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Why are they so angry?
Camden Torres
Kayden Ward
we arent. delete this T-T
Brayden Hill
Camden Green
this is our minister of defence.
you really wanna fuck with us ?
Cameron Johnson
German women in ironically look like men, they generally have more square jaws and larger builds
Hunter Myers
Isaac Perez
They got little jew dicks
Asher Diaz
show your flag
Kayden Walker
unironically the autism
Caleb Jenkins
i think shes of french descent topkek
Blake Bell
lets just admit that both of you are inferior people
Robert Myers
She is from the Saarland, so she is probably more french than german lol
Ian Foster
She doesn't look remotely French, that's not what Celt women look like
Tall face, weird hair, blue eyes, square jaw, she's German stop coping
Blake Brown
Probably to do with the two world wars they lost kek
Matthew Torres
Are you feeling like you won anything Anglo lol?
How's your country doing
Aaron Martinez
It's cultural. Germans are arrogant as fuck and can't accept that others can be better than them. Literally they do not understand and cannot comprehend other countries simply being better than Germany and when a country doesn't do what Germany does, they become confused and angry.
Josiah Lopez
Didn't himler say japanese culture society and civilization was superior to the German one after visiting, and hitler said Paris was the most beautiful city in the world?
Nathan Nelson
That's rich coming from someone whose country didn't even manage to defeat Africans 80 years ago
Lincoln Hall
Oh fuck off kike
Matthew Rogers
Frogs are feeling salty today! Relax deGaulle
Christian Ward
The reality is Germany is superior to the rest of Western Europe, & Britain & France couldn't allow that. However Germany doesn't do democracy well & has been suicidal ever since they lost the monarchy and a vigorous Christianity.
Thomas Sanchez
The Germany threat really attracts you like a fly, Anglo rat, doesnt it?
Tyler Cox
Well if you put it like that.... yes i do time to transform ''Germany'' into leefruimte for my people.
Hunter Long
I would generally agree with you but the fact that you come from the country where men are like women I cannot take you seriously.