and we will disappear should we continue down this path
that being said, traps aren't gay

>So we must breed only retarded niggers who never managed to build a civilization
>"B-but their poverty is due to our economy"
Yes so do we have to fix shit for everyone and only then it should be considered equal? I think we should wall off every continent and let each fend for themself. "B-but we stole their minerals in Africa" yes because they never used them and they would and will never be able to learn how to use them. Fucking leftist cunt, I hope you die with Stefan and the rest of you racetraitors. Fuck you, if you want come to Malmö and I will break your skull you fucking faggot cuck.

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It’s a millennial woman, there’s nothing to understand.

First post best post

You just love getting shit on your cock, right Ari?

>Bisexuality is natural and the default state of primates.
Sounds like you've pulled this out of your prolapsed anus.


What's the problem if there's more homos, you wannabe straightists? Doesn't that mean that there's less rivals for you to compete?

>typed first sentence
>typed second sentence
>hit submit
>never saw irony

Based sven

Lmao you just HAVE to jump at the defense of your precious holy jews don't you christkike?

>noooooo the jews are Gods chosen people they can do no wrong, it is us goyim who are wrong and sinful, praise be Israel blame satan

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It's the last stand of implicit white identity

Who the fuck faps to traps and doesn't know it?