So many sides. So much info. Too much to grasp and formulate an opinion.
So many sides. So much info. Too much to grasp and formulate an opinion.
Lauren Southern is Jewish.
Yes it did, stop being in denial
Stick to topic please
Provide legitimate proofs then
And not Jewish/Soviet sources
speaking of jewish sources
Fuck you shitty OP I'll post whatever the fuck I want in your shitty thread. BTW I have never in my 10 years on this site ever seen anyone post such an original OP ever.
Also, Lauren Southern is Jewish.
If it was true it wouldn't take a global propaganda effort to keep people from questioning it.
how would it impact your life differently if it did or didn't happen? is there even any reason to have an opinion or have it take any mental space at all?
The holostory is as true as the claim Jews are just smart and good at economics
>US. Over 20 trillion in debt
Watch everything by Dean Irebodd
Specifically: “one third of the holocausr”
It didn't happen but I wish it will
millions of people did die in the slave labor camps, to typhus epidemic and starvation, even regardless any question of the legitimacy of 'the final solution' narrative. it was still mass murder - they were (largely) innocent, involuntarily imprisoned wards of the state. you don't get to lock someone in a cage and starve them to death then claim innocence. nazis were evil retards just like all other socialists.
history is mostly bunk in general. certainly nothing past living memory has any input on events presently unfolding. past wrongs against someone does not justify their own future wrongdoing.
No only two sides - the truth and the deniers who have all been shown to be wrong, or lying.
Yes there is a lot of information about it - but all the denier lies have been debunked.
I don’t get why people do it. Usually they do,it because they hate Jews - don’t they see that Holocaust denial gives more power to Jews?
If it didn't happen then everything whites have been told for the last century was wrong and intentionally designed to kill us off.
It's pretty obvious what'd happen if that came out.
It did happen
Given that it is jews who have been interested in the history, and so most research has been. Y Jews, this is a stupid demand.
Also it is stupid to suggest that all information from the major death camps has to be disallowed because they were liberated by the Soviets.
There were plenty of sources during the war that said what was happening - just read Goebbels diaries or Himmler speeches.
This. It happened, but the jews didnt get it any worse than the poles. One group just likes kvetching about it and playing the victim for shekels.
Yeah that massacre of Christians in Macedonia was a real holocaust (in the sense of the word in common use at the time) and all those other stories about the Russian Jews being persecuted... how many Jews lived in Russia? Oh that many... so what?
Because if it’s false then it’s the biggest lie ever told
You seem so sure of yourself, memeflag. You didn’t even cite proof, just spewed ad-hominem attacks.
It doesn’t.
It takes global propaganda effort to push the denial lies.
>just read Goebbels diaries or Himmler speeches.
Can you post them then
I have done my research. Do you want me to do your homework too?
Do some real serious reading, and then stop being an idiot.
All of those were for either the SS camp guards or were not in Auschwitz-II (where Jews were put). They were built in Auschwitz-I which had Poles and other non-jew prisoners who had better treatment.
It happened but don't forget the 100 milions of victims of ww2
>Also it is stupid to suggest that all information from the major death camps has to be disallowed because they were liberated by the Soviets.
The Soviets were not exactly truthful folk. You reek of kike.
It's a fucking lie.
Jews were put in workcamps because they were terrorizing germans, they were later to be sent to the middle east after the war.
During the war, jews died in the workcamps of typhus and starvation.
Ovens were used to burn dead bodies so typhus wouldn't spread to other inmates from the rotten corpse.
Zyklon-B was used to clean the camps and clothes from lice which carried typhus.
Chimnies where ''zyklon-b was dropped to kill people'' were built after the war.
Why do you think it's illegal to question it?
Jews to this day make money from the holocaust lie, they get payed holocaust reparations.
It's a fucking hoax.
Loaded question because the definition of holocaust
>Do you want me to do your homework too?
yes, because you haven’t provided any proof
Incinerators were not powered by gasoline.
They were starved to death in millions. Also shot in millions.
He didn’t buy Madagascar.
The figure of the dead is from census records. It is about 5.5 million
Auschwitz had six crematoria, with 52 oven openings, not just six little ovens.
The Germans used slaves to move the bodies. No ubermensch needed to do the dirty work.
Current Israeli gives actions do not prove that the Nazis were nice guys. Stupid argument. At best they show that human beings can be real bastards to each other, so the Holocaust is plausible
And no it can’t be placed on allied bombing - the letters from the labour ministry in January 41 begging them to stop starving the workers deliberately show that the policy of starvation was deliberate, and in place in 1940.
The fat man in Dachau was in 1938. Not at liberation.
This graphic is lies, stupidity and ignorance.
>facts are racist
Every single thing you say they don’t deny is regularly said on this board.
And you show no compassion for the victims.
This. OP is gay.
Images like this are reason why our opponents are winning the normies.
There is a marvellous new invention, you may not have heard of it, called a “search engine”. Lone is called “google” another “DuckDuckGo”
Do some work you lazy ignorant fool
Someone recommend me a good docco/movie about bolsheviks that isn't tainted in (((their))) favour please lads
Why are you posting the 1948 American almanac that clearly says it is using 1939 data because it has no updated data because of the war?
Of course they were not. But western historians have done a lot of work on this stuff, and the Soviets didn’t fake everything.
You reek of lazy ignorant shite.
>yes because I am a lazy little shitposter
Fixed that for you
Your picture is dumb because you dont know what the symbol is from or means
Those are the numbers of persons traced by the International Tracing Service
Not death totals for the camps.
Unfortunately liars twist facts and misrepresent them as other things.
It happened, but the death tolls were exaggerated.
