Looks like I’m going to be eating out a lot more

Looks like I’m going to be eating out a lot more

Attached: DED5BAE7-74FA-4288-B99A-6D66534550A4.jpg (1242x1679, 472K)

speaking of brands, is new balance /ourbrand/? I bought a pair and they fit me so well and are so incredibly comfy i ordered two more pairs of the same model, i hope my money is not going to fund the illegal occupation of palestine

All of these companies are own by jews, except for chickfila.

I am trying to get a job at McDonald's as a maintenance worker. Nice.

How do they support Don? Dont they virtue signal their degenerate faggotry and hate Trump?

they have jew blindness
it's a mental condition

oy vey, you cant boycott jew shit

>industry relies on cheap Mexican labor
>support "more illegals than any other president" Trump
Checks out

>they support Zion Donnie...must feast on fast food
Litterally the perfect American goyim

Attached: A3289F82-F605-4D95-8900-3F690B5241F7.jpg (1024x666, 86K)

I mean it's pretty simple, Republilcans lowered the tax on businesses. The funny part is Jow Forums supporting corporations being taxed less while citizens basically received nothing lol

Good point, someone needs to call him a Nazi anti semite for threatening to boycot only Israeli companies.

>citizens basically recieved nothing
Haha yeah just $1000 this year fucking breadcrumbs we should raise taxes

I could eat Chic-fil-A every single day.
So tasty.

True story:
My dog got bit by a copperhead
Was afraid he was going to die, vet saw him & said it didn't look good
On the way home from the vet, went thru Chic fil A drive-through for their nuggets
That dog came back to life like Lazarus in the Bible
Had been laying on the back seat and just kind of staring and drooling
Suddenly he turned into perky frisky dog again because of just smelling the Miracle Chicken

>same as last years

Soulless people. Have more respect for chinks than americans who worship corporatism. Look how OP and the twat in the image allow this shit to affect them.. SAD

Looks like unlimited bread sticks are back on the menu.

I'm eating Chic Fil A right now. I can never eat another chicken sandwich anywhere else anymore. So good desu

Aren't they the ones who used furry faggots in their advertising?

Can someone explain how any of these companies support Trump?

Besides chick fil a they are based and Christian. You guys should eat there as much as possible.

Lol what a fucking loser. Please kill yourself neet before you try to revolt when the machines replace you.

probably via donation from some parts of the companies, granted they're probably donating to a lot of dems too

I guess benefiting from the economy is pro Trump. The media, they're like Jews, they play all sides.

I honestly hate plebs that just get the chicken sandwich with pickles and bread. fuck is wrong with you. get the deluxe spicy with pepper jack that shit is so god damn good

Are New York Steamers from Firehouse based?

Troll more shill.