Why are white people chimping out so hard lately?

Why are white people chimping out so hard lately?

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lol, wally worlds been gay as fuck since 1994 anyways when his kike kids took over the business

That's just another day in florida

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That's not a cash register

It’s a nigger cash register.

He's black though.

i want an american walmart frenzy tv show

Self fulfilling prophecy. You have everyone from congress women and mass media demonizing white people now.


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You act as though this shit is new. Have you memory holed "People of Walmart" Society always has those on the fringe. The time you see them are when you both need something you cant do yourself. Like getting food, going to the hospital, or the DMV.

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That guy looks sober

I don't know. I'm more curious about why Epstein threads are being slid so damn hard.

When you got nothing to lose, you lose it.

Did they x-ray his teeth after they arrested him?

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>florida man
thats all you had to say.


the bitch on the left and aniston looks like they took HGH or something, fucking bogdanoffs lmao

Because crackers are subhuman monkeys

violent white nationalism is the natural conclusion of a traitorous government forcing its majority ethnic population into becoming a minority population in their own nation as they plead in futility with their government to put a stop to it, while historical monuments dedicated to their history and ancestors are torn down and destroyed. on top of this, the media constantly and consistently gives only one side of the story when it comes to racial conflict, disparaging whites as uniquely evil for expressing ethnic and racial self interest, while ignoring non-whites who blatantly do the same thing.

Oh Floridaman, you crazy wild man, you!

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Just an average day there.



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How quickly they forget that Walmart was always the only place where it was acceptable to shit your pants. They just added guns to drive home the point.

More true than you can imagine. The first time I visited Florida I got pozzed something awful.

just floridaman things

>literally had to click away from the vid you linked.

Get better taste.

>mutilate white men
>replace them in their countries
>spit on and discriminate against them in college, school and work
>only group that can't legally organize
>women given preference in every aspect over them

Gee I wonder why whites are angry

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You also have to force them to push their legs together while encouraging their slut sisters to spread legs apart.

>only group that can't legally organize

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Yes. Try making a white only group, hoa , neighborhood , anything.

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Based, fuck america(ns) but this story sounds very kino.

I was just referring to American Renaissance, which they ignore for the most part because it makes them look like fools, I guess. youtube.com/watch?v=teps-td0nnY

where did this homeless nigger get a golf cart

The only bad part about AR is his insistence on calling jews white and going out of his way to make them seem better than they are. Its kind of absurd.

I guess its a boomer thing. They refuse to see the based Semites for what they are. My parents are the same.


At the risk of sounding like an apologist, I wonder how much he looks at it in terms of cost-benefit, for example he's still on jewtube while those who called (((them))) out like Varg (implicitly) and Brother Nathanael (explicitly), have been kicked off. At least he mentioned that the "Ashkenazim" have the highest average IQ, which puts them in a separate group from "Europeans" I guess.

Pushing the Jew IQ myth is bad in of itself. People actually use that as justification for all they have done, meanwhile asians, who actually do have higher IQs, are nowhere near them.

Its habbening

Does IQ really make that big a difference? We got into outer space (Soviets) and then onto the Moon (Americans) because of the Germans, whose average IQ is lower than the Asians. Meanwhile, Israel tried to land on the Moon recently and crashed into it. A high IQ helps you solve puzzles quickly so you can pack stuff together super efficiently, but it's no substitute for your entire worldview, character, ethics, how you live day-to-day... those things are what make a people.

This is just normal shit reported like it is abnormal.
Terrorizing customers means more that he was annoying them

But to respond to your point more directly, I assume he based it on some sort of study, and the context was something like
>Europeans have higher IQs than Sub-Saharan Africans
>But Asians have higher IQs than Europeans, and Ashkenazi Jews have the highest

Because fuck it, it's clown world. Been this way for a long time. It just looks weird when white people give up and join in.

This may shock you, but I think he stole it.

Walmart is a proxy for a public space in Boomer land. When people want to make some kind of idiot statement, they do there.

I think you really have to look at the specifics of an IQ test and where races differ. For instance the black white distance isnt even doing the real gap justice because on g loaded tasks blacks are even worse. But I do think it means a lot. Especially g loaded tests.

I'm sure he does it to soften the blow but I'd prefer only mention of asian scores and not jews. If I recall Richard Lynn, whos data is the most used to support the Jew iq myth, expressed regret at how incomplete it was. Saying his sample wasnt large enough among other things.

It's happening.

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I see your point. In the end, I think he chose the position of being pro-European, not anti-(anything), avoiding the JQ, with the idea being that all of the evil would come out of the woodwork and expose itself for us. His positions are so mild, e.g. Europeans should have a homeland just like the Japanese, and he's so disciplined, even posting an old photo of David Duke in a Nazi uniform, that I'm sure (((they))) don't know quite what to do with him. I just hope he makes it back to Japan if things go south here bigly.

>so no one told you life was gonna be this way.jpg

Part of me wants to go to japland myself.

Florida Man is not a white person. He is an idea. An idea of a future that must be realized for the sake of drug addicts and hopeless 64 IQ retards everywhere.

Japan & co. feel... safe somehow. Perhaps better to be a guest than a persecuted host.

No he doesn't.


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Our time of appeasement is coming to an end. You will all soon witnesses the power of fully functional white autism.

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That's not chimping out, pic related is.

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However, Ashkenazim don not have the highest IQs. Jared Taylor just has the pre-1965 outlook where white was preferable to other kinds, and there was no recognition of the Jewish Question. He's an outed racist, but still a Boomer.

Weird, HEKejf7m deleted all of his posts (or they were deleted)...

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and after everything that has happened, their strategy to solve the "white people problem" is to DOUBLE DOWN on their anti-white rhetoric. at this point, a lot of white people are saying, "fuck it" and are getting ready for a civil war.

never mind. it's just a nigger driving a golf cart.


>Shopping at walmart

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