Then 37000 Nazi scientists were deported to the US to give us Nukes, NASA, and Jow Forums
that pic is 100% correct
no one denied people died
buy a holocast is a full ethnic cleaning
which never happened.
the boom in jewish populations in the colonies after the war confirms what was said here.
there where more Christians killed during ww2 then any jew per capitor of population
you don't care about Christian victims at all
In fact at no time has apac or any other jewish convention ever mentioned it, almost like it doesn't exist to them.
so don't talk about compassion when you have no idea what that means.
>and the Soviets didn’t fake everything.
Sure they didn’t. I bet you also believe their lies about Katyn
Why are you hiding behind a meme flag, moshe?
Nice rebuttal
What the symbol is from and what does it mean?
here you go newfag.
Not a newfag, just need sources
> Not a newfag
Nice try, but go through that list, the Jews lie every time.
I’m likely older than you, mate. Been here since 2013.
Thanks for vid tho
Biggest habbening you saw first hand?
These three documentaries are very long, but they go through basically everything.
This should really be mandatory viewing for everyone
One third of the Holocaust
Last Days
The first video goes over some basic stuff about Auschwitz, and a lot of the flaws in the story.
It doesn't cover everything unfortunately. But I will try to summarize what it missed here:
>There is a different "gas chamber" facility at Auschwitz Berkinau, where the killing operation was supposedly moved after the prisoners found out about the first one. This one has lots of flaws, for example a large brick "chimney" that isn't connected to the building, and doesn't show up on any wartime photos. Clearly built by the Soviets after the war for propaganda reasons. In fact the museum staff admit that the entire facility is actually a Soviet reconstruction, which explains the non-airtight wooden doors, and doorway busted in the wall leading to a room with a large glass window. There's also clear markings on the floor where toilet facilities were. The excuse is that this room was converted into an air-raid shelter later, but Holocaust deniers say this room was never used as a gas chamber. It would be quite ridiculous after all, as it is located right nearby the SS headquarters, and trying to dump poison gas through the roof would spread it all over the street in the wind.
There are documentaries that go through all this, but I forget the names
The second video was made by the same guy who made the first (who is obviously some kind of industrial engineer).
In this video he goes through Raul Hilberg's book, and Arad's book, and starts digging into their sources and all the flaws in the story. These books are really where the Holocaust narrative comes from in the first place.
The third video goes into Witness testimony and Spielberg's award-winning movie.
Some other basic stuff that I should probably mention before you watch any of those documentaries.
>all of the camps liberated by the Americans had no "gas chambers" whatsoever (although they were initially claimed to)
>only the camps liberated by the Soviets supposedly had them, and Western inspectors were banned by the USSR
>the Red Cross was active in Auschwitz and other camps, and didn't report any kind of gassing operation
>the "gas chamber" story really began at Majdanek, which today has had it's death toll cut by 98% (documentary on that below)
(just a note, Eric Hunt recanted all of his holocaust beliefs, because he was facing major prison time after punching a holocaust survivor in the face)
>nobody today claims there were any jewish "soap bars" or "lampshades", all of this was just war propaganda
>most of the pictures of "skinny prisoners" come from Belzec, which had zero gas chambers. Allies had bombed the supply lines, and people there were starving to death
>the holocaust story really didn't become popular until the late 60's and 70's, when Hollywood got a hold of it, before this time almost nobody knew what it was. None of the historians of the time talked about it, and it isn't in Winston Churchill, FDR, or Eisenhower's autobiographies.
The holocaust was just 5 jewish trannies who died of erotic self asphyxiation.
Holocaust happened but no way 6 million died. Maybe 2 million, maybe less.
Yes, the Germans killed some Jews in retaliation for what they did to Christians in the USSR. However, the 6 million number is a bit exaggerated by about 5 million. So, in total Hitler killed about 1 million Jews, equalling a dradle full.
Nice try mossad...
Faith in all governments across the west would die immediately
The amount of money lost to kike reparations alone would start a war
Israel would die without western defenses
These kikes are scared
>high school holokike class
Take off the flag jew
It is a different material
Lol I’d help kill em
So was Bobby Fischer. Your point?
i don't understand your obsession with that particular disaster.
there have been worse genocides.
there have been more recent genocides.
why stay stuck in the past?
it's time to move on.
You lose that bet.
But then you are a loser in all ways aren’t you?
Look at it like this: if it actually happened and the evidence in favour of it is as overwhelming as these historians claim, then why is it illegal to question in so many countries? You won't get into trouble for questioning gravity or the idea of a heliocentric solar system
97% of Polish Jews killed.
The same number of Polish Jews as the number of Polish non Jews. Which was 7% of the non Jew population.
Both are war crimes. But about the 97% of Polish Jews genocide. Because you don’t care about human beings.
You may fuck off and go and learn some history and stop being a cunt
Why are you?
Didn’t rebut anything just told lies.
So many claims, so little citation
>implying Im going to listen to a meme flag
if that many polish jews were killed, how come there are jews all over America with polish names?
glownigger black sun/saturn worship thread
tell us how tarrant was an accelerationist
Cucked and bluepilled.
It did happen and it was awesome
this. poles will kvetch if you talk to them about the JQ
Your post gets half the history of the Polish ammunition bunker, then morgue and crematorium (which has a chimney in the wartime aerial photos - two different chimneys actually, then it was demolished when the bunker was made into an air raid shelter in 44. It was briefly used as an experimental gas chamber in 42, but they quick moved to the farmhouses, and then the new purpose built gas chambers at Birkenau. The reconstruction by the Soviets was lousy. Big deal.
But since hydrogen cyanide is lighter than air the venting of it is not a problem. It is also dose specific - you need a mi I I’m concentration for it to be harmful, so it is pretty immediately diluted in fresh air to non harmful levels. You should learn something about the physics chemistry and biology of it. (It isn’t like mustard gas or chlorine or sarin in that respect)