El Paso Manifesto

I showed a boomer the 4 page El Pasta manifesto. He agreed with many points and said the media told him nothing of this.

Inb4 it has not been proven to be legitimate.

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he never mentions jews, it was written by some alphabet nigger

>it's the spics
>it's the niggers
>it's the muslims
>it's everybody but the jews

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this. literally every time

They're so fucking S L O P P Y

I mean after seeing what infinity owner said, I dont think he really wrote this.
But if he did:
>mentions danger in automation
>mentions UBI
>corporations are bad
>consumer culture
>Republicans and Democrats are not doing enough
This fucker was a YangGang2020 loser.

not everyone whines about the jews like you

Why do you believe that retard wrote that? Do you believe every bit of jew garbage you are fed, OP?

I keep hearing from the general media that he was white but randoms on the internet keep saying he's Latino and Jewish. Any proof to back this up?

>White people have never sold out their own

Imagine believing such horse shit.

certainly not the CIA nigger that wrote it

another malfunctioned bernie bernnout

Even if he was latino, they're mixed with white in them so they go with white.

imagine believing anything your jew government says about anything

>corporations are bad
Corporations are bad.
>consumer culture
Consumerism is cancer.
>Republicans and Democrats are not doing enough
No flaw here.

I just dont understand Bernie bros, yang losers, and AOC socialists who hate corporations while simultaneously using everything that is made from a corporation lmao.

you talk like a retarded 12 year old

I'm starting to think you're feds looking to work the "he's deranged and paranoid" angle to discredit salient entry level points about race realism. Most people get woke to niggers, spics, asians, and anti-white shit first, the small dominoes. The big nose-shaped dominoes come later, never first.

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Be careful, you start glorifying this guy you will get honey potted real fast.
You want UBI? Go on fucking welfare and get 25k in govt funds throughout the year.

t. Eduardo Ramirez

>you will get honey bucketed real fast.
What did he mean by this?

they are all very confused

Why does the right use Youtube while hating on their policies?

Look at these memes and you will understand the El Paso shooter was YangGang2020

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Ding ding ding!

Idk but look at the memes made by Yang and look at what the Manifesto said.
He was a YangGang2020 loser.

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I don't watch those you tubers so I don't know. Usually these people want to make money

>He was a YangGang2020 l
That is outside the scope of this thread.

ALSO. take his look at his dad. who the hell knows what the that guy was teaching his kids. that guy is a total hippy burnout

That manifest completely represents Yang2020 and you know it. That's is why I got three sevens also.

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Hippies always extol the virtue of obeying the government.

yeh, young white men have no future, the entire state apparatus wants to preclude them from entering public life, except that is if you espouse the views of the globohomo.

Yep, some weird freak boomer burnout.

>That manifest completely represents Yang2020
It represents my views.

>For the first time since Saturday's El Paso shooting that left 22 people dead, the parents of alleged shooter Patrick Crusius are speaking out. In a statement to the Wall Street Journal, the family wrote that "Patrick's actions were apparently influenced and informed by people we do not know, and from ideas and beliefs we do not accept or condone."

>Patrick Crusius' father Bryan wrote a memoir of almost 40 years of drug and alcohol addiction which he says tore apart both his marriages

>He now claims to be cured after Jesus spoke directly to him and having a spiritual encounter with his grandmother Mabel

yea im sure its some youtuber who made this kid go bonkers

lets delve into some Crusius family fun (this memoir is from 2014)

>Crusius Sr wrote that on December 23 he was driving to work to give a patient a mental health assessment when he got a call from his teenage daughter Emily, multiple murderer Patrick’s twin sister, telling him the news.
>It was my daughter wanting to know when I would be home because she needed a ride to a friend’s house.
>‘I asked, “Where’s your mom? Can she take you?” An uncomfortable silence filled the air and finally she replied. “She left this morning for Oklahoma.”
>‘“What?” I said, feeling quite surprised. She had not told me of any trip or advised me that she was leaving.
>‘What was shocking on the surface was to realize that my spouse had taken off without leaving an adult in charge.’
>The father reacted bizarrely to the news, immediately pulling into a ‘major warehouse store’ and attempting to steal a computer hard drive.

totally normal family

link to readable version?

That's the wrong manifesto, it was supposed to go out with the Dayton shooting but some glownigger obviously fucked it up. Look at all the leftist dogwhistles. Guy sounds more like a marxist ecofascist than a republican voter. Plus it doesn't name the jew.

>marxist ecofascist
Imagine believing in the infinite growth meme.

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>marxist ecofascist
thats what his dad probably is

>some glownigger obviously fucked it up
They couldn't be bothered to even put his name on it

What I said, you glownigger, is that the manifesto doesn't match the shooter's supposed ideology, but it DOES closely match the ideology of a different shooter who happened to shoot up another location at almost exactly the same time.
Ergo, your intern fucked up.

You boomers don't understand what is happening. Republicans cheering corporate control is dying out.

What remains a mystery is why Crusius chose El Paso, which has figured prominently in the immigration debate, and a shopping complex just five miles from the U.S.-Mexico border. The scene was a 10-hour drive and a world away from the life he lived growing up in a leafy, upper-middle-class suburb of Dallas.

>Inb4 it has not been proven to be legitimate.
Do you have any proof that it is?

Fuck you shill. Litterally the last two pages of the several page manifesto was “the Jewish question” and “what comes next”

Throughout the day there had been erroneous reports on social media of multiple shooters and of multiple shooting scenes. Police later said that following the arrest of Crusius, there was no further threat.

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Every mass shooting has multiple shooters reported.

which would explain why the body count is so high

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It was relevant then, and it is relevant now.
The Four Kinds of Shills To Sage:

1. The do nothing ever goyim shill.
2. The everything is fake you have no heroes shill.
3. The optics cuck shill.
4. The "oy vey he didn't give jews an eternal victim narrative, I'm mad he didn't criticize jews more explicitly" shill

4 is a good enough reason to not name the jew.
The current mental war being fought is for the mind and soul of the Boomer, and the Boomer hates hispanics. To explain the JQ to the Boomer is not currently a priority.

I have seen something like this on a smaller scale. Someone I know got into HUGE shit and everyone around him acted like they didn't know him.
Straight up deleted him from their life.
Hes sitting in prison now but yeah, its really messed up.

>spreading awareness of jews is not a priority
gas yourself

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