Who killed JFK Jow Forums?
Who killed JFK?
George H.W. Bush.
we can be sure it wasn't israel.
it was you and me
Why was he killed?
Who benefitted from it?
Who had the power to cover it up?
The driver. Shot him right in the face.
Ted Cruz's father
CIA by order of H.W.BUSH and the federal reserve (central bank)
The same people who did 9/11.
Same attack by big tech and intel aganecys also contorled attacks on trump today.
Trump doesn't run the country
the left does and they over ride your contiution daily and fuck you over daily
lie to you daily
esptein spent less then 3 days in jail from his crimes
let that sink in.
NO. mossad did that to keep America loyal to israel
lets just say that threats are the only reason for the surivial of isreal and the deepstate.
we are all under invesigation by the democrats because they want a threat to rally all leftwingers and by extension, all uninformed people to keep the NWO alive.
I can't say more.
Epstein isn’t in jail?
A communist backed by Russia
Well i guess we'll never know. Its getting late anons and im getting sleepy.
close, there’s a doco that was aired on the History Channel in 2017 in response to Trump releasing classified files into JFK’s assassination which pointed to this.
Why would you even mention Israel you paranoid psycho
>Kennedy refused to help Israel get nukes
>Bolshevik fetishist convinced by Bolsheviks to BTFO Kennedy
>Kennedy invited to Dallas by a Jew
>Oswald does as his masters bid
>Gets shot by Jack "Ruby" Rubinowitz
>Jews get their nukes
It wasnt Israel. Nobody better suggest it was Israel. It was NOT Israel. Nope. Israel did not murder JFK. Prove a motive, nobody can. Because it wasnt Israel.
a fellow man of wealth and taste I see
(((History channel)))
Normies = Jackie Kennedy
red pilled = CIA
Ascended mind = accidental shot by the Secret Service.
THE TRUTH= suicide
This you faggot OP
The eternal victims
Haha so fast to make an ad hominem character attach. "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."
Lee Harvey Oswald was a (((Marxist))) with a Russian wife.
Jack Leon Ruby (((born Jacob Leon Rubenstein))) parents were Orthodox Jews from Sokołów. [go read wikipedia].
Some might say... Sloppy Job Mossad.
Op 40 / op mongoose / zr rifle -same dudes messing around in Cuba. Some of the same Watergate guys.
Now get outta here and go back to Epstein. This is distraction.
There was a book that covered the different possibilities, I’ll have to find out what it was called.
Possibility 1: Israel as JFK was going to block Diamona nuclear plant and ban AIPAC.
Possibility 2: Federal reserve was after him for wanting to shut it down.
Possibility 3: I think one premise was that he was targeted by Jews for supporting Algerian Independence. The thought was the Algerian Jews would be killed if the French were kicked out of Algeria.
Possibility 4: The Unions wanted him dead for turning his back on them. I believe the Kennedys used Unions to move up the Democratic Party hierarchy.
Possibility 5: CIA wanted him dead for the failed Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba.
Book might be “Final Judgement” but I can’t remember.
RFK killed him, the Irish love killing each other
6. based lone wolf phycho takes a shot at potus
Why would the Jews do it over Nukes if nukes didn't exist?
Conflicting conspiracy theories.
I can't I don't remeber the user
it is bitchute user and I don't trust the source.
Its not about nukes, it was about organized crime crack downs
namely ((them))
Who is this ben garrison guy and why is he such an anti semite?? He cant keep getting away with this.
have a think anons what does organized crime have to do with the CIA and the Central Bank?
Zionist rats
now connect with
2008 crash
Transgender movement
Great Israel
Weapon sales to the ME
Golan highets
third temple
LIfe extentions
who wants contorl
why are they ((global))
Why do they silence decent?
what is the UN
what is the FREE market
who controls are stock market
Why is no-one going to jail?
Its all connected.
Outcome is very scary
I don't know who was exactly but I know the jews were definitely involved
Can’t you just tell me?