What is he doing?

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Trump isn't qualified to own firearms

>What is he doing?
He is giving a lot of respect to the IRA

Political pandering

OH, I dunno Trump, how about dumping and cleaning up the FBI so the next time they get tips about a shooter (aka Parkland etc) they actually DO something instead of letting it happen.

Making more legislation when the real problem is THE FUCKING GOV. AGENCIES that not only ignore tips, but train, encourage and HELP mentally fragile people to commit crimes....fuck the gov.

"I am the biggest Second amendment guy hurr durr" This is what he said when he wanted votes in the fall of 2016.
He's cucking on the 2d amendment again, what does it look like he's doing?
Ignore what he says, watch what he does.

Seems like posturing to look like he's doing something while everyone is all uppity about mass shootings. As far as I'm aware, the US firearm purchase background check does look in to mental illness and may issue a denial if the applicant has a history of violence or making threats of violence to self or others, has been involuntary committed to a mental facility in the past, etc.

jewish female psychiatrists VOTE on the definition of mental illness.

He was called mentally unstable for a year. What a retard

Muh guns muh guns muh guns

8d beer pong. Trust the plan!

if you care about the good and safety of our country you would build the wall, deport illegals, break up the MSM, and crack down on the 13%

Came here to post this.

He is bending his base over and anally penetrating.

Well aren't you guys geniuses. This is why I come here to pol, to get the highest level of political analysis on the web.

If mentally ill people are so dangerous, why the fuck do we allow inbred kikes in our government?

He’s luring the Dems into a trap because they don’t support a mental health database and that’ll stop this push.

I mean, take this how you want but we're not any worse than msm reporting

Lmao Americans actually thought they were going to delay the inevitable.
I fucking said this in 2016 when he rubbed shoulders with Clinton at AIPAC and completed with her to see how much Israeli dick they could shove down their fucking necks.

You don't get to win.
You don't get to change anything.
You WILL submit to your place as a nation under never-ending debt.
If voting could change that, it would be fucking outlawed.

Tread harder orange daddy

Being his usual, cowardly self.
Trump does not have a single actual opinion. He just does whatever seems popular. Right now, he doesn't know what that is, so he tries to say something to please everybody until polling data comes through.

1D Dreidel

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>penis breath detected

Everyone knows there's no diplomatic solution to the Fed question you dullard, that's mostly what we're hoping for.

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this and only this

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How many times will citizens fail to learn, or pretend to forget?

>I am the biggest 2A guy there is
>Under my leadership, the government is taking steps to restrict who can own arms.
>I am the biggest 2A guy there is
>The government should have a say in who owns firearms.

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Stay in denial, Yank. The purpose of the way of 1812 was never to win.
It was to cripple your economy to the piint that you had no choice but to accept the private banking charters you fought off in the 1770's.

You accepted them, and until 1913 a covert war was held over their control by real American heroes like Andrew Jackson (Who's head is now featured on federal reserve notes in eternal mocking laughter by the Fed at his efforts) against the Rothschilds and their ilk.
In 1913, they won. And youve been fattening them in boom/bust cycles while they fatten and you "scrimp and save". The very reason you fought the British to begin with.

And yet you all celebrate independence day, it fucking blows my mind.

>way of 1812
war, obviously

Losing votes

He's throwing away an easy win in 2020.

>And yet you all celebrate independence day, it fucking blows my mind.
amerimutts today worship the kike money, they are not the americans from 200 years ago.
>muh gdp
>muh economy

>take the guns first then due process
voting is a low iq test

He is taking guns away from his supporters.

>What is he doing
Asking the NRA if gun control is okay.
So nothing

What do you think he is doing?
>america first!
>drain the swamp!
lmao if this president doesn't redpill people on how dead our nation is, nothing will. Democracy is impotent against the globohomo jews who own everything.

Not getting re-elected