tfw stuck in this shit country, kinda wanna die
Tfw stuck in this shit country, kinda wanna die
get out of the city you fucking retard
Get the High Score on your way out, faggot!
This. Rural Canada is still pretty based, especially out West. Out there you will find good old stock Canadians.
Its falling apart soon. Should get interesting
so you are such a weak individual that you can only identify with the country you're living in? You don't have anything else to offer the world satisfy yourself? maybe the reason you want to die is because you're just a big loser. You can travel anywhere around the world and that won't change.
anywhere more than 100 miles from the US border is god's country, all the parts of mexico nearest to the USA are the worst, really makes you think doesn't it.
I work in tech so I can't escape to the country, I need to get the fuck out of here though, we get paid slave wages compared to the US. Please burgers take me in
Nothing ever happens
Same, I get paid half what a burger gets paid. That's not even taking into consideration taxes, cost of living, currency valuation...etc.
Burgers, please accept this shitskin leaf as your refugee.
I promise not to breed your white women.
Be a good guy and give a free ride across the river Styx to some kikes on your way out, user. They're always looking to save money
Vive le Québec libre
I was born in Rural Quebec, not a single minority. 100% white, and then we moved to the GTA and holy fuck
good luck.
Get a hobby that isn't browsing Jow Forums and listenting to CBC. There is actually lots of interesting stuff you can do here.
I suspect you're a dumbass NEET who can't do anything without his parents financing it.
Nothing ever happens
What hobbies?
bushcraft you faggot
But user, I don't have a car
>Going in the woods getting killed.
KEK’d,,, the jews have a strong strangle hold on Canada,
-leafer posting from Jew York
Buishcrafting in the suburbs? Good one bawd
go anywhere else other than Vancouver or Toronto and you should be fine
Join /neg/
Hows western Ontario
You don't have to, just stop living in the city
>he's afraid of plants and animals
You disgust me, you're everything that's wrong with this country.
Domesticity is a choice
Any b'ys going to MUN in the fall?
You don't live in the GTA so you don't know how shit it is
I don't work in trades though, my job is in the city, paper pushing.
We only have public transit in the city over here in Winnipeg, so am literally stuck here.
Thousand of people disappear annually innawoods. People sit in the woods waiting for people to show up to rape and kill them.
Ewww, a Newfie.
Wanna move to magatard land? You’ll recieve a based black man as a welcome gift.
I lived on the Jane strip for 2 years, downtown for 2 and scarborough for 2, I'm well familiar with Toronto, and how much better it is when you leave.
>I don't work in trades though
You don't have to, northern Canada isn't a barren wasteland it's just sparsely populated. Plenty of people up here work remotely from home with no issue. You're never stuck anywhere, grow some skin bud.
>If I go into the forest I'll be eaten by a bear or raped by a serial killer
You should probably stay in your suburb forever
I only moved here recently but I've got to say nfld is the first place in Canada I've seen that had a distinguishable culture and the people don't have each other
Legit question, why did you go to one of the worst universities in Canada?
>If I go into the forest I'll be eaten by a bear or raped by a serial killer
This literally happens all the time.
I know you're just replying to ump your own thread but I can't help but feel like you're actually afraid of the woods
why does this scare you so?
Very large demand for CS majors in St John's and tuition is only $2,500 per year.
I don't believe the cause is paranormal obviously.
Forest Spics killed them because the walked into their drug operation.
Mystery solved.
Canada used to be better about 20 years ago and it's been on a nonstop downward trajectory since. If you hate it now it'll only get more shit in the future by all indications. Unironically try to move to the UK or something a lot of my peers fro hs(mostly women) have been moving to London over the past 3-5 years.
lmao this is some wild shitposting bud. only chinks and niggers are afraid of the forest even your odd pajeet can be coaxed out there.
Getting eaten by insects after walking for 2 mins innawoods.
Any man who allows insects to preclude his presence from his own nature is an abject coward and only thrives by the life support of modernity.
I literally cover my skin so it's shining like oil and they still swell up huge spots of your body from their bites. You talk like a larger fag that's never walked a trail in your life lol the childish optimism emanating from your posts
With DEET spray for insects.